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7 Tips to regain motivation and face difficulties


There are times when certain circumstances in life can cause you to stop seeing your clear objectives and think about abandoning your plans and giving up on what you have set out to do. These are difficult situations, sometimes unexpected, that bring out your fears and insecurities, that you let yourself go with discouragement, lose your motivation and feel lost, aimlessly.

What can you do if you find yourself in such a situation? How can you regain your motivation and move forward with your projects? If you are willing to do your part, to go ahead as it is, there are several things that can help you:

1. Accept what is

It is easier said than done, but it is reality. Acceptance is an important step, knowing that better times will come, that this is a bump in your life. Resisting change is only going to make you have a worse time. One way to start accepting things is to show gratitude for what you still have, however little it may be. Think of three things for which you can be grateful every day, even small things are worth: a beautiful day, having something to eat, the support of your family, the smile of a stranger, surely you can find more than three.

2. Find time EVERY day to do something you like

Even if it's only 5 minutes, spend them taking care of yourself. Whatever makes you feel good: spend time in the sun with a coffee, a good book, exercise, take a bath, play with your child, pray, whatever you feel like. Grab a pencil and paper again and make a list of the things that energize you, make you feel good, and start today.

3. Seek support

It is a fact, people who are socially related are happier. Although now you just want to be alone and shut yourself up at home, it's just the opposite that will make you feel better. Surround yourself with people who love you and help you think about the future, no victims or pessimists. Your partner, your family, your best friends, your coach. Whoever you want, but someone.

4. Rest and Reflect

In a time when we are all running everywhere, stopping to recover energy will come in handy. Now is a good time to stop and think about where you are going and what you want. Normally this type of situation causes your priorities to change, so grab a pencil and paper (or sit at the computer if you prefer) and start to write down everything that comes to mind when asked "what do I want?" Not what others want or think is best for you, what you want. Consider it a fallow time, to recharge your batteries and give your best again.

5. Review your current goals and projects

Are they in accordance with what you want? Remember that your actions and goals are only useful if they take you where you want to go. So it is important that you take time to decide where you want to go and where you are on the road.

6. Focus on the next step to take

Many times when we propose something important, we get overwhelmed by seeing everything that remains to be done. It is best to focus only on one step, the one you have to take next. Although you always have the final destination in mind, focusing on the next step to take will make it easier for you to move forward and you know, step by step…

7. Remind yourself constantly why you want to achieve your projects

Visualize the end result, save photos or clippings of things that motivate you and remind you of your goal. Once you are clear about why your projects are important to you, how will not be a problem but a mere obstacle. Also, knowing what you want and what steps you have to take to achieve it is something that will make you feel motivated almost without wanting to.

I want to emphasize one detail, all these suggestions are applicable if you want to do your part, if you are willing to go ahead as it is. However, in no case can they replace the opinion or treatment of a therapist. If you are not well, if your situation and discouragement are serious, consult a psychologist or therapist since they are professionals who can help you in the most difficult moments, when you do not have the strength to do it yourself.

If you are willing to go ahead, do your part to complete your projects, then I encourage you to try these suggestions and tell me how they work for you.

7 Tips to regain motivation and face difficulties