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6 Keys to take the first step and get out of your stagnation

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At some point we all have felt that we are paralyzed because we do not know what to do; Or what is worse, we do know, but there is something within us that prevents us from taking that first step. Certainly, at that point the easiest thing is to do nothing, however, that is a dangerous posture since, things will not happen unless you make them happen, remember that the only thing that falls from the sky is the rain!

If we are not satisfied with some or several areas of our life, that is the unequivocal signal that we must do something, that is, the time has come to act. But taking that first step is one of the most difficult things there is. That is why we are staying in the comfort zone in which although we are not happy, at least we are protected since we do not expose ourselves.

When we are truly committed to taking charge of our lives and taking action to achieve the results we want, it is vitally important that we achieve self-motivation and empowerment in order to gain the strength and focus necessary to dare to take the first step that It will lead us to achieve the change we need. That is why today I bring you some recommendations that will help you get out of that stagnation you are in.

Ready? Here I share these 6 keys that will give you the strength and focus you need to dare to take the first step that will take you where you want.

Key 1 - Identify your fear:

Search inside yourself what you are avoiding, are you avoiding rejection? Are you avoiding making a fool of yourself? Are you avoiding doing something for fear that it won't be enough? Are you avoiding failure? What are you avoiding is going through that feeling of "stupidity" that invades us when we do something without knowing how to do it? Ask yourself: What is this really about? What am I protecting myself from? You may not know it, but the first step to overcome a fear is to identify it!

Key 2 - Think about the consequences of not taking action:

Put yourself in that situation that you are living and that has you frustrated or dissatisfied and give yourself permission to feel the sadness or pain that this generates for you, live that emotion that is doing so much damage to you and ask yourself: If I don't do something by Regarding how am I going to be 1 year from now? How am I going to be in 5 years?

Key 3 - Ask yourself what would be the first step you can take:

You just need that, a first step to get started… And I promise it doesn't have to be a big step, it just has to be "the first step", once you take it, you will start to have the momentum you need to keep moving forward. Come on, dare! There is much more to gain than to lose.

Key 4 - Don't wait to see the complete path to start:

Be content with knowing that the next subway on the road is there even if you don't see it. Just as when we travel in a car at night and the lights of the same only let us see a few meters from the road, we keep rolling because we know that the road is there and that although we do not see it completely, it will continue to appear as we go.

Key 5 - Avoid mental noises:

Stop thinking about But what if….? In life you have to risk to win. If you make a mistake nothing happens, finally making a mistake is a right that all human beings have. Were you wrong learn, correct and move on….. I don't know the first chef who hasn't burned, nor the first gymnast who hasn't fallen !!!

Key 6 - Seek support from someone:

Walking the path accompanied by someone who supports you and propels you makes it much shorter and more fun. The best investment you can make is the one you make in yourself, so the ideal is for you to seek the help of a professional who will guide you and accompany you in the process. If after you have exhausted all the real resources you cannot hire a coach or mentor, then it is extremely important that you choose someone you trust to guide you, preferably someone who already has the results you are looking for.

As you can see, feeling fear is normal, exactly the same thing happens to all of us, so I want you to be aware from now on that you are not the only person in the world afraid to start doing something… or rather, afraid to fail. Think the following, successful people have also felt fear, the difference is that they did not stop for him, but on the contrary, they learned to know him in such a way that they made him their "friend" and thus walked the path that brought them as far as they are. Your case is no different, you can also do it!

An extra push - It's just moments!

Just because you are not happy with your life now does not mean it should be like this forever. Remember that life is full of moments, some happy, others not so much, but in the end they are just that, moments. The opportunities are always there even if you don't see them. Not because you don't see the sun on a cloudy day does it mean that he is not there, learn to look behind the clouds. Let's go! Dare to take the first step, only you can do something for yourself… and for your life!

6 Keys to take the first step and get out of your stagnation