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6 Things you should know before starting your own business


Do you consider yourself an enterprising woman? Are you thinking of becoming independent and starting your own business? Maybe you are very excited and you are dreaming of the freedom of being your own boss, the flexibility of schedules and being able to have more time for yourself and your family. Or with the economic freedom that you think it will mean.

I have received many messages from women like you who have an idea in mind and would like to put it into practice, or who do not know very well what they want to do but are clear that they want to have their own business and work on their own; or even that they are clear about both but do not know where to start. But I also receive messages from women with financial problems who believe that setting up their own business will solve everything. Before taking that step I want you to be clear about a few things (not all good, I anticipate):

1. A business is not a magic pill. You probably already know this, but I confirm it, setting up a business is not an easy journey. A very high percentage of new companies go bankrupt in the first 5 years. It is not easy and I want you to keep it in mind, it is not a magic pill to get out of your current state. So think carefully about your motivation, the reason why you want to start your business. If it's because you want fast money or because your current job bores you and you don't know what to do, it may not be the best option for you. (If you are doubting I recommend the book "The black book of the entrepreneur" by Fernando Trias de Bes).

2. You will not generate profits immediately. You have to be aware that it will take between 6 months and several years to have benefits (depending on the type of business and how you move), therefore, it is important that you have savings or financial support to overcome this phase. Because opening a business when you do not have enough financial resources will be very stressful and will not let you think clearly or invest in your business (something essential). So please do not leave everything overnight, combine it with your work if you can, start saving, find out forms of financing or available aid.

3. You will have to live with uncertainty (and enjoy). One thing in common between science and your own business is uncertainty. You don't know if an experiment is going to come out or not, if they are going to give you the scholarship or project, where you are going to go when the funding ends. The same thing happens with your business, you don't know when you will start generating profits, or where your business will be in two years, or if you will find all the customers you want, if they will like your product, etc. An important characteristic of an entrepreneur is that he enjoys uncertainty. And you? If you need great stability to be happy (fixed salary at the end of the month, everything controlled) it may not be for you.

4. You have to be strong and persevering. Not only are the beginnings hard, but you will receive uninformed criticism and opinion, and you will also make mistakes. If you give up at the first change, at the first setback, you will not get very far. Ignore all that, be strong and persevering. Follow your convictions and goals and find people who support you and know what you are going through. Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs, at events, through social networks, conferences. Learn from mistakes and consider them one step closer to success. If you are clear that this is what you want, do whatever it takes to regain your spirits when you fall.

5. You have to learn and fast. One of the most gratifying things (for me) of having your own business is that you need to be continuously in formation, learning and adapting to changes and what your clients want. This allows you to develop as a person and learn a lot. Try to stay up to date with what is happening in your business, what is wrong, what can be improved, what your customers want, etc. Learn from the best, there is no point in reinventing the wheel, but rather learning from those who are where you want to be.

6. It is very rewarding! I don't want you to stay with the negative. In fact, if you have found everything negative so far, think twice before taking the step. For me, giving up my scientific career and starting my own business, going from a fixed salary a month (at least while the scholarship lasted) to having to look for beans myself was a great challenge and a radical change of mentality. Being an employee (or a fellow) is not the same as being an entrepreneur. It is very rewarding to be able to create and start your own business. Having to continually learn and adapt to changes; having to implement new techniques, overcome insecurity and fear and be able to control what you do, when you do it and how you do it.

In summary, although it is not my intention to discourage you, I want you to be realistic and know what you are getting into; that you are clear about the reason why you are going to do it, your main reason. That you make sure that you have (or that you can get) the economic resources that you need, that you don't waste time trying to do it all by yourself and without help, and surround yourself with people who have already been through that and can advise you. That if you are convinced that it is what you want, arm yourself with courage and take the first step, and to inspire you I leave you this quote from the book "Red and Black" by Stendhal:

"That a road does not stop being beautiful because there are thorns that flank it."

6 Things you should know before starting your own business