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50 Assumptions about the crisis. dedicated to spain


Dedicated to the 1.5 million political entrepreneurs, freelancers, or business professionals that Spain needs to get out of the crisis, and that despite their difficult circumstances, they work with honesty, imagination, and courage.

(The order is random. However, the wrong assumptions are consistent with each other, just as the correct ones are. The ideal is to interpret the set better than each one individually.)

1.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"A President, a Director or a Chief can direct a company, a factory, a process, a political party or even the Government Cabinet."

Correct assumption !!:

“A President, a Director or a Chief only directs people. Either he elevates his spirit, he respects his dignity and improves his behavior, or he does not direct anything at all. ”

2.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Not my problem. The one that comes back that arre ”.

Correct assumption !!:

"Yes it is my problem and I take charge."

3.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Everything is relative. I do not compromise. Each one does what he wants ”.

Correct assumption !!:

"I have principles. I do what I must. I keep my word".

4.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Teamwork requires dialogue, consensus and tolerance."

Correct assumption !!:

"Teamwork requires self-discipline, responsibility, effort and commitment to results."

5- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"They don't pay me to think."

Correct assumption !!:

"They pay me to think."

6.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Information is power".

Correct assumption !!:

"Information is responsibility."

7.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"I am smart and the others are stupid."

Correct assumption !!:

"I respect myself and others."

8.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“I am a popular and charismatic leader. I have a lot of followers. ”

Correct assumption !!:

“I give an example. I work with honesty, imagination and courage ”.

9.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"I want an easy job and make a lot of money."

Correct assumption !!:

"I want a challenging job to contribute."

10.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The key to overcoming the crisis lies in the skills: Results orientation, teamwork, communication, common goal, sense of urgency, and the like."

Correct assumption !!:

“The key to overcoming the crisis is in habits. Skill is the ability to put intelligence into play to know how to do something. Habit the ability to bring into play the will to want to do something. Skills are technical. Habits is culture ”.

11.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"I act to feel good."

Correct assumption !!:

"I act well no matter how I feel."

12.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Being practical and realistic, I speak the truth and I am objective since things are as they are."

Correct assumption !!:

"I say what I believe and I may be wrong, since I do not see things as they are, but as I am."

13.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“Each employee is a cost center. They are all the same".

Correct assumption !!:

“Every employee must be an opportunity. They are all different. And the key to success lies precisely in knowing, appreciating and accentuating those differences ”.

14- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"I am the last monkey here."

Correct assumption !!:

"My work is valuable and appreciable."

15.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Professionals are paid to work and keep order."

Correct assumption !!:

"Professionals are paid to contribute, change, and achieve results."

16.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“The organization and the results are good; no changes are necessary ”.

Correct assumption !!:

"Because the organization and results are good, now is when the changes are needed."

17.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The information I need to work is on the computer screen, the internet, accounting, reporting and trends."

Correct assumption !!:

"The information I need to work is what is on the line of direct contact with customers, the product and the service."

18.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“The crisis will be overcome through effort. You have to work and sell more! ”.

Correct assumption !!:

“The crisis will be overcome by internalizing new benchmarks.

The current ones no longer work. You have to work and sell better ”.

19.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“I go with my tongue out all day. I have a time management problem. "

Correct assumption !!:

“I go with my tongue out all day. I have a leadership problem (or more likely: the whole company has it) ”.

20.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"I act fairly cautiously. I'm hardly ever wrong. "

Correct assumption !!:

"It could be acting wrong. Too cautiously. "

21.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"I am so".

Correct assumption !!:

"I want to act like this."

22.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The strategy has to be highly analyzed and be precise and exact."

Correct assumption !!:

“Only the very simple works. The strategy has to be clear and understood by everyone. "

23.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The authority, you have to command. To tell the other what to do. "

Correct assumption !!:

"The authority, is had to obtain that the other wants to act well. Anyone who has authority, has it above all to educate ”.

24- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"He is a good Director because his economic results are good."

Correct assumption !!:

"He is a good Director because in addition to his economic results being good, his behavior is good."

25.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Sometimes the customer is meaningless."

