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Attracting talent and social responsibility in SMEs

Table of contents:


Corporate Social Responsibility understood as a new paradigm or a new business philosophy, according to the Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences, RACEF, is defined as a new form of business management, granting it the category of economic science, conceptualizes a business model that encompasses, combines and integrates in it the financial aspect of management, based on the optimization and maximization of the economic benefit and the greatest possible contribution of value to the shareholder and, in a complementary, parallel and compatible way, the sustainable facet, that is, the socially responsible model, based on the social, humanistic, supportive and ethical approach to management.

1. Introduction

The management of Corporate Social Responsibility pursues as one of its primary purposes to reconcile the interests of the company with those of society, aligning the economic, social and environmental objectives in the same and only direction, for this, in addition to strict compliance with the Moral, ethical and legal obligations in force, it is essential for the companies to assume, on a completely voluntary basis, the integration into the government, administration, management and strategy of the same of certain social, environmental, economic, labor and Social Responsibility policies. Internal Corporate or social and solidarity management of Human Resources, respect for the rights of people, equal opportunities, etc.,that arise from the transparent relationship that the company must maintain with the different stakeholders or interest groups that interact with it, human capital, customers, suppliers and the supply chain, competition, shareholders and investors, the media, the local community, national and international, disadvantaged or unprotected groups, public administration, collaborators, universities, foundations and non-profit organizations, the environment and, ultimately, society in general.foundations and non-profit organizations, environmental environment and, ultimately, society in general.foundations and non-profit organizations, environmental environment and, ultimately, society in general.

Innovative SMEs that want to obtain a productivity, competitiveness and profitability bonus and, in addition, have the strategic goal of attracting “talent” or qualified personnel to their staff, must, necessarily and necessarily, adopt the sustainable and socially responsible management model for the purpose to subsist in the market in the long term, since, in any other way, the consumer or client, the job seekers with high preparation and society, in general, will penalize them inexcusably.

By way of planning and in relation to what is stated in the preceding paragraph, it is advisable to design an “Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Planning”, aimed at managing people and human capital in a sustainable and responsible way, included in the “Global Plan o Comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility ”which, in turn, will be implemented in the Business, Strategic or Director Plan of the company, with the fundamental objective of integrating the management of Social Responsibility into its corporate strategy.

As a document to support the management of Corporate or Corporate Social Responsibility, a "Sustainability Report" must be drawn up with its respective balance sheets, economic, social and environmental.

The optimal and efficient management of Corporate Social Responsibility represents, currently, a completely decisive tool in relation to the attraction, recruitment, retention, empowerment and development of "talent" or qualified personnel, the SME must use the aforementioned management instrument as support to be able to create highly competitive templates with the highest quality.

Capturing and retaining "talent", that is, the best professionals in the market, is one of the most important current concerns of organizations, affecting this problem both for multinationals and large companies and SMEs, according to a survey by PriceWaterhouseCoopers presented to a group of international managers, ensures that 85% of them believe that attracting and retaining talented people will be the biggest challenge in the next 5 years, developing and managing this process effectively is a competitive advantage and an element of differentiation of predictable consequences, which will be translated, subsequently and in a positive way, into the company's income statement, it follows that it is highly relevant to act with concrete measures, actions and solutions in this regard.

“Talent” is increasingly scarce or, at least, difficult to find and, also, more demanding in terms of the conditions and characteristics that the companies in which they want to work must treasure, since this segment of professionals chooses the entity or organization in which to develop their professional career and, on the contrary, it is not the company that chooses them, as it happened years ago.

As the following example, bridging the gap between SMEs and multinationals, as mere guidance regarding the criteria and evaluations of employees regarding the profile of the ideal company to work for, the Great Place to Work Institute has awarded the “Best place to work in Spain” award., 2007 ”to Microsoft Spain, these awards recognize the 30 best companies to work for in Spain, according to their own employees, they have evaluated as fundamental, among other aspects, trust with bosses, fair and respectful treatment in the company, the pride of the employees for their performance, the work environment and the esteem of the company towards its employees, personally and professionally.

In a study recently prepared by Esade, framed in the "VII Randstad Report, dedicated to the Management of Young Talent", 32 highly qualified professionals, aged between 30 and 39, detail the way in which they are treated in their respective jobs, the most widespread complaint, 56% of cases, is that they do not feel stimulated or motivated and blame the bosses or the task assigned to them, the bosses must know how to listen to meet the needs of The collaborators or members of their team, 70% of the staff, continues the report, who leaves a company, does so due to problems with a member of the management team or with their direct boss, and in this percentage, qualified professionals are usually found.

The same report draws as a determining conclusion that the valuable employee seeks motivating projects, above salary or position, they do not mind changing companies to find a more motivating project, other factors relevant to "talent" are training, balance between family, personal and professional life, a correct and consistent remuneration and an optimal work environment.

In the current market for jobseekers and in the midst of the knowledge management era, as explained in previous paragraphs, the number of qualified professionals is constantly decreasing, as an example of the referred shortage of “talent” we can cite the case of technological sector in the geographical and business area of ​​the European Union in which a deficit of approximately 800,000 people with a highly qualified profile in the aforementioned sector of ICT, Information and Communication Technologies is diagnosed, to such an extent that a multitude of Companies do not have a real possibility of developing and executing certain projects for the aforementioned reason of lack of “talent” or of personnel equipped with qualified preparation. At the same time, in the national market, in Spain,the shortage of these professionals will amount to 300,000 people in 2012, according to precise estimates by the European Commission.

Logically, companies try to attract and recruit young people who fit the profile described in IT but all of them compete for the same professionals, for this reason, they must design responsible, sustainable, social policies, strategies, methods and management tools. differentiated, innovative, creative, exclusive, unique and, of course, adapted to the profile of these qualified professionals who make the real difference.

The present example referring to the technological sector is easily applicable or transferable, with its evident particularities and characteristics, to other productive sectors with criteria identity.

Once “talent” is attracted and captured, it is just as relevant, even more important, to retain it and develop its potential to bring maximum value to the company, according to Accenture, the cost to a company of losing an optimal qualified employee, not only is it quantified financially, but also in time, it will take between 5 and 7 years to recover the investment made by each of the employees with a qualification that they lose, in addition, the company will spend up to 1.5 times the annual salary of that same Employee looking for, selecting, adapting and training a substitute, every time a “talented” and productive employee leaves the company, he takes training, experience and knowledge.

Companies that lose prepared or qualified personnel with relative regularity are characterized by three negative traits; Growing customer flight, considerable increase in absenteeism and high staff turnover, by virtue of the foregoing, it follows that infidelity, lack of motivation and lack of commitment of the staff is too expensive a handicap that is not no competitive organization can allow.

