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7 Steps to achieve success with your internet business

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The euphoria for Internet business has led to the misconception that the web is like a magic stick that will thrive any business. Nothing is further from the truth. Although an Internet business has countless advantages, it is still a business like any other and, therefore, will require adequate planning to ensure its success. Here are 7 key steps for your business to achieve internet business success.

Step # 1: Planning your Internet business

It is the most important step and, at the same time, the one that is least done. When starting an Internet business there is an idea, a vague notion, about what you want to achieve and a lot, a lot of enthusiasm.

That is why people at this stage want to start immediately with the development of their website and the design of a product or service, and they launch their entrepreneurship with great momentum.

Until the first obstacles appear and the famous unforeseen events they did not have. Discouragement comes, disappointment and, sooner or later, the abortion of the project.

However, it doesn't have to be this way!

With good planning you can prevent many setbacks in your Internet business and you will also be better prepared to face the constant challenge of unforeseen events.

In the planning stage you have to focus on 4 key areas:

A. Acquire a vision for your business

It involves deep study of 3 areas. For that you need to ask yourself the following questions:

  1. What is God's purpose for your life? Why are you here? What should you do during your short stay on Earth? What is your dream, your passion? What kinds of situations make you angry or sad? How do you want to help others? What are your talents and strengths? In which area do you stand out for your experience and knowledge?

B. Do a market study

Once you are clear about the above points, you can proceed to study the market to evaluate the different options that exist.

  1. Write down at least 3 different market niches in which you would like to work. Search for the specific keywords of each niche and thoroughly study what is the demand for what you want to offer, how much competition there is, what are the strategies of your competition, etc.. Do not save time at this stage, you will regret it later. Define your ideal client. Based on the information above, establish who your ideal customer is.

C. Acquire education and tools

A good entrepreneur is a person who learns for life. You must constantly be educating yourself to prepare for new challenges and to perfect your management as an entrepreneur.

In the case of an Internet business it is no different.

A business of your own is a tremendous learning experience, especially if you come from the world of work. It is one thing to apply your skills, knowledge, experiences and talents to someone else's business and it is quite a different thing to use them for your own business.

In your own business, you will also have to educate yourself in 2 key areas:

  1. The administration of your business. Human relations, both in dealing with your client (marketing, sale of your products and / or services, technical support, etc.) as well as in dealing with your employees.

Other areas in which to educate:

In the specific case of a web business, you must acquire the knowledge and skills that are specific to the business. An Internet business works in a very different way than an "offline" business and you must know the goings-on of how things work in the virtual world of the Internet.

Another area in which you should educate yourself is how to invest earned money. Most people focus on how to earn money, but don't know what to do once they have it in their hands. Learn how to invest your money to create passive income.

D. Fix your finances

The answer to a better financial situation is not simply to create another source of income. If you are not managing the money you have right now, you are not going to do it when you have a new business.

Analyze your financial situation

1. Change your mindset.

Ask yourself: How is your relationship with money? Do you have a mentality that there is never enough, or are you ready to receive from God an abundant supply of your needs?

2. Order how you manage your money.

  1. Order all your financial papers in a filing cabinet. Establish your net worth and sources of income. Where does your money come from? And how much do you own or are worth? Make a monthly budget.

3. Eliminate your debts.

If you have consumer debt, restrict your spending and come up with a plan to pay it off as soon as possible.

4. Establish your Internet business expenses and plan how you are going to pay for it.

If you plan your web venture before launching with a web page design, you will greatly increase the chances of success of your Internet business.

Once you have these 4 steps planned and working, you can proceed to the second stage of your business: designing the business as such.

Step # 2: Designing your internet business

At this point it is important not to go to the extreme of being too perfectionist. If you wait until all conditions are perfect, you will never start your web business.

There is a certain truth in the saying "You make your way by walking." Many of the minor details from the previous points become clear as the business is running.

For example, you have probably determined that your perfect client is a young professional between 20 and 30 years of age. However, when starting his business, he realizes that he has a particular facility to help women more than men.

Thus, a healthy balance must be struck between the prudence to prepare well and the audacity to take a measured risk and launch into the unknown.

For the design of your Internet business you have to consider two aspects:

  1. Determine the platform you are going to use. The design of products and / or services you want to sell.

A. How to determine the platform to use

It is not reaching out and making a website. There are different types of sites and there is a huge variety of prices and designs available. As a general rule: to start, the simplest is the best.