Correct assumption !!:

"Sometimes I don't understand the customer."

26.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"You have to increase the effort."

Correct assumption !!:

"You have to increase productivity. In the final analysis it is the most pressing problem in all of national politics. But "productivity" is a term that is not part of our culture, and belittled by trade unions and left-wing politicians ").

27.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The purpose of the company is to get a few to earn money (maximize profit for shareholders)."

Correct assumption !!:

"The purpose of the company is to make everyone earn money (maximize the added value that is made up of dividends, salaries, social security, taxes, interests, rents, amortizations, reserves and aid)."

28.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"A good collaborator is one who does what he is told perfectly."

Correct assumption !!:

"A good collaborator is one who takes responsibility and directs himself well."

29.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“I am a really competent, intelligent and capable guy. They don't appreciate what I'm worth. "

Correct assumption !!:

“My self-esteem is good, but so must my self-criticism. I must have more respect for others, listen better, plan myself well and be a little more humble ”.

30.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“The clients I know are the good ones. I have been working with them for 10 years. ”

Correct assumption !!:

"That argument is just the reason why those customers are no longer the good ones."

31.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Customer service is first and foremost a matter of quality standards."

Correct assumption !!:

"Customer service is first and foremost a matter of friendliness."

32.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“We are all the same. We need a plan for equality. "

Correct assumption !!:

“We are all different. Radically different. Where everyone thinks alike, no one thinks much. The plan that could be needed is for inequality. ”

33.-Erroneous assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Employee behavior depends on how the manager organizes them, on the processes and policies that they establish."

Correct assumption !!:

“The behavior of the employees depends mainly on the behavior of the director. It is a personal matter. Behavior generates behavior ”.

34.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The company is above all an economic organization to work in the markets, earn money and pull the car from all over the country."

Correct assumption !!:

"The company is above all an" anthropological "organization to work in the markets," make "money and pull the car from all over the country.

35- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"An excellent organization is one that is limited to knowing how to make the products and provide the services proper to its function."

Correct assumption !!:

"An excellent organization is one that knows how to make the products, provide the services proper to its function, and also knows how to do many other things well."

36.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The factors of production are land, capital and labor."

Correct assumption !!:

“Currently the fundamental factor of production is knowledge. It resides in the head of the employees. It is not owned by the shareholders. And it is not accounted for in the company's assets ”.

37.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The worker must work like a machine."

Correct assumption !!:

“A machine transmits power, supports pressure, is constant, non-conflictive, predictable, measurable, repairable and replaceable. On the other hand, a person can become irritated, tired, confused, exhausted, and suffer; You can even regret and even blame yourself. But she can also intuit, contribute, imagine, innovate and surpass herself, which she must do. The machines are all the same; technology repeats. People are different and each one is capable of making a sensational and genuine contribution. ”

38.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"On a problem we must all give our opinion to find the solution. We are all the same ”.

Correct assumption !!:

“The expert must comment on a problem. If his opinion is mixed with that of the inexperienced and does not know theory, in the end we have a mess. "

39.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Efficiency is a matter of knowledge, effort, technology, experience and intelligence."

Correct assumption !!:

“Effectiveness, in principle, is not a question of any of those 5 things. It is a matter of habits. It is true that success is a matter of habit ”.

40.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Success consists of achieving the objectives."

Correct assumption !!:

"Success is a state of mind that is self-perfecting (and includes achieving goals)."

41.-Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The Director is above all to organize the others so that the organization works."

Correct assumption !!:

"The Director is above all to be the spirit of the organization and the voice of his conscience (to which one must know how to give concrete content), so that productivity multiplies and the organization works." (In that case, organizing those who depend on it is relatively easy and secondary).

42.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“An organization, institution or even a nation sometimes has to face a crisis. Overcoming that difficult challenge is a matter of knowledge, technologies, organization, money, credits, legislation. "

Correct assumption !!:

"The above is false. An organization, institution or even a nation sometimes has to face a crisis. Overcoming this difficult challenge is above all a matter of spirit. Not in the purely religious sense, which is not excluded, but also in the sense of self-awareness, personal self-improvement, cultural change, or whatever you want to call it, which causes an internalization and an energy transfer from the external to the internal plane to create growth and give an effective response. Believing that the problem is outside of us, in Europe, or in the lack of something, of ICT, or somewhere, leads us directly to failure ”.

