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6 Steps to turn your knowledge into entrepreneurship

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If you feel that this is the time to use all your knowledge and experience to create a development venture and personal help that generates an income path, but you are having trouble starting (or growing it if you have already started it) In this article, I propose 6 steps for you to give it the boost it needs and thus begin to materialize concrete results.

If you are a professional who has been dedicating yourself until today to work in your profession but for a long time…

  • you feel an ardent inner call to make yourself available to the world to be an agent of change, you have been training yourself in coaching, neurolinguistic programming and / or any knowledge of personal and spiritual development that you do not know how to channel or materialize to achieve your divine life purpose, and above all you feel that this is THE moment to create an independent work project (or you have already started it) in which you can dedicate yourself to helping others create a better quality of life, and at the same time be rewarded with more money, passion and freedom…… I consider that you are "on the verge of candy" to implement one of the most important breaks you will give in your life to start living it on your own terms.

Bless this moment!

However, it is very likely that certain obstacles are preventing you from taking the effective steps you need to make that project a reality or, if you have already started it, grow it to levels that you yourself do not see as possible today.

That's why I'm asking you…

  • Do you feel overwhelmed and tired that prevents you from dedicating yourself as you would like to grow your personal project? Do you feel dispersion, lack of concentration and organization to materialize all the many ideas and information that appear in your mind? The fear of the gaze of the other (to what they will say) stops you? Are you comparing yourself with others who have already done what you want to do and you doubt if what you would offer would make a real difference in people? Do you feel that you are not prepared enough to take the first step or to be more creative and take your project to the next level?

I want you to know that you are not alone in this! I understand you perfectly: I was in your place.

And if you have read this far, and despite the obstacles that hold you back, I feel that you feel a great call and conviction that tells you that this is the time to take off or really launch yourself into it.

Surely you cannot wait to start helping, you are eager @ to move forward because you NEED to share what you know, to open your own eyes and collaborate in the awakening of consciences, and of course in this process, to be also extraordinarily rewarded.

I understand you perfectly!

Here are the steps that I recommend you follow to develop and / or take your personal and / or spiritual development venture to the next level, so that you quickly, safely and effectively attract more money, passion and freedom into your life… (either that you develop it as a project on or off the Internet)…

1. Make a decision, file a bankruptcy and start organizing

The most important step is that you make the decision as soon as possible to start doing different things, really, to see concrete changes in your project.

Declaring a break is saying or shouting a forceful “ENOUGH !! I don't want this for myself anymore, ”and of course implement it in reality. No one will start it for you and until you declare it, the exterior will continue to present itself in the same way and you will remain unmotivated without that energy you need to create and / or grow your entrepreneurial idea.

Once you declare a break and drive it from action by working with yourself in order to CREATE SPACE of time and energy to dedicate to your project, the environment will begin to respond to you in a positive way and will present you situations that you yourself will verify that will be in line with your vision.

This is not magic. Since you are focused and clear on what you want, you will be more attentive to recognize on the road what can help you achieve it.

2. Discover and / or clarify your mission, the great “for what” or the essential objective for which you want to develop your independent project

The focus of this step is to create a universal message to convey to the world your most powerful expression. What makes you unique and what you want for the people who choose you.

Your universal message is basically an expression of your most powerful beliefs and ideas. It is a message from your heart and what you want for the world. Through your universal message, you have the power to transform the people you choose to connect to your message.

This is the only thing that will help you separate yourself from the rest and express what your heart desires so that those who know you and choose you, feel touched and moved. By achieving this, the people to whom you will direct your help will be ready to learn more about what you have to offer, whether it is products or services.

3. Begin to relieve, gather and organize your passions, experience, training and knowledge

This step is about “making room at the table”, “throwing everything you have” on top of it and detecting…

  • In what things are you good and capable? In what knowledge and disciplines have you been trained? What situations in your experience have made a difference for you and for others and why? What do you like to do? What do you like the most? What kind of people do you naturally attract? Who has approached you so far to ask for your help and why?

