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Aspects to consider to achieve your goals


Do you have difficulties achieving your goals? The 5 things you don't have to overlook if you really want to achieve your goals.

Every day of our lives in a management (and I dare say in 99% of current jobs), we strive to meet goals. Increase the number of clients, reduce casualties, optimize costs, increase income, improve the use of resources, improve team communication, motivate our collaborators, successfully complete such a project, obtain a promotion, obtain recognition for our work, get better benefits, achieve extraordinary results. But almost as often as we think about them, we stay halfway there and fail to meet them. What happens when you don't reach your XX goals? Do you feel frustrated, disappointed, angry?And what happens next? You face the path again and go for a new objective with the same tools with which you had difficulty reaching the previous one. How about you ask yourself… what should I do differently this time to get different results? What are the factors that led me to not achieve my goals in the past?

Whether you need to achieve an objective at work or on your project, or if you are thinking about your professional career, here I recommend a simple scheme so that you can get started with something specific and achieve what you set out to do. These are the 5 things you don't have to overlook if you want to achieve your goals.

What do you want to achieve? The first thing you should know is exactly what you long to achieve. What is the objective that you will pursue? Reflect and ask yourself, what do I want to achieve? Use your words but specifically seek to explain what your goal is. Leave the autopilot and think about what your wish is. A goal is not a task, a goal is an end. A desired state you want to reach. "I want to get promoted to the position of area manager", "I want to get that project leader job at multinational X", "I want to achieve better communication with my boss", "I want to motivate my work team to fulfill the objective of the project". A principle to define your goal: say it positive, say what you want to achieve not what you want to avoid. If you want to stop stressing and enjoy your profession and your free time more,You can define your goal as "having a healthier relationship with your profession and balancing work obligations with personal life." Defining your goal with this principle makes you think about what you want to achieve and confirms that you are in control of your life and that you are not a victim of what is happening around you.

What is the meaning / purpose of this that you want to achieve? Think about how you will feel when you achieve this goal. Think about what impact this desired end will have in your life once it is realized. Does it have an impact on other people? How will this accomplished goal change your life or career? Understanding what is the meaning and purpose of your goal has two purposes: first, to understand what motivates you. Sometimes you focus on a goal and when you achieve it, you realize that it is not what fills you up or it was not exactly what you needed or wanted. This is because you incorrectly defined your goal. You were looking for a result, when what you should have looked for was a state. It is the typical case of the manager who said that her main goal in life was her family and that is why she yearned for that regional position. But when she got it,.He was found on a plane away from his home 3 weeks a month. Of course, his salary was important and his family's economic well-being was more than assured, but his children hardly shared any time with him and he was frustrated shortly after achieving his goal. What would have happened if he had thought about the impact of his objective? Or how it would modify his life? The second reason why defining the meaning or purpose of a goal is so valuable is to make sure that this motivator is on the path to your goal. It is true that you can make some sacrifices to reach the goal, but how long can you sustain a path that moves away from your desired sense / purpose?Of course, his salary was important and his family's economic well-being was more than assured, but his children hardly shared any time with him and he was frustrated shortly after achieving his goal. What would have happened if he had thought about the impact of his objective? Or how it would modify his life? The second reason why defining the meaning or purpose of a goal is so valuable is to make sure that this motivator is on the path to your goal. It is true that you can make some sacrifices to reach the goal, but how long can you sustain a path that moves away from your desired sense / purpose?Of course, his salary was important and his family's economic well-being was more than assured, but his children hardly shared any time with him and he was frustrated shortly after achieving his goal. What would have happened if he had thought about the impact of his objective? Or how it would modify his life? The second reason why defining the meaning or purpose of a goal is so valuable is to make sure that this motivator is on the path to your goal. It is true that you can make some sacrifices to reach the goal, but how long can you sustain a path that moves away from your desired sense / purpose?Or how would this change your life? The second reason why defining the meaning or purpose of a goal is so valuable is to make sure that this motivator is on the path to your goal. It is true that you can make some sacrifices to reach the goal, but how long can you sustain a path that moves away from your desired sense / purpose?Or how would this change your life? The second reason why defining the meaning or purpose of a goal is so valuable is to make sure that this motivator is on the path to your goal. It is true that you can make some sacrifices to reach the goal, but how long can you sustain a path that moves away from your desired sense / purpose?

