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Where are you going in such a hurry? Are we going in the right direction in our life?


Singer-songwriter Ricardo Arjona immortalizes a phrase that is coined in his songs and some interviews. Suppose the best place to go is: nowhere. A long time ago, I listened to the music produced by this poet, and I find it extraordinary, however I am sure that his phrase is pure rhetoric, because we must always locate a port of arrival, a horizon, an ideal.

Boats, planes, trains, trams, routes, rivers have a starting and an ending point. Although at some point in the journey things change, they have located their destination.

This is our life, the Venezuelan father and writer Ricardo Bulmez describes life as a walk. But even when we walk we also choose a place to go. We have to have perspectives, dreams, challenges, goals, commitments, this makes our existence meaningful.

The harsh reality is that many people go through life without knowing where to go. Without direction; without horizons. The dynamics and convulsion of our days are beyond us. We are slaves of daily stress for the immediate, for the necessary that we believe essential, we run more than the clock, but it is worth checking if all these hurries that overwhelm us are really important or necessary.

It is convenient at some point in these hurries to stop. Think. Reflect. Are we heading in the right direction?

Sometimes we go out to some predetermined place, and end up in another. Thats the reality. The important thing is that, unless it is an unexpected situation, we always go to the place where it feels good. Wherever it is but you have to go somewhere. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote: "The whole world falls apart when it sees a man pass by who knows where he is going."

The course of this life is short. It is a transit transit. God already has his purpose with each one, however it is necessary to draw us that road map. That plan.

In the book Juan Salvador Gaviota, by Richard Bach, it is illustrated how a seagull decides to be different from the others, he understands that life is more than eating and sleeping, or looking for leftovers in the fishing boats, so, he experiences an incredible transformation in his existence and will build a renewing way of living. This story motivates that any aspect of our life can reach different dimensions, provided we give a different orientation to routine.

What do you want your business to be like, how do you see your student journey, your professional career, what do you do for yourself, for your community, for your country, how do you plan to educate your children, write your book, emigrate? These things require that you have clearly defined what to do and how to do it.

Exceptions always exist, such as plan changes. It happens that we go to the supermarket and end up at the hairdresser or in the mechanical workshop. But we got somewhere. The important thing is to know that whatever happens we will get somewhere, and better if it is what we commonly know as a safe harbor.

The secret of happiness is simple, find out what you like to do and direct all your energies in that direction. " The monk who sold his Ferrari " (1999), Robin Sharma

Go without haste, the one that despairs, that misplaces, that generates nervousness and stress. Go to work, to reunite with your family, with your friends, but when you can go to another place, where you meet yourself. These days, more and more irritated, harder, in an imminently more violent world, it is good to stop the rhythm for a moment, check your compass and consider if it is going where you really want to go.

There is no starting point if you do not know where to go.

Sigmund Freud

Where are you going in such a hurry? Are we going in the right direction in our life?