Currently, human or intellectual capital is a crucial factor, both as it is configured as the largest and most valid generator of value for the company, in proportion to the quality accumulated by its staff, the possibilities that You will have to compete with full guarantees of success in the market.

Talent, as an essential part of a company's intangible assets, has become a key element of differentiation and the first source of innovation, people provide the main operational and strategic source, consequently, it is necessary to take care of them with care, passion and dedication.

SMEs, starting from inferior conditions, in the vast majority of cases, will be able to compete with large companies and multinationals for signing and retaining the best qualified professionals through the design and execution of management methods and strategies or Responsibility policies Corporate Social aimed for this purpose, among other objectives.

If we want to win the productivity challenge and compete with guarantees of success in the globalized environment in which we find ourselves, in the so-called "global village", with hyper-competitive prices and with threats or opportunities, depending on our management approach, such as relocation prevailing, emerging countries and powerful companies in industrialized nations, there is only one way, qualification at work, betting on "talent", creating wealth through the mediation of wisdom and knowledge, for this, it is necessary to create "High Performance SMEs" or "Excellent SMEs", dynamic, competitive, flexible and agile companies, productive thanks to people, sustainable, responsible and social, innovative, differentiated in their know-how, absolutely customer-oriented, creators of value added,specialized, profitable, large investors in R + D + R + D, integrators of Corporate Social Responsibility policies, efficient managers of knowledge and diversity, with simplicity of structures, exporters of goods and services, directed by values, positioned, foresight for the change, focused on the right market and action, etc., in this way, that is, if we manage to create organizations that respond to the profile described, the "talent" will come to our companies in complete safety, without having to search for it.focused on the right market and action, etc., in this way, that is, if we manage to create organizations that respond to the profile described, the "talent" will come to our companies in complete safety, without having to search for it.focused on the right market and action, etc., in this way, that is, if we manage to create organizations that respond to the profile described, the "talent" will come to our companies in complete safety, without having to search for it.

2. Socially responsible business model to attract and retain "talent".

Professionals with the highest qualification or preparation, in general, have increasingly pronounced social concerns, sensitivity and protectionist feelings in environmental matters, moral values ​​and solid ethical principles applied to the business world, absolutely respect the rights of people, they believe in the possibility of balancing professional life with personal and family life, they value their time and life outside of work, they request an "emotional salary" and a "psychological contract", they need specialized training to be able to develop professionally, they estimate self-realization as a non-negotiable value, they advocate a personalized and humane treatment, they think that solidarity is compatible with economic benefits, etc., in short,They demand from the Social Responsibility political companies that culminate in the creation of corporate cultures that unite all their vital, social, economic and labor requests, the SMEs that manage to tune in or connect with the demands, mentality and profile of this type of professionals will have the possibility of capturing, retaining and investing in them, in return, they will obtain excellence in the human capital that will make up their staff and the repercussion that this entails at a productive, competitive and business level.Retaining them and investing in them, in return, will obtain the excellence in human capital that will make up their staff and the repercussion that this entails at a productive, competitive and business level.Retaining them and investing in them, in return, will obtain the excellence in human capital that will make up their staff and the repercussion that this entails at a productive, competitive and business level.

The efficient management of Corporate Social Responsibility policies in companies is directly related to an increase in competitiveness, as stated in a report prepared by Esade and Insead, together with the Accountability and the European Policy Center on "Responsible Competitiveness", this improvement competitiveness is driven, among other reasons, by the high quality of human capital that it chooses as the primary option to work for companies that develop the aforementioned Social Responsibility policies.

Likewise, and in line with the aforementioned, the optimal management of Corporate Social Responsibility directly and positively affects the profitability of the company, the report “Corporate Social Responsibility; Business trends in Spain ”, carried out by PriceWaterhouseCoopers confirms this, other conclusions drawn from the aforementioned report record the connection between the long-term business vision and the management of Social Responsibility, it also refers to incorporation in the decision decisions of said management, values ​​such as ethics, transparency and responsibility towards society, arguments, all of them, which act as a key to attracting "talent".

SMEs that intend to attract the aforementioned qualified professionals must structure, adapt and adapt the organization, implementing Corporate Social Responsibility policies globally and implementing Internal Corporate Social Responsibility or sustainable management of people policies, in style, according and in accordance with the mentality, preferences, demands, requirements, philosophy and the new conception of understanding their work.

Regarding the Corporate and Corporate Social Responsibility policies, globally and comprehensively, institutionally and corporately, that SMEs can adopt with the aim of attracting, attracting and retaining “talent”, we will cite those that are especially relevant, although, basically, without making an exhaustive explanation of them;

1. Strategic Plan to properly manage certain intangible assets such as transparency, reputation and corporate image, a social brand must be created, responsible, honest, supportive, credible and with its own identity, associated with the values ​​espoused by Corporate Social Responsibility, which must be perceived as such by the market, in general, and by “talent”, in particular, it is extremely important that the projection that reflects the brand and its positioning has real consistency and is not simply makeup promoted by "experiential - social marketing" and "emotional branding", since the "target" or target audience to whom the message is directed, that is, the "talent", cannot be disappointed. You must invest in the brand, reinforce it permanently,it is a long-term, costly but profitable procedure, the investment costs will be programmed progressively, the “talent” must imagine, through a corporate and simple emotional message transmitted by the brand, the way of working that you will find in the company, the treatment and benefits it will receive, the future it will have, etc.

2. Create "Open Source Companies", entities capable of maintaining transparent and socially responsible relationships with the different interest groups or "stakeholders" that interact with them.

3. The corporate culture must be a cast made up of multiple elements that favor and attract “talent”, such as a real code of values ​​and not only “ideal”, true Social Responsibility policies that identify and distinguish SMEs, results orientation systems, teamwork, innovation, creativity, diversity management, communication, modern leadership, etc., and the identification, development and commitment of competent or qualified personnel who will show interest in joining and integrating into it, the company culture must convey the feeling of pride of belonging.

4. The mission of the SME, accessory and supplementary to the objective of generating profit, employment, business, profitability, developing a strategy, achieving a specific goal or purpose, etc., will have to have a further purpose, of a social nature, that is attractive and enriching for "talent" and give the organization a true meaning, apart from earning money, the SME business project will remain immersed in a motivating and original "macro project" of aid to society.

5. Take care of the aspects relating to "Good Corporate Governance" in SMEs. The adoption of certain corporate governance guidelines is beneficial for the perfect functioning of the entities, not only for listed companies, there is no obligation to do so, but following adequate parameters or criteria set forth in good governance codes represents a valuable sign of transparent coherence. The “Institute of Directors - Administrators” published, at the beginning of this year, 2007, a guide with principles of corporate governance for unlisted companies, regardless of their size, called “Guide to evaluate Good Governance practices in companies not listed ”, consisting of a questionnaire that assesses the level of good corporate governance implemented in companies,It analyzes how it works and checks the degree of penetration of the same, regarding the monitoring and development of the principles of good governance implemented. It is recommended to prepare an "Annual Report on Good Governance" and report it in the "Annual Report", it will achieve greater respect from investors, customers and society.

