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5 Key Development Areas for Success in Life

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Why do some people seem to live from success to success and others barely move forward in their lives? Luck? Genetics? Destiny? Reframe your concept on how to be successful and discover 5 areas in which you can develop to achieve it.

We all would like to be successful in life. However, not everyone succeeds. While some people seem to get one success after another, others barely manage to get ahead.

They have ideas, but they never execute them.

They set goals, but never achieve them.

They have dreams, but they never reach them.

And at some point in their lives they succumb to the idea that they probably don't have the conditions it takes to be successful like certain other people. Others do not have many aspirations in life and are satisfied with what they have. They simply do not perceive the need or the possibility to excel and achieve more in life. And there is never a shortage of those who believe that success has a significant ingredient of luck and that it just wasn't their turn.

What then is the secret to success?

Can everyone be successful or is it a destination reserved for just a few?

What difference is there between one successful person and the others?

First of all, success is not an accident nor is it luck. When we see a successful person, many times we are unaware of their struggles, their failures and the hard work that led them to the place where everyone admires and applauds them. Instead of nurturing romantic notions about her successes, we should always keep in mind that this person certainly experienced moments in which "blood, sweat and tears" prevailed over any compensation, whether monetary or otherwise.

The parable of the talents

In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25: 14-30) the story is told of a lord (God) who distributes talents to his servants (men) and then goes away. After many years he returns to evaluate the performance of his servants. The interesting thing is that he does not distribute the same amount of talents to all servants.

One receives 5, another receives 2, and another receives only one talent, according to their abilities. However, it is clear that the Lord expects everyone to multiply their talents, regardless of the number they have received. At the end of the story he recognizes the performance of faithful servants alike and is angry with the one who did not increase his talent.

We can learn a lot from this story:

# 1 First of all, God has left no one empty-handed to develop and increase in life. We all have at least one talent with which we have a chance to prosper.

# 2 Second, developing our talent (s) is not an option, it is a responsibility. We are all called to increase what God has given us, not only for our own benefit, but to contribute to our community.

# 3 Third, not everyone has the same purpose on earth. Some have greater responsibilities than others, because they have the call to influence more lives. These people usually become more public people and are the ones we label as successful people, because the media stereotypes them as such.

Now that we know that we can not only be successful in our lives, but that it is our responsibility to increase in all areas of our lives, I want to teach you 5 areas in which you have to develop more in order to successfully multiply that talent or talents that God has given you:

People who succeed in life have developed in at least 5 important areas:

1. Psychological area:

Without a doubt it is the most important, since the mind is the one that ultimately decides between success and failure. If you want to be successful in life, you have to learn to master the negative thoughts that invade your mind daily. If you want things to change in your outer life, they must first change internally. You have to be able to see yourself as a person of success, not failure. Program your mint for success and success will come.

2. Physiological area:

Successful people have a higher level of energy than others. They are not necessarily sports people, but they know how to take care of their body to perform at their best during their day. Thus they manage to stay alert to see opportunities that others overlook. They do not get tired or fall asleep, as they worry about their diet, their hours of rest and exercise regularly.

3. Production area:

Successful people are more productive. For many, being more productive means increasing the amount of work. However, the greatest productivity of a successful person does not lie in the fact that they work twice as hard as the others, but that they manage their 24 hours a day differently. They don't necessarily work harder, but they are more efficient at what they do. They organize themselves, they dedicate themselves to what they know how to do well and they delegate the rest.

4. Area of ​​influence:

We all have a certain circle of influence. Our actions always influence the lives of others to a greater or lesser degree. People who succeed in life are aware that their success depends on their ability to influence and persuade the people around them in favor of their ideas and projects.

5. Sense of purpose:

Underlying all of the above areas is a strong sense of purpose that literally propels the successful person forward.

He has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve and his aspirations usually go beyond merely financial remuneration. He carries out his daily work with passion, since he has a great dream in his heart.

5 Key Development Areas for Success in Life