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6 Steps to know where to start


If you are in the situation of wanting to start your own business, you may know very well in which sector and what products and services to offer, but it may also be that you are excited and determined to work on your own but have not decided on what.

When you know in which sector to mount your business, it may be that it is based on a market in which you already have experience, either because you have worked in someone else's job or because you know it very well. In that case you have the advantage of knowing what your potential customers need and what product and service offerings exist in their market (that is, what the competition offers) which is an advantage. If you don't belong to that group, don't worry, it's not a problem, you do a study and find out. Be that as it may, it is essential to know the audience you are targeting.

It can also be the circumstance that even without having experience in the sector, at a given moment you have seen or intuited an opportunity, a need for an unmet group of people that you could take advantage of.

Be that as it may, the most important thing is that this activity to which you dedicate yourself is something that you are passionate about, something that you love doing, that you would not mind doing even if it was not paid.. In this way you will turn your passion into a way of life that allows you to lead the type of life you want, doing what you like.

On the contrary, if what you do does not fill you, or goes against what you value, you will not want to get up every morning to do that activity that bothers you. It is very important to obtain optimal results that what we do, we do it well, and for that it is necessary that we like it. If not, in the short or long term we lose motivation and that means that we do not feel like challenging ourselves, learning, improving, or leaving our comfort zone, going on to do mechanical activities without thinking or reflecting. That situation, you should already know that it does not help your growth.

Now you might say to me, "This is all very nice, but I have to eat, I have a family and what you tell me is not so easy." For starters, no one has said it's easy. But it is possible. It is corroborated by stories of people who have succeeded. I can assure you that my clients start to see results when they start to think about how to do it, instead of thinking that they can't do it. You can't compare going every day to work in something you don't like and think about: Monday again, what a bummer, my boss…my partner…stress.. Or, on the contrary, say: tomorrow is Monday, I am going to organize my schedule to do what I like because what I want is that.

It is a fact that we have to work to produce, to make our contribution to the community, but basically to obtain money in exchange that allows us to cover our needs, some basic and others not so much. It is all a matter of knowing what you do it for (apart from meeting your needs). To feel identified, to do what you like, to have more freedom, to grow, to achieve challenges, objectives…or there are simply those who think they have to do it out of obligation. Nobody likes to do things out of obligation, while everyone likes to do it out of devotion, you do it because you want to do it. There is a difference.

Do some research on the whys and wherefore, and perhaps it will help you understand how you feel about the job. Feeling good about what you do is essential to generate good results and we all want to get good results and do a good job for your own satisfaction, regardless of what you do and who you work for. Or not?

And at this point, and understanding that we have decided to start a business, we are going to see if we can clear doubts and make a decision about the field in which you are going to start.

  1. Do you already know what you are passionate about? Perhaps to answer this question you have to dig a little inside yourself. Knowing yourself is basic so you know what excites you. Make a list of everything you like, as silly as it may seem, hobbies, hobbies, everything you can think of, like a brainstorm. In this phase you are not making a decision, or judging whether it is nonsense, you are simply presenting a series of ideas to be considered later. What do you not mind doing? What is it that you lose track of time doing? What do you not care to do at any time because you always feel like it? You are good, very good. Now that we have the first list, let's go to the next one. Normally what we are good at, is usually related to what we like to do, but we are not always aware of it.So to make this list we are going to resort to those around us. Engaging those around you is a good way to learn about aspects that others see of ourselves and that we are unaware of. This is not the time to judge us, or to make a list of pros and cons, simply to tell you according to them (better ask a few, family, friends…) what they think you are good at, that you are very good. Remember when they told you how well it had turned out for you to do such and such. Whatever it is, getting on well with children, caring for flowers, making sweets, anything, market opportunities. When you want to start a business, many think of creating something that has not yet been invented and that is where the expression comes from: "it is that everything is already invented".And that? Do you think that to be successful you have to invent something new? If so, I am disappointed (although deep inside it is good news) but it is not necessary. It is enough that you discover a need for a group or group of considerable people (market) that is not covered. Or perhaps a service or product that already exists but you can improve it by adding value or doing it in another way. There are very large and important companies that have simply succeeded in doing things differently and daring. Be an expert. If you want to make your way by starting your business, you must become an expert in your field. How can you do it? Let's go back to your passion, when you like something a lot, almost instinctively, you absorb as much information as possible about your topic. You inform yourself, you form yourself, you educate yourself.Everything that falls into your hands about it interests you, and if not, you look for it. Look only at your hobbies and hobbies, you do not mind spending hours watching how something works, or organizing or collecting, satisfaction makes up for that time. If your business is your passion, the same thing happens. And how do I become an expert? Well, knowing more about that topic than many other people who may be interested in your knowledge. We can all be experts in something, we need to have the knowledge and experience. So if you want to become an expert, find everything you can find on your topic and practice, practice and practice. Find your niche. When you decide to turn it into a business as a hobby or hobby, it means that you want to take advantage of it economically so that you can live on it. So once we know what we like,what we are good at, the market opportunities and we are experts in it, it is time to get to know our target audience very well, who is interested in the solution that we are going to offer to solve their problem. If you think that everyone can be your ideal customer, you are wrong. Just as you focus on being an expert on a subject (you cannot be an expert on everything), you have to focus on a certain type of audience, to know how they think, what they feel, what they do, what problems they have and how you can help them. Be as specific as possible and it will help you get to know him better. We can cover the topic of the ideal client more fully in another article. Check the common point of union. After all the study you have done, you will surely come up with a lot of ideas.When you put all the lists together you may see connection points between them. Those connection points are the ones that can generate ideas that you then develop and discover possible niches where you can start your business. You can offer services that your potential clients may need and that can supply a need or a solution to a problem. It may bring you well-being, growth, satisfaction, or save you time, worry, or money.or to save you time, worry, or money.or to save you time, worry, or money.

To finish I will tell you that it is essential to be alert to your environment, of what is happening around you, read books that may interest you, work on your creativity, go to a kiosk and be able to take a look at the number of magazines in all sectors you can find. Sooner or later, if you are motivated, inspiration will come and you will say: Aha! This is what I want to do.

A business is to obtain an economic return, in addition to doing something that fills you up, but I also tell you that if you only look for that, the money, without taking into account everything else, will sooner or later take its toll on you. Either your business will not prosper or if it does you will feel empty and unsatisfied.

Go for your dream!

6 Steps to know where to start