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9 Things Successful People Do Different

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Heidi Grant Halvorson Ph.D - Associate Director of the Motivation Science Center of Columbia - has spent more than 20 years studying the Science of Success and assures us that achieving our goals is not a matter of how good we are at something but more Well, it is a matter of the things we do and the habits we have. That is, successful people are not necessarily those who have a higher IQ, certain talents or a certain type of personality, but those people who strive, have a strategy and know how to stay focused. Here are 9 tips to help you succeed in your personal or professional life:

  1. Be specific: Saying "I want to lose weight" is different from saying "I want to lose 3 kilos in two months." Clarity in the goal gives us an idea of ​​what the success we want would look like. You also have to be specific about the actions you are going to take: "eating less" is very different from saying "I am going to leave desserts and fried foods." Find the moment to act on your goals: Studies ensure that if your brain detects The opportunities and conditions to meet your goals, your chances of success are increased by 300%. So decide when, how and where you will work on your goal. For example if it is to exercise, define if you will do it before bathing, twice a week, for 45 min, on Mondays and Thursdays. Once you have defined it, change your habits and leave the sneakers and pants next to your bed before sleeping,This will make it easier for you to meet your goal. Measure exactly how far you have to meet your goal: Success requires continuous monitoring whether weekly, monthly or yearly depending on the goal. Peter Drucker already said "What is not measured does not improve", without measurement the strategies cannot be adjusted and stop being effective. Be a realistic optimist: Of course you have to think positively, however any goal that is worthwhile It will take time, planning, effort, and persistence. Thinking ahead of the obstacles and adversities that may come your way will help you to be better prepared. Concentrate on "improving" not on being "the best": We generally believe that our way of being is established;when in fact it is proven that human beings are fully developable and can improve remarkably by acquiring the qualities that we do not have by putting into practice the discipline that makes them part of us. Be determined or “Grit”: The “grit” is defined as a mixture of determination and passion that allows us to commit ourselves to prolonged efforts. If you think you are one of the people who does not have this quality, the good news is that you can develop it. Without "Grit" or determination there will be no success; Since reaching goals is a matter of effort, planning, strategy and above all persistence. Strengthen the muscle of your willpower: Exercise your self-control whenever you feel the temptation to give in to an impulse, give up or simply not do the effort that is required.Start with little things like straightening your back, or drinking water instead of soda. Don't tempt fate: No matter how strong your self-control is, don't put yourself in situations where temptations are strong (If you're an ex-smoker don't smoke at an event social (if you are on a diet do not buy chocolates to have in your pantry).Focus on what you want to achieve instead of what you want to avoid: If you want to end a bad habit - like exploding when you are angry - think about how you are going to replace bad habit for a good habit. It is more difficult to live thinking "I shouldn't raise my voice", to practice "I'm going to take 3 breaths to calm down before answering".do not put yourself in situations where the temptations are strong (If you are an ex-smoker do not smoke in a social event, if you are on a diet do not buy chocolates to have in your pantry).Focus on what you want to achieve instead of what you want to avoid: If you want to end a bad habit - like exploding when you're angry - think about how you're going to replace the bad habit with a good habit. It is more difficult to live thinking "I shouldn't raise my voice", to practice "I'm going to take 3 breaths to calm down before answering".do not put yourself in situations where the temptations are strong (If you are an ex-smoker do not smoke in a social event, if you are on a diet do not buy chocolates to have in your pantry).Focus on what you want to achieve instead of what you want to avoid: If you want to end a bad habit - like exploding when you're angry - think about how you're going to replace the bad habit with a good habit. It is more difficult to live thinking "I shouldn't raise my voice", to practice "I'm going to take 3 breaths to calm down before answering".It is more difficult to live thinking "I shouldn't raise my voice", to practice "I'm going to take 3 breaths to calm down before answering".It is more difficult to live thinking "I shouldn't raise my voice", to practice "I'm going to take 3 breaths to calm down before answering".


  • 9 Things succesful people do Differently -Heidi Grant Halvorson for Harvard Business Review.Succeed –Heidi Grant Halvorson.
9 Things Successful People Do Different