Here are the most important variables that you must determine BEFORE making your website:

  1. Type of site: It

    can be a simple web page or a blog, which allows more interaction between you and your readers. There is also the possibility of opting for a membership site. Site design:

    You can go to a web designer or use site templates. It is also feasible to use platforms with elaborate templates, such as those on WordPress.org, which can be customized with a header and additional graphics. Price:

    The price of a website can range from $ 0 cost in the case of WordPress.org (only domain and hosting is paid), up to about $ 5,000 USD or more for sites designed by a designer or membership site templates (type Membergate.com). Determine Additional Software and Services to Use:

    It is important to also consider what are the additional programs that you will want to use. For example, an autoresponder is essential, as it will allow you to train and stay connected to your online community. There are also special software to make audios, videos, etc.

B. The design of products and / or services that you want to sell

You must determine what type of product you want to sell and how you want to sell it.

You can sell digital books, take courses with teleseminar or video conferences, produce instructional videos, audios, short reports, etc.

You can also offer consulting or coaching sessions in which you offer your services by the hour.

In general it is recommended to have products with different price levels.

Lower priced products are to attract your customers. It can be a digital book, an audio series, or a website membership.

For those customers who want to receive more information from you, you must have an intermediate price product available. This can be in the form of group courses, teleseminar or video conference. You can also do offline conferences that are very helpful in gaining credibility in your market.

Finally, for those clients who want their exclusive help, you can sell them packages of products linked to personalized coaching or consulting at a higher price.

To have a profitable online business, it is not enough to have a nice website. Even a top-notch product or service won't do you any good if you don't implement some system to capture the emails of every person who visits your website. Don't make the mistake that many entrepreneurs - even big stores - make when building their Internet business.

Once you have your site on the web and have designed the products and services you want to sell, it is time to enable it to be the meeting place of your virtual community.

Step # 3: Enable your website to be the meeting place of your virtual community

You have to implement the necessary elements so that you can make contact with each interested person who comes to your site.

Why is it so important to establish contact with the people who come to your website looking for more information?

The answer is very simple: Very few people have been shown to buy when they first hit a website. Normally they must be exposed about 7 times to a sales message to make the decision to buy a product.

That is why it is vital to obtain the emails of your visits, in order to continue keeping in touch with them through newsletters and other messages. This is how you will form a virtual community that will literally constitute the source of life for your page.

This is one of the mistakes that many web entrepreneurs make: They have a website and visitors come to them, but they have not enabled a system to keep in touch with them.

Below I describe the 3 key ingredients that you need to implement to form a virtual community that looks at you as an expert and, therefore, will also have the desire to buy your products:

A. Create a free product

Nowadays people are very reluctant to deliver their emails. So we must offer you some very attractive free product in return.

You must put yourself in the shoes of your visitors. They came to your site because they read something about you and were interested. It is highly likely that they are looking for information that will solve a problem or provide a specific benefit.

At this point they do not know it, they have no idea what their page is about. They only saw something that made them click on a link to your site. That is already a great thing.

Now that they are there, what are you going to offer them?

They are unlikely to buy from you as they do not know you. However, if you offer them a free gift that promises to clear up their biggest questions, they won't hesitate to drop their emails to get it.

Once you have successfully obtained your emails, you will be able to keep in touch with them to earn their trust and demonstrate that you are an expert who can help them further.

In practice, the free product can be a short ebook, report, audio, video, or mini-course in the form of a series of written messages.

Don't give something of little value. Remember that this is a sample of your knowledge, therefore, it must be of high quality and must add great value to the life of your visitors.

B. Install an autoresponder

How can you receive the email of the visits on a website?

There is software specially prepared for this task. They are called autoresponders.

They are programs that:

  • They allow you to design a registration form for your visits, then store emails in a database, and also allow you to send messages to that database.

Messages can even be scheduled in advance and are automatically sent to each of the people subscribed to your list.

It is also possible to use fusion codes that allow each message to be personalized with the name of each subscriber, as if you were sending them a personal message yourself.

There are different autoresponders. One of the best known is Aweber. 1Shoppingcart is an electronic shopping cart that also offers the autoresponder service.

C. Write a newsletter

Once you have your autoresponder installed, it's time to write messages to communicate with your subscribers.

This can be done in two ways:

1. You can create a series of automatic messages

You can write a first message that welcomes your subscribers, then explains how to use your site and what resources are available on it, and can also provide them with more information to position yourself as an expert before them. Some internet entrepreneurs also offer their products with automated messages.

