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Abundance and scarcity of money


The money theme is actually 2 themes in one.

On the one hand there is the abundance of money and on the other hand the scarcity of money.

Any subject that we can touch always has 2 opposite poles, one of them is the abundance of it and the other is the scarcity of it.

For example, if we talk about money, we can see that most of the people who talk always focus only on the negative side, on the side of scarcity or lack.

Money theme

Abundance of money

Lack of money

(positive pole of money)

(negative pole of money)

If we look closely, most people focus on things like:

"How expensive everything is"

"The money is not enough"

"It does not pay me as before"

"The cost of gasoline has just risen"

"The taxes are getting higher"

"The government steals our money"

"I would like to take a vacation but it's not enough ”

So as we can see, whenever the subject of money is touched on, only the negative pole of money is discussed.

And since the law of attraction says that everything attracts its equal or that everything you focus on grows, the attention you pay to the lack of money grows, so it is not surprising that our society suffers a lot in this regard / money theme.

I know that sometimes it is very difficult to believe that the simple act of changing our concentration could help us solve our money problems but it is true and I have personally verified it.

If people only focused on the positive pole of money, they would attract more money and stop suffering!

If instead of saying:

"How expensive everything is"

I would say:

"The services I pay are worth their price in gold because they are very useful to me and

I am grateful to have these services"

If instead of saying:

"I do not have enough money"

I would say:

“For every penny I spend, 3 more come into my account and I feel abundant”

If instead of saying:

"He doesn't give up on me like before"

I would say:

"Before there were no microwave ovens or so many facilities, each time has its benefits and I always focus on the good"

If instead of saying:

"The government steals our money"

I would say:

"All my taxes I set out to do good to humanity and mentally use my money for public lighting, for the proper functioning of the subway and I know that my money will never be wasted by politicians because I send it with good vibes, so I just it will be spent for good.

If instead of saying:

"I would like to take a vacation but it is not enough"

I would say:

I know that at the moment it is a little difficult for me to take vacations but I am sure that soon I will have enough money to take them.

If instead of concentrating on our lack of money we found a way to feel good about him, we would be on the positive side of that topic. And when you are on the positive edge of any subject, you are drawing it in, you are a vibrational equivalent to it.

To become a vibrational equivalent with money, go to the positive side, think positively about money and be reassured even though you don't have it at the moment, be gently and gradually convinced that soon you will have more.

How do you know if you are concentrating on the positive side of money?

It is very easy, every time you have good feelings about it it means that you are concentrating on the positive pole.

When you feel negative emotions, you should know that you are concentrating on the negative pole of money.

So when you talk about money, make sure what you say makes you feel good. When you spend your money be sure to look for reasons to feel good, even if the money you are paying is for taxes, look for reasons to feel good saying that with those taxes you help the poor and that the city where you live works well.

If you have debts and a lot of your capital goes to pay those debts every month, feel happy because you are already ending those commitments and soon you will be free.

To take the "Laws of Abundance" course for free visit this link:

Abundance and scarcity of money