What steps do you have to follow to achieve your goal? The next step is to make an action plan. This is nothing more or less than a sequence of steps until you reach the desired state. The questions you should ask yourself here are: in what time do you want to achieve this goal? It is not the same to want to improve teamwork with your collaborators in the coming months, as to aspire to a promotion next year. What options do you have? Knowing the different ways in which you would reach your goal is very valuable information. How many different ways can you achieve your goal? What things have you already done in the past that worked for you and what did not work for you? Put together an outline of tasks and activities and, with long-term goals, a set of intermediate goals,They help you break your goal into more "digestible" and easily achievable pieces. Perhaps improving collaboration between two areas of a company may seem like a very ambitious goal, but how about starting with a biweekly meeting and a joint goals statement? And then plan an integration activity outside the office for the next month? You can make a first action plan and then adjust it as you move closer and closer (or further away) from your goal. And remember, with every decision you have to make, ask yourself if the result of that decision will leave you closer or further away from the goal you want to achieve. In this way the answer will help you clarify the next step.But how about starting with a biweekly meeting and a joint goals statement? And then plan an integration activity outside the office for the next month? You can make a first action plan and then adjust it as you move closer and closer (or further away) from your goal. And remember, with every decision you have to make, ask yourself if the result of that decision will leave you closer or further away from the goal you want to achieve. In this way the answer will help you clarify the next step.But how about starting with a biweekly meeting and a joint goals statement? And then plan an integration activity outside the office for the next month? You can make a first action plan and then adjust it as you move closer and closer (or further away) from your goal. And remember, with every decision you have to make, ask yourself if the result of that decision will leave you closer or further away from the goal you want to achieve. In this way the answer will help you clarify the next step.Ask yourself if the result of that decision will leave you closer or further away from the goal you want to achieve. In this way the answer will help you clarify the next step.Ask yourself if the result of that decision will leave you closer or further away from the goal you want to achieve. In this way the answer will help you clarify the next step.

What accounts do you have to meet your goal? In addition to the famous human and material resources, what other resources can help you meet your goals? These are some examples:

  • Information: books, expert websites, training material, etc. You can access them almost instantly and they can help you meet your goals by giving you information so you can make decisions and move forward. Support and advice: through a coach or consultant specialized in professional and / or career development. They give you motivation and guidance to solve complex situations and unlock some work aspect with which you have difficulties.Referents and mentors: often it is an older colleague, a former boss or a person you trust inside or outside your own organization. He or she can guide you based on their experience and give you advice on achieving your goals. Your own skills:Surely little have you thought about which of your skills or aptitudes can help you solve a situation. Well, these resources are always within you, and you can access them by asking the right questions (a coach can facilitate the reflection process and help you enhance your skills). Your previous experiences: similar or not so much, many times what you have lived in another aspect of your life and what you have learned about it (regardless of the result obtained) can be a guide to define your next steps.Many times what you have lived in another aspect of your life and what you have learned about it (regardless of the result obtained) can be a guide to define your next steps.Many times what you have lived in another aspect of your life and what you have learned about it (regardless of the result obtained) can be a guide to define your next steps.

How are you going to measure your progress? If you embark on an action plan and after several months you realize that it did not lead you to the desired state but ended up somewhere else, you will realize that perhaps you followed the correct method but did not evaluate the results obtained in each I pass and you will feel frustrated and disappointed. Just as a target shooting player points, shoots, evaluates, and corrects for his next shot, in the managerial world you must act the same way. Do you want to improve the climate in your organization? Do you have a series of steps to follow, including benefits improvements, communication, integration meetings? Evaluate the results after one or two actions and identify what transformation you should have achieved after those actions. If the perception didn't change,is that those steps have not given you the result you expected. You will have to take a different path and measure again. And so on, until you reach your goal. No one said you have to do it right the first time, but it is important that you learn from every mistake to do better next time.

If you follow these tips there is no doubt that you can achieve the goals you want. Try it out today. Don't wait until you reach the ideal situation. Think about a goal you want to achieve today and put this practical scheme into action. Remember that perfection comes with practice. What do you want to achieve today?

Aspects to consider to achieve your goals