You can even do a mini-course and offer it as a free gift to everyone who subscribes to your page.

All these messages will automatically start reaching each person who subscribes to your list.

2. Weekly newsletters and / or emails:

You can also send weekly newsletters in which you publish the latest news, share your life and offer valuable information to your subscribers.

You can also offer your products and make offers to your community.

These messages can range from a simple message to a very attractive virtual newsletter, written in HTML, with your company logo, images and various attachments that enliven your reading.

Believe me, you will come to love your autoresponder. It is a powerful means of contact that will allow you to constantly stay in touch with your virtual community.

One of the worst nightmares of a proud first-time website owner is that no one visits! There are millions of websites in cyberspace that were painstakingly armed, but do not receive enough traffic to subsist over time. Don't let yours be one of them! Discover 5 foolproof strategies you can use to make your website not just another banner in the great desert of cyberspace.

Step # 4: Attract a traffic stampede to your site

Well, we already plan our business on the Internet, we have a website and products to sell. We also implement an autoresponder on the site to capture emails from our visits.

Now the real work begins. You have to advertise your website so that you receive visits that hopefully subscribe and buy from you in the future.

It is important to emphasize the sequence of goals to attract visitors. It is not to sell your products and / or services. You first want them to subscribe. At all costs.

It is because very few people buy on their first visit to a web page. It has been shown that an exposure of at least 7 times the sales message of a product or service is normally required before a purchase is executed.

So you want to get your email on the first visit. If you don't get it, that person may disappear and never visit your website again.

On the other hand, if you deliver her email, you can keep in touch with her through her newsletters and the autoresponder messages. As you position yourself as an expert in your niche and add value to the lives of your subscribers, you will gain their trust and they will start buying from you.

Therefore, at this stage, we are only interested in obtaining your emails.

It is a matter of numbers. The more visits you have, the more subscribers you will have, the more customers you will buy and the more money you will earn.

To attract visitors, there are paid methods and free methods.

Paid advertising brings good quality visits to your page and the results are seen in the short term. Free advertising, on the other hand, shows results in the medium term, but it is very effective. Ideally, use a combination of the two, depending on the resources available.

A very popular way to advertise on the web is through Google Adwords.

They are small advertisements that are designed with certain keywords to appear on pages that allow their publication and, in turn, have content that also contains the keywords of the ad.

If you use Google Adsense, your ads will automatically appear on pages that have content that relates to your niche. Every time someone clicks on your ad link, you must pay a certain amount of pennies on the dollar.

The good thing about using Google Adsense is that it allows you to select a very specific visit that is already looking for information related to your niche. In addition you can design advertising campaigns and put a limit to the money you will spend on them.

Other paid advertising options are to place advertisements with a link to your page ("Banners") on other sites and pay for their publication. They can be websites or blogs related to your topic or social pages, such as Facebook, for example.

Here are the free methods to attract visitors to your Internet business:

Personally, I have been very successful with free methods in Education For Success. I have seen that, apart from being "0" cost, they are highly effective and very easy to implement.

With perseverance and perseverance, excellent results are achieved and very soon you will be able to position yourself as an expert in your area on the web, without spending a weight on advertising.

My 4 pillars of positioning on the web are the following:

1. Good SEO:

SEO is the acronym for "Search Engine Optimization" or "Search Engine Optimization." It is the set of techniques and strategies that are used to position a web page in the results pages of a search engine, such as Google, for example.

The good news is that a relatively small site with good SEO can come out in a better place than a larger company. The Internet is the great equalizer.

The goal is to grab the top spots in search engines, so that people looking for information on a topic click on the link on your page and not on your competition.

Some components of a good SEO of a web page are:

  • Keywords: in the url of the site, in the title tag (blue bar that appears at the top of your screen when opening a web page), the titles, in the content, in the meta description, etc. Fresh content. You must constantly be offering original content to search engine spiders that scour your pages. One new post per week is a good goal.

2. Write articles:

One of the most powerful strategies to position yourself on the web is to write articles. If you get into the habit of writing one article per week, after a year you will have 52 articles published.

Each article is submitted to various article directories where, in turn, it is collected by other business owners on the web who are looking for good content for your page. This way the effect goes viral and your articles will work as true "secret agents" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Writing an article is not that difficult, as extraordinary language skills are not required. On the web, the language should be rather informal, as if you were talking to a friend over a cup of coffee.

