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7 Basic lessons for coexistence and happiness

Table of contents:


1) Learn not to attack the fellow

Base of any model of social coexistence.

Man is one of the few species that attacks and destroys its congeners. That is why the human being must learn and must be taught not to physically or psychologically attack the other members of his species.

Aggression is natural in man. But man can and must learn to convert the force of aggressiveness into force for love, and not for death.

2) Learn to communicate

Basis of personal and group self-affirmation

When I communicate, I hope that the other will recognize me. And when the other communicates with me, he also expects me to recognize him. That recognition is self-affirmation.

The basic means of self-affirmation is dialogue. Social Coexistence requires learning to dialogue, because it is through dialogue that we learn to express ourselves, to understand ourselves, clarify ourselves, agree, disagree and commit ourselves.

Thus we allow all people or groups to express their messages on equal terms creating better conditions for coexistence.

Society that learns to dialogue learns to live together

3) Learn to interact

Base of the models of social relation.

We are all strangers until we learn to interact. Learning to interact involves learning:

  • Learn to approach the other, following the rules of greeting and courtesy. Learn to communicate with others by acknowledging the feelings and messages of others, and getting them to recognize mine. Learning to be with others accepting that they are with me in the world, seeking and wishing to be happy, and also learning to agree and disagree without breaking the coexistence. Learn to live intimacy, learning to woo and love. But above all, learning to perceive myself and perceive others as people who evolve and change in our relationships but always guided by Human Rights.

4) learn to decide in a group

Basis of politics and economy.

Learning to live together means learning to survive and project oneself, these three fundamental purposes of Man are not possible if one does not learn to agree, with others, on interests and futures.

Concertation is the condition of group decision. Concertation is the selection of a shared interest that by locating it outside each one of us, makes it guide us and compels all of us who select it.

For an agreement to generate obligation and serve as a guide for behavior, it requires the direct or indirect participation of all those who are going to commit.

The concertation of a whole society, we call it constitution. And every good agreement (like any good constitution) establishes the rules to change or modify the agreement.

The degree of coexistence of a society depends on its ability to arrange interests in a participatory manner at all levels: family, union, regional. National and international.

5) Learn to take care of yourself

Basis of health and social security models

Health is a personal and collective good that is built and developed based on behavior. Learning to care for the physical and psychological "well-being" of oneself and others is a way of expressing love for life.

Learning to take care of oneself also means learning to create and take care of everyone's living conditions (housing, food, work, recreation) as a factor of coexistence. If the other does not have adequate living conditions, coexistence is not possible because before coexistence there is survival.

Learning to take care of yourself also means learning to protect one's health and that of everyone as a social good, and learning to have a positive perception of the body. Without a culture of caring for the body and living conditions, the adequate development of the health and social security system is not possible.

6) Learn to take care of the environment

Survival foundation

Learning to live together socially is first of all learning to be in the world, taking care of where we all are: the Biosphere.

Social coexistence is possible if we accept that we are part of nature and the universe, but that at no time are we superior to them. We are not "the masters of nature".

Social coexistence also implies learning that for us it is not possible to survive if the planet dies, and planet Earth cannot survive as "our home" without our care.

7) Learn to value cultural and academic knowledge

Base of social and cultural evolution.

The Social Knowledge (the Academic and the Cultural) defined as the set of knowledge, practices, skills, procedures, values, rites and senses, that a society considers valid to survive, coexist and project, is important for social coexistence, because it is there within the culture and Academic knowledge that he has to live, where the human being is modeled and evolves.

The human being does not evolve biologically, but evolves as his culture evolves.

That is why the knowledge and contact with the best Cultural and Academic Knowledge of each society produces more rational men, more linked to the history and daily life of society and therefore more capable of understanding the benefits and possibility of social coexistence.

7 Basic lessons for coexistence and happiness