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Love to the work


A few days ago, he lectured to professors at a university on the southern border of Ecuador.

I was met by a demanding and experienced audience, as expected. What was harder for me to understand was because the request that I was made to focus on the subject was to “work”, they asked me to focus the talk on why to work, which seemed to me to be superfluous since they were all people capable, with a lot of experience and good position.

However, most were suffering from something that is contagion: heartbreak for what is done.

I told them:

Love is the secret touch to turn a job into a lifestyle. Love makes your work your greatest distraction, you cannot conceive of a successful and prosperous professional without happiness in his heart, he would be like a slave to his work and not a master of his prosperity.

That love with which the extraordinary beings that transcended history, reflected in their works and turned them into works of art; Imagine davinci with no passion for his job. Imagine Lee Iacoca bored in the mornings of going to lead his car company. That lack of love for our work makes us mediocre with mediocre results, therefore our income is mediocre and you live a mediocre life blaming your luck or the system.

I heard a Colombian speaker and writer say something absolutely true. He was referring to chemistry students at a university, he told them: there is nothing more danger than a professional without love in your heart. Because a chemical engineer with all that knowledge without love can be the genius who builds bombs, devises formulas to destroy.

In the same way it is applied to a shoemaker as to a company director; a manager without love for what he does NEVER MEET GOALS, just does not do it with passion; giving you the tools, financial incentives, adequate facilities and discounts on the product is weaving in a vacuum; his human factor is simply not fit because he has knowledge but has no love for what he does.

He does not suffer to achieve victory. A salesperson who doesn't love his job is a paid loser. A lady of attention to the public in a counter that does not love what she does is a bad - whiny and complaining daily who gets up to do a bad thing to her company.

Simply put: LOVE WHAT YOU DO!

My father loved electrical appliances. I remember watching his face light up and start talking differently whenever he described a television or remembered his favorite repair. For almost fifteen years he had been working in his appliance repair shop doing what he liked best and doing it honestly.

As a child, I had the opportunity to see him deal with his clients and to witness the value of honesty and the reward for hard work. Every Saturday morning, he would take me to his workshop and show me what he was working on. He explained the repairs he was doing, the techniques, the tools and the business. I didn't understand most of these things, but I really didn't have to either. Watching the sparkle in his eyes whenever he got excited after showing me something new and seeing the smile on his face when he fixed some problem was more than enough. My father loved his job and that's why he was the best, but most importantly, he was happy.

Her passion for life inspired my own passion for mine and finally changed her. His example taught me things I never thought I would know and made me teach myself to be a better person.

It was more than showing me household appliances; was to show me how to live.

Love to the work