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7 Tactics that will help you remove the blockage

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7 answers to how to get rid of the lock

It happens to all of us that sometimes we feel blocked when making a decision or taking the next step. It is an uncomfortable situation that paralyzes us, does not allow us to move freely towards our goal. Whether for lack of motivation, for being an important decision, or for fear of not obtaining the expected results, the blockade is always broken by taking action.

Today I bring you 7 tactics that will help you eliminate the block, depending on the different causes that cause it.

1.- You have lost motivation

You started your journey with joy and motivation, but at some point along the way you lost them. It happens when we are not focused enough on our objective and that leads us to the blockade. The solution is to return to the starting point, remember how you felt and lived your goal with joy and motivation, connect with those two feelings. Once you have them, go back and continue on your way, being more careful not to lose them again.

2.- This is an important decision

You feel that the next step is decisive for your future and the responsibility can be for fear of making a huge mistake. The solution to eliminate the blockade is to relativize, understand that success is never guaranteed, and that it is inevitable to make mistakes sometimes, without this being the end of the world. It is by erring that we learn and grow.

3.- You are stuck

You have already been part of the path, but suddenly you do not know where to go. Confusion takes hold of you, and the more space you give it, the more stagnant you feel until you reach the blockade. It is time to go out, change of scenery. Go for a walk, exercise, take the opportunity to buy what you need, etc. Without self-reproaches, clear your mind and try to see where you are and where you want to go, think about what results you want to obtain with a new look, try to see it from the outside. If this is not enough, a vacation to clear yourself will break the blockage.

4.- Fear paralyzes you

It is not braver who is not afraid, but who despite him, is able to get up and move forward. In my article "Strategies to Overcome Fear of Failure" I was talking about questioning your fear, overcoming fear by putting yourself into action, and learning from those who have already achieved success. One of the keys is learning to live with things that do not come out the first time, and always keep your 'why' in mind.

5.- You think you have already tried everything

It is never true. There is always some other way to face a goal or a problem, we can always give it another approach or work from another place. If you can't do it alone, ask for help. Think of an objective person you know, and tell them what's wrong with you. Surely between the two you will find new ways. If you still don't get out of the block, look for a coach.

6.- You have changed your mind

Rectify is wise. When you feel that the goal you set for yourself no longer serves you or has stopped satisfying you, analyze it to be sure that it is not a passing thing. If you finally decide to change your goal, don't feel bad. In your environment they may think that you should continue, for the time that you have already invested, but if you are clear, keep your decision. Thank them for caring about you, but go ahead with your plans without giving in to their fears. It will be you who lives with the results.

7.- You are missing new challenges

Human beings need to continually test and motivate themselves. When you reach your goal, you must set new ones for motivation, otherwise life has no color. Consider what your new goal might be, write down on a paper what they could be, evaluate the effort and satisfaction of achieving them, and choose the one that best suits your current situation.

When you feel blocked, either because you have lost motivation, you have to make an important decision, you feel stagnant, your fear paralyzes you, you think that you have already tried everything, you have changed your mind, or you are missing new challenges; go back to the starting point and connect to your goal, relativize, change of scenery, think about what results you want to obtain, assume that things do not come out the first time, always keep in mind your 'why', try new approaches, analyze whether to change Goal, set new goals if necessary, and above all, take action to get out of the block.

"It is not dishonor not to achieve a thing, but to stop putting the means." Seneca.

7 Tactics that will help you remove the blockage