6. Design a "Responsible Purchasing Plan" or a "Sustainable procurement plan for suppliers" and verify that the requirements regarding Social Responsibility regarding the SME supply chain are met.

7. Integrate eco-efficient practices, responsible behaviors and protection of the environmental environment in the company's production processes, maintain an ecological commitment at all levels, adopt recycling policies, bet on renewable energy, etc., definitely, implement a culture of environmental management, improvement of biodiversity and sustainable development.

8. Establish a "Code of Ethics", "Code of Values", "Code of Conduct" or "Code of Good Business Practice" and establish it in the organizational structure of SMEs, the connection between consistency in corporate and institutional values ​​of the SME, the execution of the same by the company and the personal and professional values ​​of "talent" is essential to create commitment and identification of qualified professionals with the business project. The "Code of Ethics", corporate principles of the company, Human Resources, administrators of the company, regulation of conflicts of interest, labor relations, access to confidential information, obligation of non-discrimination in matters of equality, Prevention of Occupational Risks, etc,It will be implemented unilaterally in the company and will be posted on the corporate website, Intranet, etc., this code will only be consistent if it has validation in the collective agreement, if it includes the disciplinary regime, in the same way, it is possible to incorporate the code into the employment contract, provided that the employees accept it and the implicit conditions that it entails.

9. Design a "Responsible Investment Planning", invest according to ethical values.

10. Together with the Marketing Plan of the company, including this one in the Business Plan of the same, to structure a "Social Marketing Plan" that helps, in a responsible, real and trustworthy way, to communicate and economically make profitable the social action of the SME.

11. Plan communication policies, internal and external, specialized in Social Responsibility.

12. Active collaborations with Universities and Business Schools, in addition to attracting “talent”, SMEs will gain brand visibility and visibility.

13. Participations, adopting, for this, some of the possible formulas that exist for this purpose, patronage, sponsorship, donation, volunteering, assignment of "talent", etc., in solidarity, environmental, aid, humanitarian, etc. projects., in coordination with NGOs and Foundations related to the project, values ​​and strategy of the SME, obtaining, at the same time, profitability through the mediated actions of social marketing carried out in this regard, the strategy is clear and with a dual focus, helping society, through social programs or projects, and obtain economic benefits for the company that supports them, fostered by the marketing that strategically accompanies said aid action.

14. Carry out voluntarily and on their own initiative, adjusting costs to the financial capacity of the SME, solidarity programs and projects, at the local, regional, national or international level. Logically and naturally, it is advisable, with the support of a specific communication plan or specific marketing actions, to communicate to society and to different stakeholders the completion of the aforementioned projects.

15. Periodically, contacting the different media, collaborating with them and keeping them informed of the company's social action, it is not necessary to create a communication department, but to professionalize and institutionalize this management.

16. To implement “R + D + R + D + CSR Policies”, (Research, Development, Innovation, Design and Corporate Social Responsibility), and communicate them effectively, the SME must transmit a corporate image related to these policies to attract the "talent".

17. Promote the use of ICT, information and communication technologies in SMEs and make responsible use of new technologies. With the aim of improving service quality and saving costs, SMEs will align information systems with the business strategy. It will be equally important for the SME to take advantage of the immense possibilities offered by the internet, the offices of the sales platform and the virtual community in three dimensions, Second Life, etc.

18. Socially value the market environment, suppliers and customers.

19. Supporting "Fair Trade" and making such support profitable with concrete marketing actions, the level of employee satisfaction rises when knowing that your company does not exploit third-world suppliers and respects fundamental rights. The “Fairtrade - Fair Trade” certification deserves special consideration, it is a fair trade guarantee seal carried by companies committed to this line of action in Social Responsibility, the “Fairtrade - Fair Trade” seal, recognizes that the products, identified by it respects fair trade criteria and is a measure of support for producers from less developed countries to introduce their products in Europe under equal conditions of sale.

20. Design and install, according to the financial resources and possibilities of each SME, smart, sustainable, green, ecological or organic, ergonomic offices and offices equipped with recyclable material. Bringing together and reconciling the health and well-being of people with the protection, conservation and improvement of the environment is one of the issues that SMEs will have to address. The offices have to project innovation, a good atmosphere, transparency, a perfect work environment and capture the corporate values ​​of the company. The work space is an essential element, the distribution, decoration and furniture are factors that can favor key aspects such as communication, motivation, creativity, interest in a job well done, satisfaction, commitment, work. as a team, etc.The SME must become familiar with the term “Facility management”, current or new line of management of work environments that seeks to save costs in the various facilities of the company, improve the quality of work of employees, design corporate spaces perfectly adapted to the workforce of the staff, reduce furniture costs, maximize the benefits of New Technologies, take advantage of the synergies offered by "teleworking" and "satellite offices", alternative offices to the entity's headquarters, spread throughout the city and closer to the home of the workers who use them, reduce absenteeism, create corporate culture, enhance the good image of the company, unite the environment with the office, project spaciousness and improve the existing light, etc.current or new line of management of work environments that seeks to save costs in the various facilities of the company, improve the quality of the work of employees, design corporate spaces perfectly adapted to the way of working of the workforce, reduce expenses on furniture, maximize the benefits of New Technologies, take advantage of the synergies offered by "teleworking" and "satellite offices", alternative offices to the entity's headquarters, spread throughout the city and closest to the homes of the workers who use them, reduce absenteeism, create corporate culture, enhance the good image of the company, unite the environment with the office, project spaciousness and improve the existing light, etc.current or new line of management of work environments that seeks to save costs in the various facilities of the company, improve the quality of the work of employees, design corporate spaces perfectly adapted to the way of working of the workforce, reduce expenses on furniture, maximize the benefits of New Technologies, take advantage of the synergies offered by "teleworking" and "satellite offices", alternative offices to the entity's headquarters, spread throughout the city and closest to the homes of the workers who use them, reduce absenteeism, create corporate culture, enhance the good image of the company, unite the environment with the office, project spaciousness and improve the existing light, etc.

21. Program and execute an expeditious, effective and decisive "Occupational Risk Prevention Plan".

22. Take into consideration the future “ISO 26,000 Guide Standard on Social Responsibility.”. The International Organization for Standardization, ISO, and the United Nations Global Compact Office have reached an agreement to promote their collaboration in the development of the future standard “ISO 26,000 on Social Responsibility”, this agreement will serve to ensure that the aforementioned document is can align with the 10 management principles of the Global Compact, referring to human rights, labor rights, environmental protection, and anti-corruption, it will not become a certifiable standard and will include feasible guidelines and requirements for compliance by companies, the publication of it is scheduled for the first quarter of 2009.The main objective of the standard is to provide a practical guide that allows any profile or type of organization to apply the Social Responsibility criteria in all areas of activity.

