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7 steps to recover your entrepreneurial passion

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Too often we go day after day without illusion, almost like automata, without appreciating what surrounds us.

This sooner or later translates into a small death of the soul, who stops feeling motivated, stops sending us the fuel we need for everything we would like to experience in this life: Live a wonderful love, interact with great friends, travel, laugh, deep and meaningful conversations, having fun, feeling good in our healthy, flexible and vital body, earning money, helping others, living our Purpose, getting up every morning excited at the day that comes before us…

But instead, too often we feel anxious, depressed… and that is an unequivocal sign that we are straying from our path and it is not difficult to guess why we lose Energy, why we lose Motivation, Passion and Illusion, and we it leaves a state where it is difficult to create, much less get excited about something new. It can happen to us at any age, in any of the phases of our life… and it doesn't matter, in all of them we can change something, lift our spirits and motivate ourselves, recover the Passion, thus changing the direction of events.

If you feel identified with what I just told you, I want to say in your ear:

"You are not alone…" You are not alone in your current inability to move forward, as unfortunately it is something that many people suffer and you are not alone to receive the impulse you need to take those steps! You can ask for help!

I know from experience how frustrating it can be to observe how you are creating a life that has nothing to do with you and feel unable to change course taking the steps that you KNOW you would have to take to improve your Life.

We all feel without passion or motivation from time to time and there can be many reasons, each one has its own, its personal history…

But there are a number of possibilities you can consider to find out what your particular reason may be:

1. Stress is operating in your life and you need a break

A Kit Kat is the simple solution most of the time… We demand too much of ourselves, being our worst judges, going to the limit, until the energy wears out, our body complains and says enough is enough, our mind is blocked and turn off, our hearts languish… there is no more fun, the motivation is over…

Maybe you just need a break, stop, go for a walk on the beach or in the woods, play with your pet, with your children or with your partner.

It happens to me sometimes, when I am in the middle of a project that I am so passionate about that I stop listening to the signs of "stop, rest, live and enjoy the other facets of your life… Every day", and collapse, my body is complaint, my neck, my back, my immune defenses… or simply falls in bed refusing to get up in 3 days with a flu or the like or, well, I can no longer write blocked, or I find it hard to concentrate…

Those moments I am on the doorstep of demotivation… and there I know that it was time to stop a long time ago, to dose… to give my mind and body time to integrate the changes within me, to regenerate and load the stacks, to strengthen. (Thank goodness that it happens less and less!)

Sometimes what we need is to rest, others to play, others to socialize… identify what you need and allow yourself… honor yourself with it.

2.- You have neglected your temple

Drink more water, eat unprocessed foods that have natural nutrients and vitamins, the greener the better! and exercising is vital not only for the body, but also for the mind and vital energy, for the spirit that houses this temple.

Whatever your Purpose and dreams, need to take care of your physical health, honor this temple that you have chosen to sustain you and enjoy this life !!

Check your habits and see what you can improve from today! Make the decision, plan new habits, and go ahead!

3.- You do not completely believe that it is Possible

Many people do not advance and are discouraged by it. They hear about the Law of Attraction, but they are so afraid that it is not fulfilled that they do not even try, thinking that "when they find that it does not work" they will not want to imagine that their boldest dreams come true.

Take time to observe your basic and most important beliefs. You have to change those that support "It will not go well" before even thinking about putting them into practice or they really will not go well !!

Conscious Creation is a process - and well done. It always works !! I assure!

4.- "A part of you" is sabotaging the process

Your child who is afraid and does not feel safe or supported in unknown terrain, perhaps because in the past she did not feel supported or supported in her needs. Or maybe your young adolescent girl continues to reveal herself thinking that they will demand (or will demand) you too much, that it will be too much effort… or you are creating a personal drama, based on the role of victim, or in the complaint, your unconscious way of attracting attention (with few really good results for you, let it be said in passing) as you move away from all your gifts and abilities, from all your potential…

One or all of them are paralyzing you, and YOU are allowing it. Talk to them, close their eyes and connect with them, listen to them, make them feel safe and love them, giving them a life that they can love and enjoy.

5.- You have a negative leprechaun chattering in your head

When we have grown up between criticism and demand, it is very easy to perpetuate it unconsciously, in a constant internal chatter (and what is worse, also sometimes external) of complaint and seeing it all black.

It is true that things happen to us that we classify as good and others as bad, although we already know that this is subjective according to "the color of the glasses you put on" and that it is not what happens to us, but our attitude towards what happens to us what affects us negatively.

Remember that even from the negative you can learn !!

When you realize that you are creating everything, there is no room for the “victim”… and the truth is that “not making a decision to change” is a decision in itself !!

If you continue to choose to express negativity you will continue to degrade, sabotage and demotivate you. Be very clear: all those voices not only lie to you, but they keep you in mediocrity, in a reality that is not what you are destined to live. And also they nullify your Passion, your passion for Life and for undertaking new things !!! ("What if it sure goes wrong" would say that negative troll of your head)…

You can change that voice, and turn it into one that sings victories and celebrates your steps. Get to it! Observe your attitude towards things, make him aware and go step by step, changing something new in your internal dialogue every time.

6.- You are afraid of success

Other times what sabotages us and ends up demotivating us is the fear of success. How is such a thing possible? Well, because of your acquired beliefs. Maybe you have the belief that success would entail a responsibility that you don't think you are capable of covering, or that you will attract too much attention (and you learned that this is not right), or that your environment will have to change, or that your loved ones will abandon you., or… etc. etc.

But you can change your beliefs !!

Create your success and you can create not only what happens to you, but also how you handle that success !!!

Make sure you change those beliefs and everything will change for you.

7. You need help

If you are facing a blockage, depression or anxiety and that is weakening you. If you feel unmotivated and without illusion to take the steps you dream of taking, if you realize that you no longer have a passion, passion for life, or in any of its facets and that prevents you from creating, taking new paths, taking advantage of opportunities… such Once finding the help of a professional will help you.

And trust that not only are you not alone. You are permanently supported, but also, you don't have to go through this alone !!

Every day I witness with my clients how, when a person manages to identify the reasons that keep them stagnant and unmotivated, with help they can release those reasons, and they begin to radically change their reality.

Success motivates !! And even in full success you can go through moments of inactivity, growth and integration that you have to embrace and honor. Knowing how to make the most of them is a virtue, because they are a source of creativity and inspiration for the next step of the heart.

And yes, each new dream brings with it new challenges, new beliefs that have to be changed, new spaces to explore, making you leave your "comfort zone", which will force you to "stretch" and grow again.

The real secret, the real key, and those of you who have worked with me have verified it is to ENJOY the process as much as you can - and not to have expectations, not to believe that things have to come out in a concrete way, because the plans for you in this Life and the results of the path that your dreams mark are even better than you imagine, even if they don't look like you can imagine now. They will grow with you !!

Get started today !! Motivate yourself!

Choose to live the desires of your Heart, step by step, in one direction…

7 steps to recover your entrepreneurial passion