The ideal length for an article should be 500 to 800 words. To get the most out of your item, you should:

  • Write a good title with your keywordsWrite a good description with your keywordsWrite the content with your keywordsWrite an excellent author biographyKnow how and where to upload articles

3. Write an electronic newsletter:

As we mentioned in step # 2 of the course, it is very important that you send a weekly newsletter to your subscribers with good content that really adds value to their lives.

Aside from gaining more credibility with the subscribers you already have, your subscribers are going to start sharing your information with your friends and acquaintances. Every time you send out a newsletter, you will see a boom in the number of subscribers to your website.

4. Interview with experts:

Another very effective way to make yourself known and to gain more credibility on the web, is simply by taking advantage of the positioning of other people.

You can invite experts and interview them. This will attract a lot of traffic, since it will share the credibility of each expert you interview.

Outside of interviewing them, you can also create strategic alliances in which you offer advertising to an expert in exchange for them posting an article of yours on your site, for example.

Where do you find experts?

  • On social pages: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Search for blogs and web pages on your topic in Google Article directories, in the category of your topic Forums of people who are related to your niche

Once you have a constant flow of visits to your website, you are going to be able to form a virtual commune that will be fascinated with your contributions and many of them will be willing to pay to get more information from you.

How to achieve credibility in the Internet world?

Unfortunately, there is a lot of fraud on the web, just like in the offline business world. So establishing trust with your subscribers is essential to succeed with your Internet business. Discover 6 infallible methods for your web followers to see you as an expert on your subject and to fully trust you when they want to consume your products and / or services.

Step # 5: Strategies to build credibility

You have already followed the 4 previous steps: you have planned your business on the web, you have a platform with products and services to sell, visits are coming to you and you have implemented a system to stay in touch with them.

Now you must focus on gaining credibility in your business. Just like in the offline business world, unfortunately there is also a lot of fraud on the web. Every day pages appear that offer heaven, sea and land and then do not fulfill their promises. As a result of this there is a lot of mistrust towards entrepreneurs on the web.

That is why it is very important to demonstrate that you are a serious, upright and correct person. As people get positive results with your products and services, they will want to follow you and buy more from you.

How to gain credibility?

According to Wikipedia, credibility is made up of two main dimensions: the ability to generate trust and the degree of knowledge. Therefore, you should try to position yourself as an expert in your niche and earn a reputation for integrity on the web.

There are different ways to do it:

1. Publications

One of the great benefits of writing articles, apart from driving traffic to your site, is positioning yourself as an expert in your area of ​​knowledge.

You can also publish a book and gain credibility with it.

It is important that you deliver valuable content in your posts. This way people will see that you really have mastery of the subject and will be interested in hearing more from you.

2. Integrity

Professional integrity is a fundamental aspect of the credibility of entrepreneurs on the web. Don't make promises you can't keep, and be sure your products and services are of high quality.

For this it is important to make a constant evaluation of its management. You can poll your followers and always be open to criticism, as much as it hurts.

Another way to demonstrate integrity is by delivering top-notch customer service. In this area it is easy to make a difference, since most web entrepreneurs are negligent when it comes to getting personally involved in their clients' problems.

3. Testimonies

One of the best ways to gain credibility is to publish testimonials from your customers who have been satisfied with your products and / or services.

How to obtain testimonials?

Many times they arrive by themselves. People who are experiencing a change in their lives because of your products will write to you to thank you. All you have to do is obtain authorization to publish the person's testimony. Never post a testimonial without your client's prior authorization!

Another way to get testimonials is by asking them directly from your clients. You can offer some incentive, such as a free report or audio, to give away to anyone who wants to give a testimonial.

Another powerful incentive could be to offer to publish the testimonial in your newsletter or on your website so that they gain exposure through your publications.

Components of a good testimonial on the web:

  • Full name of the person City and country where he lives Photo of the person The testimony should not only contain unspecific background such as: excellent, exceeded my expectations, amazing, etc. Ideally it should contain numerical data, such as: "With the XYZ product I lost 5 kilos in two weeks."

4. Recommendations from other people

Another way to gain credibility is by receiving recognition from well-known people in the business. This can be done by establishing strategic alliances with other people on the web, interviewing experts and establishing contact with people linked to your niche.

5. Conferences

There is no better way to gain credibility than to appear in public to a large audience. This can be done in virtual or real form.

By participating as an exhibitor in a conference, you will gain the exposure necessary to make yourself known as an expert and, at the same time, you will be able to demonstrate that you are a complete and trustworthy person.