23. Included in the SME Strategic, Director or Business Plan, design a "Global or Integral Corporate Social Responsibility Plan" and incorporate into it an "Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Planning" or "Sustainable Management of RR. H H.".

24. Prepare, as a document to support the management of Corporate Social Responsibility, a Sustainability Report in accordance with the standards, indicators, guidelines and guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative, GRI, structured in three balances, social, environmental and economic, and communicating the triple bottom line. The Sustainability Reports will have to be audited and the objective must be to obtain the recognition “In Accordance”, granted by the GRI, when preparing them. There is a “Guide” specially designed for SMEs to learn to communicate their experiences in the area of ​​Social Responsibility, called “In 5 steps; Guide to communicate Corporate Social Responsibility policies in SMEs ”.

25. Regardless of the preparation of the Sustainability Report, it is feasible to document the actions of Corporate Social Responsibility with various "Social Reports", the SME will make them profitable by learning to communicate them to society in an emotional and impactful way.

26. Create a department or area to manage the company's Corporate Social Responsibility and even a Responsible Committee.

27. Sustainably manage the company's people or Human Resources, that is, optimize the management of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility. The following statement in this document will detail this section in depth.

28. Incorporate in the Map of Criteria of the “EFQM Model of Excellence” for SMEs, sustainable aspects or Corporate Social Responsibility.

29. "Freelance" or "mobile professionals" personnel, SMEs will have to rely, in order to face certain competitive projects, in the "hiring" of this professional profile, they are a group full of "talent", they are highly specialized and the qualification they have is very high, they will only be "hired" during the period of time corresponding to the development and execution of the specific project and will result in cost savings for the company, in addition to the source of value that means having the differentiated knowledge of said group of professionals.

30. “Culture of total customer orientation with added social value”. The process is summarized in three phases; Identify the basic and specific needs of the client, carry out both exclusive and differentiated and personalized attention and provide sustainable solutions, individualized, fully adjusted to their requests or demands, in order to achieve maximum satisfaction, providing more than they need, offering, in this way, a bonus that is not expected, adding, finally, value of a social, ethical, solidarity type, etc. The Customer Service departments, contact center, call center, customer loyalty programs, CRM, Customer Relationship Management, etc., will be centers of social value for the client, they must integrate a component of social differentiation, if possible,of an emotional nature, transmitted through feelings and emotions, the degree of customer satisfaction will be increased, these, both real and potential, can be qualified, "talented" professionals who wish to become employees of our company. In the "Forética Report 2006" on "The Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility in Spain", it is shown that 39% of companies consider that their clients take into account, with greater or lesser significance, Corporate Social Responsibility factors o Corporate at the time of making your purchase decisions,one in two companies understands that Corporate Social Responsibility can be a differential factor in the purchase decision under equal conditions and 21% of companies consider that consumers would be willing to pay a premium for a product or service with guarantees of Corporate social responsibility. The results of the aforementioned report are easily extrapolated to the supposed case in which a qualified professional had to choose a company to work for. Finally, reiterating that the inclusion of elements of Corporate Social Responsibility in the corporate strategies of companies increases the customer satisfaction index, according to research from the University of Michigan, an increase of 5% in the aforementioned index, reports 20% increase in capital.

31. “Joint ventures” or strategic alliances to reduce costs, grow weighted and adequately and gain competitiveness in the difficult and changing global business environment.

32. “Outsourcing or outsourcing of services and business processes”, decomposing or disintegrating the value chain, consists of sustainable cooperation between SMEs, focusing solely on the fundamental activities in which the secret of the company's success lies, concentrating on the “cuore business” of the same, on those processes in which it contributes true differential and social value, on the services where the competitive, social and specialized advantages lie, relying on the know-how of other organizations to complete the entire process of the value chain, entrusting, therefore, the rest of activities to third companies. What is really essential to achieve business excellence is not size but the contribution of value in specific activities, specific services, business solutions,different products, etc., truly recognized by the market, size can be achieved through outsourcing of services or through collaborations, the final objective is to compete in the global market, being the best in each and every phase of the process of the value chain, with the complementary support provided by new technologies, is feasible. The planning of a process of this type begins by identifying the activities in which our company is excellent and trying to cooperate with external entities, coinciding in values, corporate culture and Social Responsibility policies, that are excellent in each part of the process. that makes up the value chain, this is the turning point from which to start, the essence of global competitiveness for SMEs,in this way, unlimited business projects can be tackled, with agile and adaptable structures, it is the so-called “ultracompetitive virtual company” that operates in the world market, let's not forget that the more competitive, successful and leading our company is, the better positioned it will be the same to capture "talent".

33. "Swarms of companies", collaboration with other well-positioned SMEs or leaders to internationalize the brand, access sustainable foreign trade processes, undertake ambitious programs and projects, etc., which alone could not be carried out.

34. "Family protocol". In the family business, a Family Protocol must be drafted, planned and defined, it will become the statutory, normative and legal reference document, in a kind of "Constitution" for the business family that will allow to adequately resolve the separation between management and property, preventing eventual family conflicts from damaging the business project, it is a government document, they are a set of rules regulating the relationships or ties of the business family, the will, the marital capitulations, the government structure, the balance of power, the HR, the governing bodies of the family, the Family Council, the governing bodies of the family business, the Board of Directors, etc., the Protocol normalizes the succession process,the replacement of the figure of the founder by the next generation, the access of family members to the business structure, the election of independent directors, the remuneration of managers, etc., specifies the mission, values, objectives, purposes, The agreements established on employment, remuneration, ownership of shares, inheritance, sale of assets, purchases and sales, rights of shareholders, etc., lay the foundations for relations between the Family Council and the Council of Administration, structures the criteria for forming and selecting leaders, their rights and responsibilities, the award of written roles and the distribution of managerial positions, controls outsiders in management positions, etc. The Family Protocol, likewise,It can be a regulator of the Good Corporate Governance of the company, of the Code of Ethics, of Corporate Social Responsibility practices and an element of attraction of “talent”, in the same way, it is possible to plan taxation with the help of an “Office Family ”or“ Family Office ”. The document must be registered in the Mercantile Registry to grant greater security and stability to the family business against third parties. If it is implemented comprehensively and effectively, for which it is essential to execute it accurately, the Protocol will guarantee the survival of the family business.It is possible to plan taxation with the help of a "Family Office" or "Family Office". The document must be registered in the Mercantile Registry to grant greater security and stability to the family business against third parties. If it is implemented comprehensively and effectively, for which it is essential to execute it accurately, the Protocol will guarantee the survival of the family business.It is possible to plan taxation with the help of a "Family Office" or "Family Office". The document must be registered in the Mercantile Registry to grant greater security and stability to the family business against third parties. If it is implemented comprehensively and effectively, for which it is essential to execute it accurately, the Protocol will guarantee the survival of the family business.

