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5 Secrets to make the law of attraction work


In this article you will find the formula to make the law of attraction really effective.

Lately the law of attraction has become very fashionable with the movie The Secret, and many of us have tried to apply it, with better or worse results. The truth is that it works, only that in many places they do not explain well how to do it.

Here are 5 very important secrets for you to do it the right way and it works for you:

1.- Know exactly what I want and focus on it, making an action plan and executing it.

It is very important to know exactly what it is that you want, and when I say exactly, it is because you must define it in as many details as possible. For example: I want a luxury sports car. The correct statement should be: I have a red, two-seater luxury sports car, with the leather-trimmed armchairs, with x horses, x brand etc… It is very important to have as many details as possible in order to visualize it and feel, that it is in the present as if we already had it in this moment and feel what we would feel at the wheel of the two-seater. Then an action plan is designed that takes you to the object of your desires and that plan is executed.

2.- Be aware of the good that you have now, right now. Enjoy it every day, while you are on your way to your dreams, without despairing of arriving to be happy. Enjoy the road.

In order to emit positive feelings and thoughts more easily, it is important that you are aware of all the good that you already have at this very moment, such as: a job, a house, a bed to sleep, a couple, being able to eat every day, being able to enjoy your hobbies everything you already have for which you can feel grateful and focus on enjoying it. It would be very useful to make a list of all these things, and if they are things that also make you excited and you can enjoy today, the better.

3.- Living without fear, the worst that can happen is never as bad as you think, you can always manage it and it will serve as learning. It is also about living the day to day, not the bad that can happen and has not yet happened.

This is also key to having positive feelings, fear is a negative feeling that although it serves as a defense, but you give it more power than it really deserves. The worst that can happen to you is never as bad as you think and can always be overcome. In fact, how many negative experiences of your life afterwards with the perspective of time have come to nothing. In addition you always have the possibility to start over and continue to pursue your goals, the only failure is abandonment.

4.- Take care of yourself: you physicist, your environment, your spirit.

You are the most important thing in the universe, and as such you must take care of yourself and pamper yourself. This will directly affect your mood, giving more power to the law of attraction. Take care of yourself physically, do the things you like, take care of your surroundings to make it more pleasant. If you see this as selfishness, I ask you, how are you going to give what you don't have?

5.- Always think positively, taking the positive side even out of events that you don't like because they always serve as learning. When something does not go as you expect, it is almost always because that was necessary to achieve your goals, even if it does not seem so at first.

This is something very useful and I always put it into practice. You are human and it is normal that there are circumstances that hurt you, but always try to learn from each new situation and think that what has happened was something necessary to achieve your goals will help you. Has not a misfortune ever happened to you, and then with the passage of time and observing new events, thanks to that misfortune things happened that were worth it? That is, the apparent misfortune became a blessing. Sometimes negative events are the seed of something good that is to come and this is how you should see them. Attitude is the key word.

These five secrets will help you to be happy despite the circumstances and to take charge of your life. This is going to make you attract everything you want into your life. If you don't believe me, you can do the test yourself, and if you want then tell me.

5 Secrets to make the law of attraction work