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Give up criticism and resentment to make money


Some think that the only way to make money is:

Study + University + Degree + Job = MONEY

There is no doubt that that path is that of most mortals. But what happens when studying under the current system is torture for students; What happens when access to universities becomes difficult and finishing a degree is extremely expensive; What happens when, after obtaining the famous professional title, getting a job becomes almost an impossible mission; What happens when the job is obtained, the remuneration is not enough to cover the standard of living suggested by the media.

Having traveled that route, knowing every detail of that tortuous journey I can now say that there is another alternative.

The first thing is to be clear about why we want money, assuming that it is a means of achieving certain things.

Here is the first big stumbling block, one begins to want things like a great, fast, brand car (If you're married, better two: one for each); a large house, with multiple rooms, pool included; a house with all the modern artifacts that technology creates every day; lots of brand clothing, shoes for every occasion; vacation somewhere where fun is guaranteed; exclusive schools for our children, not to forget the ballet and piano classes…

One sees deceitful life models in the showcase of television and we end up firmly believing that we need to have a lifestyle like the "Rich and Famous". We end up believing that we are reincarnated Bill Gates and that our life has to be like Rico Mac Pato's.

We forget that we are children of love and therefore happiness must be present in our lives. The problem is when we condition our happiness to money.

There are so many reasons to be happy, but generally it seems that we like to have a list of things that we dislike.

Every morning is good news. We are alive, we can start life in a different way, with energy, with creativity, with passion, with faith, with values.

But the routine beats us. We are so programmed that sometimes the first thing we do when we get up is turn on the television to receive our daily dose of brainwashing. We look forward to watching the news to find out how many new deaths there are. How many corpses parade before our eyes; how many discouraging news about the economy will we receive; how many catastrophes of the environment worry us uselessly; what will be the new fashion scandal. As if that were not enough, some still buy newspapers to continue with the dose of poison that brutalizes day by day.

Advertising leads us to want things that we don't really need and together with credit cards they have created a modern system of slavery.

We have to say "enough" to those who want to direct our lives. We have to be clear that we can create our paradise here and now. We have to transform ourselves into free men. We have to remember that we are children of God. Let nothing distract us from the present, nor the memories of the past, nor the worries of the future. We have to be attentive, enjoy and respect every moment.

Do not blame anyone for your situation, free yourself from the chains that you yourself allowed to hold you.

If you live each moment consciously, neither the past nor the future will distract you. You have the power to be unique right now, to ask life for what you really want. Don't say "I can't" because your unconscious will register it and every time you try you will fail.

If you want to have money, abandon criticism, resentment and guilt, forgive everyone and forgive yourself, there is no greater liberation than forgiveness, there is nothing like living without enemies. Blaming the government, the climate, the couple, the children, the boss, the competition is not accepting responsibility for our life. Work on what you love.

Good and evil live within you, each day you choose what we will let grow. What we call problems are lessons from the school of life, and they will continue to present themselves until we learn the lesson; nothing that happens to us is in vain.

Give up criticism and resentment to make money