35. Commitment, involvement and example on the part of the management staff of the organization, the senior management of the SME, in addition to designing the Social Responsibility policy and integrating it into the corporate strategy of the company, must communicate it, follow it, practice it and adapt it to the "talent". The managers are obliged to communicate to the "talent" and to the entire staff the progress of the company in this area, they must spread enthusiasm, explain to the team the importance of their work and dialogue, frequently and above all, with quality employees about their individual development in this regard.

36. Possibility of incorporating financial incentives for managers for achieving sustainability-related objectives.

37. Determination of a “socially responsible management style” and establishment of a democratic, flexible, close, participatory, respectful, transparent, humane, optimistic model of leadership, generator of initiatives, recognizer of work well done, transmitter of trust and illusion, supportive, intuitive, ethical, with a sense of humor, based on emotional intelligence, empathy, sensitivity, communicative and analytical skills, strategic vision, teamwork, culture of achievement, convictions, motivation of collaborators, principles, humility, self-esteem, reflection, etc., but without losing authority, both formal and "moral", the leader must be excellently informed, be a magnificent "coach" for his team and also, act as transmitter of the mission, vision, objectives,the culture and values ​​of the company. In the "VII Randstad Report on talent before the boss and his assignments", certain conclusions are drawn regarding the leadership style that values ​​"talent", among other aspects; The "young talent" seeks the best relationship between salary and working hours, prioritizing the reconciliation of personal, family and professional life, stimulating tasks, good bosses and a good work environment. To encourage "talent", continues the aforementioned report, it is necessary to offer him new responsibilities as a learning path, "talent" cannot perceive that his career is stagnating or that he risks being left out of the market, a boss accepted by the “Talent” is the one who acts as a guide for its collaborators, offers a humane and polite treatment, has knowledge and the ability to delegate,He is a great communicator and collaborator, etc. The report, likewise, refers to the motivation that “talent” needs, the exciting and credible projects, the feeling of advancing in their training and development, enjoying some autonomy, recognizing the schedule, the possibility of concentrating the day, good customer ethics, adequate salary conditions, etc., these are highly motivating options for this group.These are highly motivating options for this group.These are highly motivating options for this group.

38. "Management by values", management by values ​​is an organizational development tool to try to achieve the triple synergistic balance between the economic, ethical and emotional dimension of the company.

39. Periodic interviews, "one to one", "têtê á têtê", etc., between managers and employees at all levels, although with special attention to qualified personnel, who request said meeting, to comment on new ideas, suggestions, contributions of value, etc., of a strategic nature, it is an opportunity to involve employees in the project, engage them, align them in the strategy, convey the idea that they are valuable to the entity, exercise close leadership, etc.

40. Taking great care of “Corporate Reporting”, the way of managing public information in companies, is the process of putting into practice the rules of transparency and good governance.

41. The SME must have a business project with expectations of achieving leadership in its sector, market segment or specialized niche or a relevant position, the “talent” chooses leading companies as the first option to work in them. The most important thing so that a valuable employee does not leave, regardless of a correct remuneration, both economic and emotional, of training, professional promotion, reconciliation, etc., is the success of the company, based on economic benefit, growth, opportunity and the role of helping society.

42. Redefinition or reinvention of the SME corporate strategy, constantly rethinking it and periodically, together with the Corporate Social Responsibility policies, the strategy must be clear and perfectly defined, well adapted to the competitive advantages of the SME, to the market trends, the leadership style of the organization, the "talent", the "value drivers" of the company and its objectives, mission, values, culture, etc., the strategy will be a vehicle that allows the company to explore new possibilities or business opportunities based on sustainability and Social Responsibility, it is a matter of survival to renew it continuously, creating value regularly.

43. Permanently innovate in the business model, in the portfolio of products and services, in the processes of change in the organizational structure, etc., valuing, at all times, the inclusion of new elements of sustainability.

44. Establish in the SME the culture of "Own Brand" or "Personal Branding", with contribution of social value.

45. Others.

Each SME will adopt those actions, measures and, even, determined and complete Corporate or Corporate Social Responsibility policies, both globally and internally, that allow its structural, human, operational and financial capacity, it is about incorporating progressively concise and innovative sustainability elements, certain responsible practices and specific procedures in this regard, in order to be able to effectively manage the aforementioned business area in order to attract and retain “talent” and, consequently, achieve an increasing rate of productivity and a higher profitability.

A priori, it is possible to think that managing Corporate Social Responsibility is a cost for SMEs, on the contrary, the company whose strategic position is to consider such management as a business opportunity, will not only survive in the market in the long term, but, based on it, you will differentiate yourself, you will get added value, superior competitive advantages and a supreme return on investment.

However, it is likely that obtaining results in relation to the implementation of Social Responsibility practices will not be immediate, the tangible benefits from their adoption appear in the long term, although SMEs have an advantage in this regard, their ability Operational is greater than that of large companies and multinationals.

Creativity and innovation influence a very high percentage in the design of Corporate or Corporate Social Responsibility strategies, therefore, it is not necessary to allocate large investments but to think about the direction our company wants to take, which will be the positioning of the company. same in the short, medium and even the long term, how we will implement the strategy, what follow-up we will do about it and how we will communicate it, how we will involve our "internal customer", what targeting we are targeting, We will complete and answer these questions by observing the market, planning sustainable policies, reflecting on the objectives and the mission, questioning the established, permanently reinventing the business, programming necessary and innovative changes, anticipating the competition,studying trends, creating new needs, devising new niches, etc., and, fundamentally, acting accordingly with the execution of a fully defined “Action Plan”.

3. Sustainable people management to attract and retain "talent". Management of internal corporate social responsibility.

Internal Corporate Social Responsibility is the part of Corporate Social Responsibility that is in charge of the social, responsible, sustainable, humanistic and supportive management of Human Resources, or rather, of people, who work in a company.

The correct implementation of certain policies of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs will be decisive in attracting and retaining the best qualified professionals, the "talent", these policies will have to be analyzed strategically and adapted to the Business Plan, corporate strategy, "cuore business ”, culture, values, mission, organizational structure, objectives and goals of each company.

As explained above, the most prepared or qualified professionals demand and request the companies in which they wish to work to act in two specific areas, together with the inclusion and implementation of socially responsible procedures or actions in a corporate and Institutionally, externally, they require personalized and specialized treatment and labor, economic, personal and professional conditions worthy of their expectations, internally.

