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Self-knowledge to always have a choice

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If you identify with your mind, you have no choice.

I am sure you have heard more than once that you always have a choice and indeed you can always decide to do one thing or another, take one street or another, go to the cinema or the theater, study one degree or another, go to the country or the beach, dine with friends or alone.

You can always count to ten before arguing heatedly with someone, you can choose whether to travel by plane or train…

But, what happens when you make decisions that lead you to live situations of pain? What happens when you decide to associate with people who bring you suffering?

What if you are a person who gets sick frequently? Are you choosing to get sick?

What happens when your partner is an abusive person (man or woman)? Are you choosing to be abused?

Are you choosing bosses and / or collaborators that are finally undesirable to you? Why?

You are truly creating these situations in your life, but why and how? Why do you create suffering and also feed it?

All these why are in your mind.

If you identify with your mind you have no choice, you have a mind conditioned by your unconscious beliefs, those paradigms that have stuck to your cells since you were little.

Your mind is conditioned by the past, it only recreates what it knows because it is familiar and it is where it feels safe. He always goes towards the known because the unknown causes him dread, it is dangerous because he loses control there. She wants to make your present a continuity of your past.

When I say past, I mean all your past, your impregnations from your current birth to older ones.

So nothing that is truly new will appeal to your mind. Your mind wants continuity, wants nothing to change. However, notice that life is constantly changing, therefore it is discontinuous and precisely the discontinuity is what opens you to the totality of possibilities.

How can you let go of the usual to open yourself up to all the possibilities? How can you stop making decisions unconsciously ?:

Watching you

And how do you observe yourself? Begin to know your beliefs, what do you think about…. (You put what you want here)?

I honestly believe that no one chooses pain and suffering consciously. Start knowing yourself and knowing from which paradigms you create painful situations.

Create a habit of stalking your mind in order to recognize your beliefs and start cleaning them up to create discontinuity and begin to see all the possibilities.

Self-knowledge to always have a choice