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7 steps to increase your resilience, a key virtue to achieve success


Have you ever doubted your abilities to achieve success in your venture? Don't underestimate the power of those doubts. They are the main reason why projects fail. Contrary to what many people think, success does not depend so much on our skills or knowledge, but much more on our resilience. Learn 7 steps you can take to increase your resilience.

Success is going from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm, according to a famous saying by Winston Churchill. Although this does not sound very encouraging, it reflects a truth that is only known to people who have achieved success, because they lived it firsthand. Many people fail in their endeavors simply because they stop struggling.

So resilience is a key feature on the road to success in any area of ​​life. More than adequate training or skills, knowledge or experience, resilience is what determines success, whether in a business, on the board of a company, in sports, in our human relationships or any other endeavor. that the human being realizes.

According to Wikipedia, the term resilience refers to the ability of people to overcome periods of emotional pain.

A person who has adequate resilience can overcome setbacks or even be strengthened by them.

In physics it simply means the ability of a body to return to its original shape after being under pressure, without deformation or breakage.

Are you a person who has been able to endure difficult moments in your life without losing your joy for living, without becoming bitter and without falling into despair?

If so, it belongs to a minority.

Unfortunately life leaves its marks on the vast majority of people, who, many times, cannot recover their "original form" after suffering a setback. The negative experiences that human beings go through can affect them in such a way that they fall into a state of what I call «living in black and white». The daily life loses its coloring and the affected people are in a state of apathy that seeks to survive rather than to undertake and succeed.

Under these conditions it is very difficult to undertake a successful business or any other life project.

However, there are ways to overcome and even restore the damage that life's storms have left on us.

You can develop your emotional intelligence to such an extent that you can even come out stronger with the negative experiences you have had.

Here are 7 steps you can take to increase your resilience to life's obstacles:

Step # 1: Change your mindset

In the Bible it says that we should not conform to the ways of the world, but we should renew our minds in order to verify what is the good will of God, pleasant and perfect. (Romans 12: 2).

Our mind is the control center of our lives. If we believe badly, we will think badly, we will make bad decisions and we will act badly. It's that simple.

The problem is that our thought patterns are usually so ingrained in our minds that they run on autopilot. Our attitude towards certain situations is conditioned by thousands of factors that make us react immediately, without thinking it through.

So how can we change them?

Negative thoughts cannot be overridden by positive thoughts. The only way to get rid of a bad thought pattern is to speak or confess an opposite thought as soon as it appears.

Step # 2: Change your way of speaking

One of the most powerful tools that God has given us is our mouth. According to the Bible, death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). With it we can direct our lives in the same way that a huge ship is directed by a small rudder (James 3: 4).

By replacing your bad thoughts with positive confessions, you will find that your mind is automatically blocked when you speak. It is the best way to get rid of bad thoughts.

Study God's promises about your life and confess them every time thoughts of defeat begin to dominate your mind.

Step # 3: Develop your patience

We are the microwave generation. We want to have it all right away at the push of a button. However, in life we ​​cannot always expect instant results. Many times it has to be a long time before our venture has reached maturity in which it will demonstrate the fruits we long for.

Many people give up on good projects simply because they didn't have the patience to expect them to pay off. It is more painful when other people reap the rewards of all the efforts invested in the project, because the initial managers were not able to wait for the right moment.

Step # 4: Exercise self discipline

To have resilience, the degree of self-governance that we have is very important. Discipline is a relevant factor in overcoming obstacles in life. It is one thing to strive for a startup or business when everything is going well and it is another very different thing when we are in the midst of adversity. Only discipline can keep us in a place of perseverance when we find ourselves in the midst of a difficult situation.

As Vince Lombardi said well: "The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work."

Step # 5: Acquire a Forgiving Lifestyle

Are you holding a grudge against someone who has harmed you at work, business, or personal life?

One of the most damaging factors in our lives is remembering the damage that others have caused us. It produces feelings of rancor and revenge that will ultimately transform into a weed that will invade all other areas of our lives.

Forgiving does not mean forgetting, since forgetting is sometimes impossible. Forgiving simply means:

• Free yourself from negative feelings towards someone

• Trust that God will do justice in our place

• Have a humble attitude that recognizes that you have also been wrong and that you would also like to be forgiven for it

• Acknowledge that God has forgiven each of us our sins to through the death of Jesus and that we too must forgive

• Know that, by forgiving, our prayers are answered (Mark 11:25)

Step # 6: Find good mentors

"He who walks with wise men will be wise, but he who joins fools will be broken" (Proverbs 13:20)

The best way to achieve success in your venture is to walk with people who have already achieved it. Not only will they set an example for you, but they'll also inspire you to think big and help you stay motivated when things don't work out.

Step # 7 Grow in your faith

Our faith is key to achieving success. However, it is important to specify in what we can have a " faith that moves mountains ", that faith that allows us to overcome the obstacles that are presented to us in our daily life. It is faith in Jesus and his work on the cross that freed us from the curse and gave us victory over any adverse circumstance, if we accept his gift.

If you consciously follow these 7 steps, your life will change and, instead of living from one failure to another, you will be able to savor success in everything you undertake.

7 steps to increase your resilience, a key virtue to achieve success