Among the aforementioned policies of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility or sustainable management of people that SMEs can implement to attract, recruit, retain and develop “talent”, we will highlight the ones that are exposed below;

1. Design and planning of a “Model of Sustainable and Responsible Management of People” or a “Planning of Internal Corporate Social Responsibility”, together with the “General, Global or Integral Plan of Corporate Social Responsibility”, this management document, to its Once and as it has been reiterated on successive occasions before, it will remain included in the company's Business Plan, in order to link the management of Social Responsibility, both general and internal, to its corporate strategy.

2. Specialized and individualized management of "talent", means listening and attending to the claims, expectations, needs, both personal and family and professional, motivations, singularities, objectives, "dreams", etc., of each qualified professional and, depending on of these requirements, proceed to the personalized management and administration of these elite employees, defining with total clarity the consideration agreed upon by each of them, a one-way commitment must be established to provide value for both parties, because for the associative binomial to be effective, these professionals must be required to perform absolutely well. Apart from providing a different treatment to "talent", the rest of the staff should not be forgotten,The other professionals who make up the company's human capital must be treated with extreme dignity and deep respect, valuing each and every contribution.

3. Identification of "talent", both internally and externally, structuring of key positions and planning of their succession. Establish rigorous evaluation systems to identify the best employees, differentiate them, reward them and offer them preferential treatment. Internally, it is feasible to periodically identify the "talent" or qualified professionals in each area or department of the company, the identified personnel will undergo a thorough analysis in order to know their shortcomings, in terms of skills, knowledge, capacities, aptitudes, attitudes, etc., in order to supply them with the appropriate means. Externally, it is recommended to identify “talent” in the market,The signing of these valuable professionals cannot be improvised but must be planned in advance, but before hiring abroad it is convenient and a priority to have people from the organization itself.

4. Implementation of a "Flexible Remuneration Policy System", "Total Compensation System" or "Emotional Remuneration Model", integrated into the SME strategy and linked to the business, personalizing, individualizing and adapting each remuneration package to the needs specific and particular, that is, personal, family, professional, economic, development, etc., of the qualified professional, including “emotional salary”, since this is a highly motivating instrument for “talent”, it aligns itself with the project of the company and involves this selective group in management by devising a salary "tailor-made" or "à la carte". The remuneration policy will be managed at all the structural levels of the organization and not only by the HR area,This policy will be used as a very powerful marketing tool in order to attract "talent". Studies carried out by the consulting firm Mercer HR Consulting show that in Spain many companies do not align business objectives with compensation systems, the competitive SME would have to act accordingly.

5. Design and implementation of a "Comprehensive Reconciliation Plan or concrete measures and actions to reconcile work, personal and family life". According to studies carried out by the IESE International Center for Work and Family on “Reconciliation of professional and personal life”, the implementation of reconciliation policies in companies reduces turnover, absenteeism, stress, anxiety and depression of employees, likewise, increases productivity, motivation, commitment, job satisfaction and fosters good working relationships in them. The most qualified professionals in the market particularly value having a balance between their work, family and personal lives, the company that can offer them such a possibility will have a consistent competitive advantage to attract them.Notwithstanding the foregoing, the SME, with the insertion of conciliation measures, will benefit from the leadership of women and the management of gender diversity, among other notable aspects.

6. Design and implementation of a "Comprehensive Equality Plan or concrete measures and actions for equal opportunities or gender" or, at least, the SME will have to formulate an "Equality Guide", previously, it will be necessary to proceed a "diagnosis" of the company in terms of equality. At the same time, the SME can prepare a "Planning for the development and integration of women in company management", taking advantage, in this way, of the great contribution of value that female leadership represents.

7. Flexible, organized, open, personalized “Career Plans”, adapted to the needs of professional development, promotion, etc., of qualified professionals exclusively dedicated to them. Career Plans are very functional, especially and especially, when you want to identify applicants to replace key managers of the company and guarantee succession, establish deadlines for its availability, help the employee to project his future, etc. The Career Plans will be structured in three phases; The first corresponds to the identification and analysis of the professional and personal profile, environment, background, qualification, training, qualities, capacities, abilities, aptitudes, attitudes, concerns, values, etc., of the interested party, the second will focus on the strategic approach,that is, in the search for the “ideal” job in relation to the profile of the qualified professional, and the third will revolve around the design and practical execution of the action plan, which will include the SWOT analysis, the goals and objectives that are intended to be achieved, the road map, etc. Each professional is recommended to create a "Personal Marketing Plan" attached to the career plan.

8. “Training Plans” adapted to the company's strategy and tailored to the demands of key or qualified professionals in this field. Companies can choose to internally design training related to the strategic and organizational part and outsource the rest, in any case, each SME will choose the most convenient option. The training projects will be linked to the business, taking into account the assimilation of the “financial language”, the management of diversity, learning to manage the network of contacts or “networking”, leadership skills or management skills, the incorporation of Social Responsibility in training, etc. Lastly, a Training Department must be created with its own strategic plan, granting it its corresponding importance.

9. Adoption of the “Continuous Training Model”, blended model, e-learning, learning by doing, etc., including specialized training processes of a social nature.

10. “In Company Training” aimed at “talent”, fully involved trainers or consultants, personalized training actions, individualized follow-up, specialized training processes and “tailor-made” training solutions, work tools used to support training, etc..

11. "Coaching", "mentoring", "tutoring" programs, etc., for qualified personnel.

12. Establishment of an “Ethical Work Climate”, well known is that the climate supposes between 30% and 40% of the business results of a company. According to a study by Otto Walter, the factors mentioned below, key in creating a good working environment, are most appreciated by the "talent" for choosing a company in which to work and develop a professional career; Possibilities of job development, attractive project, coherence between promotions and awards, perspectives of stability and promotion alternatives in the position, clear assignment of roles, expectations, objectives, goals, functions, etc., good relationship with the direct boss and with the colleagues, recognition for a job well done, optimal people management style, being listened to and valued, trust in management, conciliation,training and learning, organized environment, adequate and flexible remuneration, prestige of the company and respect for schedules, especially the departure time..

13. Elaboration of an “Ethical Code or an Internal Values ​​Code”.

14. Implementation of a "Balanced Scorecard" or "Balanced Scorecard", which serves as a management tool to link and align its strategy and execution with the objectives of the organization and its Social Responsibility practices., including in the methodology, maps and management indicators a social, responsible and sustainable approach.

15. "Management and Development System for Competencies and Values". The assimilation of the aforementioned system by the SME will serve, among other objectives, to select personnel by competencies and values, achieve the adequacy and coincidence of the corporate culture and the values ​​of the SME with the values ​​of the candidates, measure the adequacy of the profile from the same to the specific position, to know the mobility possibilities of the employees, to have a database with the key qualities of the personnel, etc. To define this system, the company's “Securities Code” will be used, which will be interconnected to the corresponding “Dictionary of Competencies” previously prepared.

