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7 Master Principles for creating a great company


Are you aware of what is your most powerful asset for your business? Is it the money? Are they your employees? Are they your titles or your intellectual knowledge? Are they your products or your services? No, actually, they are none of these things. Your most important business asset is…. Your mind, more specifically, your way of thinking.

Your company will only grow as fast, according to how your mind and your thinking are. If you want to create a business of a hundred thousand or a million dollars, you should think like a business owner that invoices that amount. Your mind should focus on the number you want to earn.

These seven principles of mindset are essential for you to build a great business. Read this list daily. Take just 15 to 30 minutes a day to change your thinking. This is your biggest investment for you to transform your current company.

1. The beginning of the transcendent end

Great companies and great business leaders who do great things leave a lasting legacy and make this world a better place for everyone. These leaders create causes, not companies. If you want to reach a high level of your turnover in your business, you must take into account the core, the purpose for its existence must be transcendent. A great purpose that relates to your personal interests.

Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl said: "Success, like happiness, cannot be accomplished, but must occur… as the unwanted side effect of your personal dedication to a cause greater than yourself." What is the transcendent objective of your business? How can you make your business a vehicle to make a difference in the lives of your customers?

2. The high probability principle of your thoughts

It is directly related to your thinking, it is what determines the growth of your business. If you focus on one problem, you will get more problems. If you focus on finding solutions, the door will open to more solutions. Whenever your attention is towards the search for results, they will be accurate. Now where is your attention focused on your business? On problems or solutions? How should you change your service center so that your business reaches the economic level you want?

3. The principle of magnetic attraction

How about? This law magnetizes and attracts. Your thoughts make your business work and everything around you. For example, if you are attracting low income or have difficult clients. You must focus on the type of clientele you want to sell your products or services, you must attract good customers. Your business is always the faithful reflection of your inner thought.

To go to the next level within your business, you must first start at the next level within your mind. You must know the value you offer and raise your mental gaze towards the type of clients you want to attract. What challenges does your business currently have? How do you reflect your thoughts?

4. The principle of deliberate creation

Having hopes, dreams and visions of a profitable business is not enough to create it, although it is undoubtedly the first step. Deliberate creation comes from the intention with which you make that decision.

When we come from a place where intention is 100% compromised, synchronicity and magic must be brought about. Finding the right people and resources to support your vision should be done without great effort. The impulse is what pushes to go in the direction of dreams. Are you in a state of desire and are you 100% committed to creating your visions and dreams? What do you need to be fully committed?

5. The principle of marketing

Marketing is not a product battle. It is a battle of perceptions. It all starts in the customer's mind. First, the value that customers perceive is what draws them to your business. Real value is what holds them back from buying. What are you doing to create that perceived value in the minds of your customers? Are you a winner in the battle of perceptions?

6. The higher principle of consequences

With every action there is a consequence or a result. If you cannot control the results, you can control and be responsible for your actions. This principle tells us that if you want a different result in your business, you must also take different actions.

It doesn't matter what your current level of success is. If your company has great profits, then you will need to design good strategies and actions that demonstrate your high performance by compromising your intellectual efforts. Where do you get lower than expected results in your business? What actions can you take to get different results?

7. The principle of mental wealth

All riches are, first of all, within your mind. It is your mental attitude that determines the difference between a wobbly business or a flourishing business. This works in this way, your mind will reflect in your reality, what your thoughts emit outward. If you have an excellent image for your business, do you consider that your business is going to work differently than it is now? What do you have to change to make it according to your expectations?

Making a mindset change doesn't happen overnight. It must be done little by little, being persistent in the efforts to achieve that goal. You must pay close attention to the different changes that occur in your thinking, since you have them rooted at the unconscious level, you must take care of each one so that they are externalized to your benefit. Do not allow them to get out of hand, it is very important that you start with 30 minutes of your time each day so that you master these principles, and change your way of thinking, so you can reap great rewards without great additional efforts. Your mind is your greatest ally or your worst enemy, you decide which of these two positions you want for you. This choice will make the difference in your future.

7 Master Principles for creating a great company