Take the time you need to let your mind flow with these questions. The answers do not have to come ALL in a single day or time to do this exercise. You can also record yourself on the computer talking about it or meet with a friend or family member you trust a lot and share what comes out with him or her.

Put this creativity job to work for a good while?

If you notice that you are making an excuse or limit when writing your answers, they only exist in your mind. Go ahead and focus on gathering everything you bring in your "suitcase of life." All this will later serve to put together what you are going to offer in your venture, I assure you.

Listen to me: Don't set limits!

4. Shape what you gathered in step 3

Determine how you are going to show and offer your entrepreneurial idea (combination of your universal message, plus your passions, experience, training and knowledge). In other words, think of ways to "Pack it" or "Pack it."

  • In what different ways can you offer the exquisite combination of your passion, experience, training and knowledge? Through a workshop or a course? By writing a book perhaps? Through a special service? What are you going to do? to charge for it? In person and / or online? What exactly will the person receive (step by step) in exchange for that payment? What specifically will your help and service consist of? What types of people do you want to help? How old are they? Where can you find such people? What is the specific problem that you are going to help them solve or what possibilities are you going to help them see or what are you going to help them achieve with your IDEA / KNOWLEDGE / ABILITY?

With the example of my enthusiasm, motivation, teaching, writing skills, my life mission (which I worked on in a timely manner) and my human spirit, I needed to first investigate how I could combine that to help many people who wanted to change their reality to aspire to a better life. That's how I started!

Of course, it wasn't perfect on the first try, but as you'll see, it got much better! It's not like that? and this is going to happen in a similar way for you too.

5. Start making "advertising noise" with your offer

Start talking about what you have to give (as they say out there: it generates a "publicity noise").

Use all the channels, formats, resources and people you have available to spread the word: your family, your friends, your colleagues and ex-coworkers, your neighbors, your friends' friends, social networks, etc.

The world has to know what you are going to offer!

And I can understand that in this instance you feel knots in your stomach that make you recoil. You could think for example:

• "I'm afraid to expose myself!"

• "I am not trained or prepared enough to take this step…"

• “What if they do not like or do not serve or do not help what I offer?”

• "What are you going to think of me?"

• "I am afraid of failing…"

Leave fears and excuses behind! Focus on what you want to achieve and above all:

Focus on helping!

When you have something good to give and you know well that you are good at it, then what you will be doing is creating value in the world.

And those valuable gifts, abilities and talents you have, plus your experience and acquired knowledge, you must share so that the people in whom your message resonates can choose to work with you and receive your help.

Don't hide anymore!

Let your light illuminate the others!

6. Review and adjust your offer more and more

My company today has nothing to do with what it was years ago; at that time it was a "simple" idea or entrepreneurial project that was starting.

You will always need to refine the process, adapt and face possible changes, because the only thing that is immutable is change.

The most important thing is that if you are going to address a group of people who will receive your help in their life problems, you can always get in touch with them to "listen" to the biggest obstacles that you will later help them solve.. This feedback from them will help you effectively create your programs and services because they will be focused on the results that your clients seek to solve.

These steps can take as long as you decide. What's more, you can work on creating and shaping your offer, and launching it (promoting it, talking about it) next week. Wow! This is really thinking in terms of action, right?

Only action (consciously) produces results!

  • Are you going to be afraid? Yes! Are you going to be nervous? Obvious! Are you going to ask many questions? Of course! Could it be that you will have to expand the explanation of your offer much more to make it better understood? Of course!

But also, doing all this you will feel that you are opening the channel of the energy of abundance in all its forms so that you allow it to reach you.

The more you work on yourself to create something that is valuable to help more people through your knowledge, experiences, gifts, passions and abilities, the world will soon pay you back with more abundance, well-being and freedom.

6 Steps to turn your knowledge into entrepreneurship