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Some suggestions to optimize your time


One of the most difficult aspects for professionals today is time management. There is always too much to do, and the feeling that time is never enough constantly haunts us.

Even though I don't have a magic time management kit to transform your life, I can give some suggestions and ideas that I adopted and produced good results in my tasks.

Start listening to Podcasts. They are excellent for transforming lost time into useful. You can hear them in the car, the gym, or any other situation involving a wait. You can always learn something new or generate a new idea.

Have something to read near you. I always have a business magazine or something from work near me at home, office and car. A simple space of 5 minutes can be enough to read an interesting article or advance some ideas about a professional task.

Do you need to focus? Turn off all distractions. If I have to write a large email or an important report, I usually disconnect the network cable from the computer, close the door to the room and sometimes even turn off the phone. No one is going to die because you disappeared 20-30 minutes, and your work will be done with greater speed and quality.

Have something to record ideas and reminders. You will feel much better passing all the thoughts and worries in your head for a role or another medium. In addition to almost always having something to point with me, I use the voice recorder of my mobile to record something important when it is not possible to write.

Adapt your activities to your energy levels. Some people have more energy in the morning, others at night. Leave the bureaucratic work for the moments when your energy is at its lowest point, because you won't have to think much, and use your high energy for more important and challenging work. You can read a little more about this here.

Don't start something unless you intend to finish it. Your mind takes some time to adjust to a new activity. Therefore, spend this time only once, finishing whatever you start.

Don't spend too much time on something that's blocked. This is the exception to the rule above. If you can't find the solution to a problem, do something different, and come back to this problem later with fresh ideas.

Rest well. If you only rest when you're exhausted, it means that some of your work was done close to exhaustion, and your productivity was compromised.

Some suggestions to optimize your time