16. Creation of a work system based on objectives and achievement orientation, rewarding successes and totally banishing the merely face-to-face culture.

17. Neuro Linguistic Programming and communication programs for “talent”.

18. Social support plans, “outplacement” and “implacement” measures, etc.

19. Planning of time flexibility policies, especially in and out.

20. Integration of measures to protect maternity and pregnancy.

21. Possibility of access to short-time and part-time, this alternative is not conceived to work less, on the contrary, it is achieved, with it, to work better and more productively.

22. Implementation of new concepts or ways of understanding work such as "teleworking", with technological contribution and control by the SME. Based on a survey carried out in November 2006 by Trends @ Work Quiz of Futurestep, based on the responses of 1,320 executives from 71 different countries, belonging to various sectors and business areas, registered on the Korn Ferry International website, it was deduced that "teleworker employees" are more productive.

23. Sustainable contracting model, inclusion of the "psychological contract".

24. Design of an "anonymous channel for reporting bad practices", a "channel for suggestions for improving good practices" or a "program or system for protecting corporate integrity".

25. Empowerment, incentive and development of the culture of innovation and creativity in SMEs and implementation of a “management plan for failure and errors”.

26. Natural integration of disadvantaged, disabled people, etc., in the corporate structure of the SME.

27. Promotion of “corporate volunteering” or “Outdoor Training Social” programs as a training model and motivator of social action by employees and in order to create a feeling of pride in belonging to the company.

28. Design of educational programs for social awareness.

29. Innovate or reinvent the personnel selection processes, carry out a creative recruitment, for example, "Outdoor group dynamics", are an opportunity to transfer the values ​​of the company and assess whether the candidate fits into the culture of the company. Also, “Recruiting events”, a marketing instrument to attract talent, consisting of holding events to gauge the candidate's capacity and profile, etc.

30. Implementation of "Evaluation policies and personnel selection by values", "profiling methodology by values", in the selection processes, evaluations, assessment center, etc., there will be an agreement between the values ​​of the company and those of the candidate.

31. “Job rotation”, consists of rotation at work, is a vehicle for investment in human capital that combines rotation between employment and training. The procedure is the next; It provides the interested worker with the possibility of temporarily leaving their job to receive training and thus improve the possibilities of development and habitual performance, the other aspect is carried out by the person who replaces the mentioned worker in the marked temporary space Due to the aforementioned training process, while the company's personnel structure has been stabilized, “Job rotation” is a functional and very useful technique, both for highly qualified and unskilled professionals, adapted to SMEs and large companies,representing a highly valued employment measure in the European Union

32. Implementation of a "Change and crisis management plan" in the SME.

33. Quantification of the contribution of "talent" or qualified personnel in achieving the objectives of the SME.

34. Development of courses or programs of managerial skills and management competencies for qualified personnel.

35. Language courses for qualified personnel.

36. “Workshops” aimed at “talent”, emotional competence workshops to improve social skills, learn to reduce pressure and the pace of work, reconcile professional, family and personal life, gain confidence in one's abilities, etc..

37. "Emotional commitment management" programs for qualified personnel.

38. Motivation programs for qualified personnel, in addition to the social level of motivation, attach importance to "pull-type motivation", people oriented to detect new business opportunities and the constant search for innovation in products, services, processes, etc.

39. "Responsible Performance Reviews". Planning of performance evaluations including certain social criteria. This methodology, consisting of meetings between the employee and her direct superior, evaluates the development of a person in a time frame that is usually one year, normally, they are carried out at the end of the last quarter, analyzes the proposed business objectives,., training and even employee compensation. As stated at the beginning of this section,Evaluations regarding objectives related to Corporate Social Responsibility, adaptation of the employee to the culture of the company, identification with its values, improvements, innovations and sustainable contributions of the employee, social motivations, etc. should be included in the performance evaluations..

40. Assigning stimulating, gratifying and motivating tasks to qualified personnel, “talent” needs ambitious but achievable and achievable challenges and projects.

41. Establishment of "recognition plans" for qualified personnel.

42. Execution of "Reception Plans" for "new talent" or incoming qualified professionals.

43. Leadership programs for qualified personnel.

44. Change management programs, management of the unexpected and uncertainty management for qualified personnel.

45. Encourage “brainstorming sessions” or generation of new ideas, aimed at “talent”, taking advantage of this profile of professionals to think about how to innovate.

46. ​​Design of an Employee Portal, corporate blog, etc.

47. Carrying out social management with regard to diversity and multiculturalism.

48. "Sports and the great outdoors" as part of the SME culture. Carrying out sporting events, outdoor activities with the protagonist sport, team-building, incentive programs, outdoor processes, etc., improve the positive work climate, pride of belonging, personal relationships, health, managerial skills, communication, motivation, teamwork, etc. Golf should also be valued and taken into account as a social and relational sport.

49. In addition to attracting, recruiting and retaining the most "talented" professionals in the market and identifying and pampering the "talent" already existing in the company, SMEs should not miss out on "mature talent" and therefore distance themselves from With widespread and massive early retirement policies, some of these employees are in the best professional stage of their lives, a study by the CFI Group indicates that older and experienced qualified professionals feel more committed and identified with their company and are more faithful and loyal to it, all this, despite being a labor group not very well treated.

50. Intergenerational cooperation, socially managing the trigenerationality existing in companies, all the know-how possible must be transferred between old and young, workers belonging to one generation will add value to the members of another different generation and vice versa, the objective is conservation from qualified employees with specific knowledge and that “young talents” learn from them, creating flexible and intergenerational teams.

51. Responsible and professionalized management of fellows. Fellows are an inexhaustible source of “new talent”, the company must train them and they must add value, a tandem with a vision for the future will be created, 37% of the fellows get an employment contract in the company in which they have done the internships work.

52. Responsible Labor Relations, collective bargaining will be carried out, from the closeness to reality, knowledge of the needs and concerns of employees, fluid dialogue, proactive communication, avoiding confrontations, listening, using clear language, with openness mental and applying common sense, always, of course, looking for the good of the workers and the company.

53. Sustainable and responsible management of immigration in the labor context.

54. Laughter therapy, postural management workshops, pilates, physiotherapy, therapeutic massages, relaxation therapies, color therapy, yoga, aromatherapy, music therapy or any other type of session or alternative programs that serve to improve the physical and mental state of employees, the communication and the interpersonal relationships of the same, etc., the aforementioned programs are also useful to prevent absenteeism, reduce the rate of conflict, increase well-being in the work environment, etc., in any case, commit, institutionally, with the occupational health of workers will greatly improve the corporate image of the company.

