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Did you achieve success? step out of your comfort zone and face change


It is not easy to take a step of faith and launch into doing something new in a business. Changes cost, because they force us to face the unknown. So when everything is going well enough and there is no crisis that forces us to change, we prefer to stay in a place that gives us security, even if it is apparent. Without realizing it, we can fall into seclusion in that place where all enterprises are stagnant and die: our comfort zone. Find out why it is so important not to be caught by its deceptive tentacles.

Is everything perfect in your business? Don't you have worries, the business is running smoothly and the money is coming in? Nothing better than resting your head and resting on your laurels.

Overall, it took you a lot of work getting to where you are, right? And you don't feel like continuing to deal with more problems.

Watch out! You are about to enter the place where all ventures are stagnant and die: your comfort zone.

Don't be caught by its deceptive tentacles.

Because it is very attractive to be there. It gives us a sense of security in which we can hide. It allows us to flinch in the face of life's challenges and numbs our entrepreneurial spirit.

The comfort zone is not really a place, it is a state of mind. We take refuge in it when we feel fear. And fear is a negative force that limits us and encloses us in a level of existence that is far below our capacities.

I don't allow myself to feel fear

A month ago we were invited to sail on a boat of some friends. Our children found nothing better than to jump into the sea from the deck, which was 9 meters from the sea.

While we were applauding our children, our friends told us that they had invited a well-known, elderly businessman who surprised everyone, because he also decided to dive from the deck of the boat. Before jumping into the void, he said vehemently, "I don't allow myself to be afraid."

Wise words. It would have been much easier for him to sit on deck with a drink in his hand. No one expected him to dare to perform such a feat, much less at his age. However, he faced a challenge, because he felt fear and decided to overcome it.

This anecdote made me think. I am sure that the gentleman had that same spirit when facing the challenges of her business throughout her life. I am also sure that it was the key to the success he achieved as an entrepreneur. She accepted the challenge of overcoming her fears before remaining comfortably confined to her comfort zone.

We prefer to avoid difficulties

Isn't that what we do many times? Our society teaches us to avoid problems, to avoid complicated situations and to be passive when we know that we must act to change things.

The problem with that attitude is that you won't accomplish much in your life. Will you live comfortable? Possibly. Insurance? Maybe. Bored? Always.

I admit: the changes are not easy, but they are good. They are not comfortable, but they indicate that we are on the move. When we face challenges and choose to be in an uncomfortable place, there is a risk, but there is also a trajectory and there is progress. Sometimes even with leaps and bounds.

When you decide to face the lions in your business instead of starting from them, it will lead to increased profits, the development of your company and will also forge that strength of character that you need so much to be a successful entrepreneur.

It's time to get out of the comfort zone. God gifted you with unique talents and abilities to fulfill a singular purpose in your life. Their plans are not small. Make sure yours are not.

Did you achieve success? step out of your comfort zone and face change