6. Permanence in time

Finally, the best indicator of your credibility is the permanence of your business over time. It is assumed that fraudulent or ineffective businesses will cease to exist, while the services and products that really work will remain over time.

Although it will take years to establish your credibility through this channel, it is by far the most powerful. It is one thing to start a new business on the web offering an excellent product and it is a totally different one when you can say that you have spent 10 years solving your clients' problems in the field.

Once you have established your credibility in your niche, customers will begin to arrive alone and your online business will flourish like never before.

It is time to enter the field of fight with your Internet business: you must develop effective marketing strategies to excel in your business. However, it is not that easy. The business world is known to be murky. It requires guts, persistence and a lot of patience. Every businessman must assume the role of a true guerrilla fighter to excel in the trenches of Internet business. Are you ready? Find out why many people don't know how to sell and what you can do about it.

Step # 6: How to develop effective sales strategies on the web

The elaboration of sales strategies, more than a step within the building of a business, will constitute a constant task of the web entrepreneur. Your business management will be focused on this point throughout the existence of your business.

The market is the fighting ground in which "the roosters are seen." Someone once said in English: " Business is messy ". And unfortunately it is so. It requires guts, persistence and a lot of patience.

Every businessman must assume the role of a true guerrilla fighter to excel in the trenches of small businesses. This is where the success or failure of the venture will be determined.

As in the offline world, the person who knows how to sell their products and services well will stand out from those who do not know how to do it, regardless of the quality of their products, the diplomas that the entrepreneur has and the amount of resources to invest. If you do not know how to market, you will not survive.

(Recommended reading: "Guerilla Marketing" by Jay Conrad Levinson, Morgan James Publishing, LLC, USA)

Why many people do not know how to sell

If these statements intimidate you, don't worry. Welcome to the club! One of the main reasons why many people don't even get involved in a business is because they think they "don't have the money" to do it and specifically refer to their sales skills.

It is because most people do not know how to sell. They don't know, because they just never learned it. It is not surprising, since the traditional approach to education is always towards adequate preparation to insert your students in the labor market, not in your own business. It does not foster the entrepreneurial spirit of its students.

The formula for success that is transmitted in the vast majority of educational establishments is: "Strive, get good grades and you will do well."

Although the formula is not wrong, I consider it to be incomplete. To my taste the ingredient of knowing how to sell is missing.

It is so important. The world is full of very capable people who have worked hard, have a series of important diplomas, but do not know how to sell their knowledge, products and / or services.

They do not know how to value what they offer and are afraid of rejection. When it comes to claiming greater benefits for their contributions, they become intimidated and choose to stay where they are, without reaching the level of income that their services or products could raise for them.

The good thing is that the ability to sell can be learned

You will say: "Well Bettina, some people are born with the talent to sell and others are not."

I do not share that opinion. Although there are people who have character traits that help them when they have a business, I think that all skills can be learned. For some it will be more difficult than for others, but everyone, even the most timid, can learn to use effective sales strategies, both in offline and online businesses.

Internet sales strategies

It is even easier to learn how to sell online, since it is not necessary to personally confront your clients to sell them something. This avoids the main obstacle that most people face when wanting to sell something (and which, moreover, is the very root of all kinds of shyness): fear of rejection.

For those who consider themselves to be lacking in offering something verbally, they can learn to do so in writing on the Internet.

There are thousands of very good courses on how to write effective sales letters on the web.

What are the most used sales strategies on the Internet?

There are thousands of strategies that can be employed and their enumeration is beyond the scope of this article. I suggest that you buy several books on marketing and sales and you will get a host of ideas to apply. Each person must find what works best for their market.

Prepare for a constant rehearsal period during which you will experience both wins and failures, until you are able to pinpoint exactly what works best for you and your market.

Then, even if you think you've reached the level where you already know how to sell, don't rest on your laurels! The world, especially the Internet, is changing at a dizzying rate. You always have to be alert to face the new challenges of the market.

It is worth mentioning that, if you have already completed the first 5 steps of this course, you are in an excellent position to start advertising and selling your products and services.

It is a constant combination of these 5 previous steps that will form the basis of all the marketing strategies that you will implement.

As I have said in the previous steps, it is essential that your potential clients trust you and that you have credibility in your business. With the 5 previous steps you achieve both objectives.

With everything in place, it's not difficult to go a step further and start offering your products for sale. An excellent sales strategy is to apply the "funnel concept" when selling your products.

The sales funnel

The funnel strategy is very simple: you start by offering a product and / or service of relatively low value. Thus you offer your potential customers an easily accessible product. Many of them will buy it and ideally check the quality and effectiveness of their products and services.

