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Benefits of laughter for health and well-being


The RISA not only has beneficial effects on our mood, but also acts on our body.

Sigmund Freud attributed to RISA the power to release the organism from negative energy. This ability was scientifically proven when the brain's cortex was found to release negative electrical impulses a second after it started to laugh.

When we laugh, the brain emits information necessary to trigger endorphin secretion. These substances, which have properties similar to those of morphine, have the ability to relieve pain, and even send messages from the brain to lymphocytes and other cells to fight viruses and bacteria. Endorphins also perform other functions, among which its essential role in the balance between vital tone and depression stands out. Something as simple as being right or wrong depends on them. As you can see, learning to LAUGH is something more important than it seems at first glance.

LAUGHING is a biological function necessary to maintain physical and mental well-being. It is an excellent way to achieve relaxation, open our capacity to feel and love.

Here are some of many but many benefits of LAUGHING:

  • Supports the production of endorphins in the brain. Cleanses eyes with tears that make you laugh. LAUGHING by vibrating head, clears ears. LAUGHING by vibrating head, clears nose. Rejuvenates by stretching and stimulating muscles. Of the face. Improves respiratory capacity, twice as much air enters the lungs (12 liters instead of the usual 6). Strengthens the heart. The skin is oxygenated more thanks to the double air that enters the lungs. Avoid constipation. Strengthens the immune system. It has an analgesic effect. Eliminates insomnia thanks to the healthy fatigue it generates. Each LAUGHTER kicks in about 400 muscles, including some of the stomach that are ONLY exercised with LAUGHTER. Strengthens the elimination of bile. Massage and stretch the spine and cervicals. The diaphragm causes an internal massage that facilitates digestion. Improve circulation. Toxins are removed. Eliminate stress

If the above is not enough to incorporate LAUGHTER into your life, I leave you these recommendations so that you can generate QUALITY IN YOUR LIFE:

  • The first thing is to work on the attitude towards life: at least with a smile. Strive to always see the "bottle half full and not half empty". Try to find new possibilities every time and not get bitter with problems. Avoid that attitude of "having a problem for each solution ».Watch movies that LAUGH.

Therefore, I invite you and I CHALLENGE YOU to also incorporate LAUGHTER into your life through practicing LAUGHTER YOGA.

Interesting, right?

Do you want to know more about your Personal Development?

Check my website: www.elduodinamico.com

And I ask you:

To where you want to go?


After reading THIS TOOL:

  • Laugh loudly for 1 minute straight; Carry out 1 activity that encourages your POSITIVE THINKING; Write 1 belief that at this point in your life, you can update with this TOOL. Write 1 activity from your daily life, in which this TOOL helps you. Write down what makes you HAPPY and what you are GRATEFUL for today.

I invite you to share your answers with me, please write to me at:

[email protected]



Benefits of laughter for health and well-being