55. The manager responsible for the Department of Human Resources, People or as Tom Peters prefers to call it, "Talent Department", must be an "ally" or strategic partner in the management of the SME, will form part of the Executive or Management Committee of the company and will have to give an extra value to its managerial role before all stakeholders. In the same way, this manager has the mission of committing and aligning human capital, in general, and “talent”, in particular, with the strategy, mission, values, culture, objectives and the heart of the business.. Of course, the Director of the People Department will be in charge of managing the internal Corporate Social Responsibility of the company or the sustainable, social, solidarity and humanistic management of the people who work in it,You must know in depth or thoroughly understand the problems of the company's business and how to generate more business, reducing costs and creating new competitive advantages through the organization of Human Resources. The profile of the aforementioned manager will be made up of other characteristics such as the capacity for analysis, decision-making and change management, logic, strategic and operational organization, achievement orientation, innovation, global, strategic and conceptual thinking, and the combination of the sustainable treatment of people with the assessment of the impact of the management of your department in the operating account.reducing costs and creating new competitive advantages through the organization of Human Resources. The profile of the aforementioned manager will be made up of other characteristics such as the capacity for analysis, decision-making and change management, logic, strategic and operational organization, achievement orientation, innovation, global, strategic and conceptual thinking, and the combination of the sustainable treatment of people with the assessment of the impact of the management of your department in the operating account.reducing costs and creating new competitive advantages through the organization of Human Resources. The profile of the aforementioned manager will be made up of other characteristics such as the capacity for analysis, decision-making and change management, logic, strategic and operational organization, achievement orientation, innovation, global, strategic and conceptual thinking, and the combination of the sustainable treatment of people with the assessment of the impact of the management of your department in the operating account.global, strategic and conceptual thinking and the combination of the sustainable treatment of people with the assessment of the impact of the management of your department on the operating account.global, strategic and conceptual thinking and the combination of the sustainable treatment of people with the assessment of the impact of the management of your department on the operating account.

56. Achievement of a low level or rate of turnover, absenteeism and emotional absenteeism, depression, "burnout", stress, "mobbing", etc., as a consequence of the adoption of the stated measures or other alternatives. Regarding the high degree of rotation that some companies have, I am not referring to forced rotation of 1% or 2% to improve the average quality of the workforce, which is even positive, but rather to unwanted rotation, it is necessary to specify the following points; Analyzing, in the first place, the reasons or causes of the same, incorrect selection of personnel for specific functions, lack of adaptation to the corporate culture of the company, problems of the employees with the bosses or superiors, inadequate economic remuneration and lack of emotional retribution,little or no expectations of professional development, little training offered by the company, etc., observing its consequences, in the second instance, high economic costs, direct and indirect, loss of employee motivation, worsening image of future workers, flight of clients, etc., we will conclude, lastly, by affirming that a large part of the solution is the “Responsible Policies for Retaining Talent”, adapting the selection of personnel to the specific position, identifying the values ​​of the SME and ensuring that they coincide of them with those of the candidate, making sure of the adaptability of the evaluated to the culture of the company and analyzing the degree of commitment and motivation of the same, not only looking at the knowledge and the training level,allowing workers access to the most varied sources of information, forming attractive leaders for "talent", developing innovation and creativity, attaching importance to reconciliation plans, introducing flexible or emotional compensation, adopting the risk culture, establishing an ethical work environment, etc.

57. The SME, as a result of the implementation of the actions listed, will acquire a prestige as a quality employer, the term “Employer branding” will be inextricably associated with the company's brand and its Human Resources, Internal Corporate Social Responsibility policy or of sustainable management of people, the "talent" will undoubtedly be attracted to this company profile.

58. Others.

The adoption by the SME of a studied and structured sustainable model of people or human capital management, with special consideration and personalized treatment for the segment made up of the organization's key professionals and qualified personnel, in other words, ” talent "will have a positive impact on attracting, attracting and retaining such a desired and exclusive group, with the consequent reduction in costs that this implies, given that a high rate of unexpected turnover in the company implies implicitly numerous extra expenses referring to selection, training and administration, in addition to severely damaging the work environment and creating demotivation, laziness, lack of commitment, dissatisfaction, lack of concentration, increased job risk, etc., and, of course,an alarming deficit in labor productivity that will irreparably reduce the profitability and competitiveness of SMEs, with the corresponding negative reflection in the profit and loss account of the same.

4. Training model, coaching to attract, retain and develop "talent".

SMEs must offer the services of proven and reputable coaches in order to benefit their best "talents", the coaching training processes will serve as a strategic instrument for attracting and attracting the best professionals in the market and, equally, for retention, development and enhancement of the "talent" already existing in the company, which must be previously identified.

“Talent” or professionals with high qualifications or preparation especially value companies that offer their highly potential employees coaching programs for their personal and professional development, and such differentiation constitutes one of the priority and determining criteria that they will consider at the time. to choose the organization in which to work.

Companies that assimilate in their training model personalized coaching processes for strategic or key personnel, enhance the brand image and, consequently, their reputation and corporate image, gain prestige because they become entities or organizations admired and, in this way, the "talent" is fixed on them, so much so that, according to a study published annually by Fortune regarding the most admired companies, they have a higher level than the rest, precisely because of the investment they make in coaching for their managers.

Coaching processes are enormously profitable, the return on investment, ROI, is 570%, approximately 6 times, to corroborate the aforementioned data, we will consider the conclusions of the Manchester INC. Study, published in the Business Wire magazine., in which the impact of the coaching programs on 100 managers was analyzed, another report carried out by the firm Triad Performance Technologies calculated the return on investment of coaching 10 times, using the experience, the results, the benefits acquired and the “positive feedback” of 67 managers of a telecommunications company that received these training processes.

Spanish SMEs that have not yet established coaching in their training models should be aware of the great advantages that doing so would bring them.

The aforementioned coaching processes must remain immersed in individualized and personalized training plans focused and directed at the "talent" of the SME, made up of the organization's key professionals, managers and highly qualified personnel.

Coaching represents an attractive claim, both to attract and capture "talent" and to develop the existing one, bearing in mind the foregoing, these training processes carry another series of important advantages, among which we can highlight the following; It serves to reduce the degree or rate of unwanted turnover, reduces the possibility of failure of managers, is an effective investment in organizational development and becomes an excellent vehicle capable of transporting "talent" or qualified professionals from the organization to the achievement of your goals and objectives, developing them personally and professionally, with the greatest speed and success.

The main objective of this document or “management article” is not to explain in detail and in detail what a coaching process consists of, simply and only, what it intends, with respect to this section, is to raise awareness among SMEs to adopt and offer the cited training programs, professional and personal development, to its key employees with the aim of retaining them and improving their potential, in the same way, coaching can be used as an excellent strategic weapon to attract, recruit and retain new "talent", in order to form strongly competitive, productive and profitable templates.

Attracting talent and social responsibility in SMEs