Some of them will want more help from you and will be willing to spend more money to get it. It offers them a product of intermediate value. You will make fewer sales, but you will earn much more for each sale you make.

Finally, there will be a select group of your loyal fans who want to receive even more help from you. For example, they can be coaching sessions, in which you personally deliver your knowledge to each client, according to their needs, to solve specific problems in their particular situation. It can also be an extensive package of products and services that you only partially offer at the previous levels.

Either way, you need to reach a level where you can offer high-value products and / or services that require a relatively low investment of your time and money.

This will have achieved the dream of every entrepreneur on the web: to have a successful online business that generates significant income, allows you to dedicate yourself to what you love to do and gives you the financial freedom you long for.

One of the concepts that we must learn to be successful on the Internet is to produce something once and then reuse it and make money again and again. We have been taught to do the same thing over and over and receive our payment by exchanging our time for money. Although this has to be the case in some cases, it is not a very wise method to build a good system of business and lasting wealth. Don't fall into the self-employment trap. Discover different ways to reproduce your work on the Internet.

Step # 7 Deploy systems that work without you

One of the biggest advantages of an Internet business is its flexibility. That is why it is an excellent alternative for people who do not want, or cannot, meet an 8-hour schedule in a certain physical location.

They can be parents who want to spend more time with their children, retired people who want to continue working at home, disabled people who cannot move to a work area, people who travel a lot or simply anyone who wants the freedom to choose. your own hours and place of work.

However, the Internet has transcended the borders of the traditional labor field. More and more people are recognizing the immense possibilities offered by an occupation on the web, whether working in their own business or in someone else's.

However, not everything is rosy. Building an Internet business that lasts over time and generates significant income requires skills that go beyond simply moving an activity from the office to the home.

An online business can easily be transformed into a 16-hour-a-day job. In trying to become independent, it is typical for the entrepreneur to become the primary employee of his own business if he is not careful to implement systems that work without him. You have to discover ways to turn your hard work into smart work.

The self-employment trap

The picture is very typical:

A well-trained person works for someone else's business and receives a monthly salary.

At some point, the employee realizes that they could become independent and use their experience, talents, and skills for their own business.

Happily, he quits his job, trusting that his aforementioned capabilities are enough to build a successful own business.

Crass mistake! Over time, you will discover that this is not the case. In addition to having excellent technical skills, you must develop administrative and marketing skills.

Suddenly, the dream of independence turns into a nightmare. Instead of working 8 hours a day, as in your previous job, you must work 16 hours, without weekends or vacations, to meet the requirements of your own business that fits you "like a poncho."

It's the usual self-employed trap: Stop being someone else's employee to become your own employee. So it is very likely that this fledgling entrepreneur will abandon his own business project and look for a job again.

Unless you figure out how to implement systems that work without it.

How to implement systems that work without you

In any business, both offline and online, this means starting to delegate and build a team of people in which all complement each other with their skills. A team will always take an Internet business further than a single person, no matter how capable and hard-working they are.

(To learn why the vast majority of small businesses fail and what can be done about it, I recommend reading: "The E-Myth Revisited" by Michael E. Gerber; HarperCollins Publishers)

The great advantage of the Internet

In the case of an Internet business, there is an additional advantage: The Internet has the peculiarity that the marketing processes of any product can be automated.

In this way it is feasible to produce a product once and market it again and again without worrying about technical support, if necessary.

The wise web entrepreneur will focus on designing systems that work without your intervention. Each product and / or service can be stored in various formats on a server and offered to your market for an unlimited time.

After a while you will have a number of products available to your customers that you can offer without having to make, teach, record, print or ship them again.

Some ways to produce something once and then reuse it and make money over and over on the web are:

  • Write an article and submit it to various article directories. Create a product and offer it in a variety of different formats: print, digital, audio, video, etc. If you design web pages, produce templates and don't start all designs from 'scratch. »Sell your copyrights to one of your products: a book or course, a software program, etc. Start with a hosting service where people pay you monthly. Sell affiliate products that generate recurring income (such as a Membership in Education For Success, for example) Host a teleseminar or a conference call and post it on multiple sites, also edit it to post it on Youtube, interview an expert and create articles and blog posts with content of the interview.

By developing a mindset that seeks to implement systems that work on their own, an internet business owner will be laying the foundation for their business to last over time and not fall into the typical self-employed trap.

7 Steps to achieve success with your internet business