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Inner harmony for your true happiness


Many times we look outside for what we should find inside our being.

We are constantly looking for happiness, although many times we are no longer aware of it because we have lost perspective.

The vast majority of actions that we carry out in our life are aimed at having a happy life. We study to be able to get a good job, we work to be able to have a good economic position and, therefore, have a good life (have a good house, a good car, a good purchasing power, etc.), thinking that all of this will bring us closer increasingly to happiness. But it turns out that time goes by and, even if we manage to get everything we hoped for, even a nice family, no matter how hard we try, we still feel far from happiness. What happened to us? At what point did we lose our way? When do we stop chasing happiness to start chasing only your ghost? Undoubtedly, answering these questions is not easy at first, but do not despair, the answers are within us,they are just waiting for us to change our perspective a bit so that we can discover them. On this occasion, the key concept that we must invoke in our search is inner harmony.

What does inner harmony consist of? First we have to focus on this question and then we can answer the others, and for this we have to do a little introspection. Let's try to look inside ourselves, perhaps at first we will find nothing, but with a little patience, faith and discipline we will begin to discover surprising things. For example, why have we been looking for happiness outside all along? Why did we believe that surrounding ourselves with all the material goods and comforts we would achieve such a desired state? This is the first step to straighten our path: understanding that the happiness we seek can only be within us, and this will only come to light if we manage to balance and obtain our inner harmony.

We have been put into the world for different purposes, each human being is unique and, therefore, must also fulfill a unique purpose, but there is also an end that all human beings must fulfill: to be happy. We have been put on earth for that, and if we think about it, at the end of our days that is what will really count; It will not matter how much money we accumulate, how successful we were in our profession, how much we were admired, how many assets we had… the only thing that will really matter is if we can be happy, if we have a full life and if we leave a trail of happiness behind us.

Lograr la armonía interior hará que nuestra felicidad no esté condicionada a factores externos, por supuesto siempre se darán hechos en la vida que nos harán dichosos o nos causarán mucha tristeza, pero esto solo es parte del cauce que nos conduce. Lo importante es que tengamos un equilibrio (armonía) interior que nos permita ser felices no en función de lo que tenemos o dejamos de tener afuera, sino de lo que tenemos dentro, de esa luz que nos calienta e ilumina y que tiene la maravillosa propiedad de ser transmitida a los demás. La armonía interior es como una herencia, cuyo mayor tesoro es la felicidad, y lo mejor de todo es que podemos compartirla con todos los que queremos y, más aún, con quien lo necesite.

If you feel then that you got lost on the road trying to find happiness, do not grieve, you can recover it at any time, you never lost it, because it is within you.

Activate your inner harmony and perfect it more and more to achieve greater balance. Do not stop chasing the dreams you have, do not stop setting goals that help you improve yourself in any way, but do not make the mistake of wanting to focus your happiness on it.

Look inside yourself, listen to yourself, feel the voice of what you really want to do, of what could truly make you happy, and get going, always bringing harmony with you.

Inner harmony for your true happiness