43.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Top managers, who really occupy the most devilishly difficult and therefore most insecure jobs, need assurances of all kinds."

Correct assumption !!:

“Indeed they need them; but they are assurances that they have to find positively in themselves, their own leadership, self-control, self-development and honesty. There are those who look for them negatively in the shield of the contract, in a golden parachute and in other privileges. For example, if a director ensures an annual remuneration, including shares, of half a million euros or more, there is no one who believes that he may be interested in the responsibility, behavior, teamwork, commitment, service or personal quality of the employees. It is probable that such a manager will be a drag on the evolution of the company ”.

44- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The welfare state is a paradise where everything is a continuous revelry and nobody has to work." (It is the main assumption of Spanish-style socialism. French or Central European socialism is different).

Correct assumption !!:

“In this world, in order to achieve the welfare state, suppress unemployment and above all reduce inequalities, everyone must work to increase productivity. Acting Robin Hood-style by taking money from the rich to give it to the poor is entirely logical; but in practice, a lot of accumulated experience indicates that it does not work ”.

45.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"The crisis is motivated by subprime mortgages, the construction crisis, indebtedness, lack of credits…"

Correct assumption !!:

“Those reasons may be the triggers. But the real crisis, in our case, is motivated by the legislation created by Spanish socialism that has not respected the dignity of the person, and has caused a cultural sweep that has left us fearful. He's put us all to work like the one in a quarry pounding gravel with a mallet. They have forgotten the nature of the person, natural law and old-fashioned ethics, which is what continues to function. ”

46.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“In Spain there are approximately 17.3 million active people. The problem is in the 5 million unemployed ”.

Correct assumption !!:

"The problem in Spain is in the 17.3 million active people who work at medium gas, reluctantly and discouraged. That machine, which pulls with little force, poor productivity and drags a large covert strike, is the real problem; which in turn is a consequence of the attitude of the political leaders ”.

47.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

“Here we are all equally good. What do I say good, we are all equally great! ”.

Correct assumption !!:

"Equality is one of the most devastating and impoverishing assumptions that socialism has managed to sneak into the Spanish: In any type of effective organization, we are all subject to the discipline of evaluation. We know the results that each one obtains and what they are capable of and what they are not; their successes and failures. Especially from top managers. On the contrary, any walled and opaque organization is an inadmissible burden. " (For example, not only are universities almost all “alike”; worse, the vast majority of university students are, too. Young people have little idea how interesting and fun it is to do excellent and difficult work. that contributes to social improvement).

48.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Employees need a secure job, the CPI rises, and another set of guarantees."

Correct assumption !!:

“The employee must be clearly spoken: today, 2011, neither job security, salary increases, nor seniority can be guaranteed. But they must be assured of their training, good leadership, respect, responsibility and a good opportunity for development. Security should only be our elders, sick and disinherited of fortune. I better reserve what I think about our unions. ”

49.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Politicians must act to resolve the crisis."

Correct assumption !!:

"Politicians can hardly do anything, directly, to resolve the crisis. Nor can the IBEX 35 companies do almost nothing, which I do not know if they are a good example. The crisis can only be solved by the 1.5 million companies in Spain, if the conditions are created for them to dare to pull the car, because they are wanting it ”.

50.- Wrong assumption that maintains the crisis:

"Politicians can do nothing to resolve the crisis."

Correct assumption !!:

"Politicians directly can effectively do little, except patch a little, and badly, varying taxes, public spending, monetary policy and international agreements. Where politicians can do a lot and achieve great results is indirectly, setting an example, respecting the dignity of the people, acting with honesty, great austerity, and legislating accordingly. It is all they can do; and it is a lot. It would convulse us. In fact, it is the most important and urgent thing to do to resolve the crisis. ” (Note that basically "crisis" is "crisis of authority").

50 Assumptions about the crisis. dedicated to spain