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How to manage your time to balance your life

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After "I have not had time", I think that the next most used phrase to highlight a fact that we have not achieved due to lack of time is: "Now yes", it suffices to refer to any end of the year in which when making the purposes for the year that begins the first phrase that is heard either from oneself or from a family member present at the meeting is: "Now I am going to quit smoking", "Now yes, after the holidays, I am going to start the diet", "Now I am going to exercise"; in short, the list can be as long as memory allows us.

Failure to accomplish these purposes does not stray as far as you might think from time management. After all, Lakein says that Time is Life, which would lead us to conclude that Time Management is Life Management, therefore if what was proposed is not fulfilled, from my perspective it was because it was not considered important and because it was not known how to manage life.

Think about it in another way, a day has 24 hours, what you don't do on that day is unrecoverable, this means that time not used for something that impacts or matters to our life is literally time lost, perhaps life lost? Exactly! That is the point. Lack of time does not exist, we all have the same 24 hours a day, what happens is that there is no personal balance and when you are unbalanced, everything around you becomes unbalanced.

That is why below I list 10 tips to balance your life, which will impact on enjoying it and realizing that it is not determination that is missing, but balance.

1. Locate the ladder.

Stephen Covey says that "If the ladder is not resting on the correct wall, the only thing it will do is take us to the wrong place sooner" And so, what is the use of doing many things, if they are not giving us any results ?! Thus, the first thing to do is to set goals. These must be real, measurable, and achievable. The shortest, easiest way is to ask yourself, "What do I really want in life?" The answer to this question will lay the foundations of direction and the place where you want to support the ladder and in this way the activities that are carried out day by day, should be focused on achieving what you want from life.

2. Write earrings.

The ladder helps us define what, writing the earrings helps us how. Making a list implies not handling many pieces of paper, knowing where we write it down and having in one place the activities that we want to carry out, even those that are not so important, but having them written down helps to occupy the mind in important things and not in those. slopes. When we see the earrings listed, we realize that they were not really that many and that helps to rest the mind.

3. Rest your mind.

The mind, like the body, needs rest. If you are used to working endless hours, ask yourself: "If I stay, will I finish it and have an earring removed?" If the answer is yes, then it is worth staying, finishing and removing an earring; Ah! But if the answer is no, staying is not worth it. Why? Because if it is not going to end, you are not going to eat well, you are going to be late, you are going to get tired, you have to arrive early to finish and to top it off you will sleep badly because of the worry of not having finished whatever he was working on, why stay ?! It is better to rest your mind, enjoy loved ones, dine at ease, sleep to rest and arrive early rested and clear.

4. Only one thing at a time.

It is not about doing a single activity, but having your mind in one place. The fact of being at home thinking in the office or vice versa, or being in a meeting waiting or answering a call, the only thing that does is unbalance because we are not in one place or another and therefore we lose life with our loved ones or with ourselves. In short, you can do as many activities as you have interests or abilities, the secret is not to mix slopes or activities, that is, a place for everything and everything in its place.

5. Clean to rest.

This point refers to keeping your desk or workplace clear of papers, having only what you are dealing with, because a saturated place tires the mind and also generates stress. What to do to achieve a clear place? You have to use what I have called DATT, which refers to not moving a paper if you do not intend to do something with it. That is, each time a document arrives (or e-mail, it applies the same) what can be done is reduced to: Delegate, File, Process or Discard. But whatever you do, handle the papers once to keep the workplace and mind clear.

6. Start at the beginning.

It sounds so obvious, that is precisely why it is not done. How do you know what the beginning is? Very easy, the answer is to be clear about where you want to go when climbing the ladder. Knowing it will determine activities that will be important because they will take you where you want, everything that drives us away, however urgent it is, will only take away our life. Learn to focus on the goal.

7. Learn to say No.

When we are clear where we are going, it is so easy to say No! all you have to do is ask yourself, what if I don't do this? If the answer is nothing, don't do it !, and you will be able to enjoy your life. Saying NO is much more important if the earring is someone else's and not your own.

8. Use the agenda.

The secret is not to schedule activities, but to fulfill the scheduled ones. An agenda is not just work, since we have already seen that what is managed is life, keeping an agenda becomes a personal schedule and then it becomes so important to schedule a coffee with a friend, assign time for sport, for some hobby, for family activities, or just time for oneself. The most important thing at this point in the agenda is learning to say NO to activities that interrupt this programming.

9. Do not postpone.

Saying "after a while I do" is as serious as not knowing how to say no. Imagine a large container called "Al Rato" and then imagine that everything you decide not to do at the moment goes to that container. I do not doubt that finally having it in front of you and seeing the amount of things that were left there will instead of living outside of that container, in balance; Live immersed in "Everything that has to be done" and that generally turns out to be "for yesterday".

10. Manage yourself.

Finally, the fact that managing “time” is not the same as managing yourself implies that whether or not things are done depends solely on you and no one else. And from this perspective, if you decided not to do them, it is because you are determining that they are not worth it in life and from my perspective, you do not "take the time to do them."

I hope that the ten tips affect a balance in your life.

There are things that must be done "Today", but many times those situations do not transcend "life" and what we should focus on is what is important "In Life" so my last advice is that if you face to a situation and you don't know whether or not you should say no, ask yourself, is this situation for today or for life? It goes without saying that if the answer is "For today" perhaps you are only moving away from your true goals, do not invest time or emotions. On the other hand, if your answer is "for life" don't put it off, don't let it go. Perhaps the biggest secret to managing your time is asking yourself "Today or in Life?".

How to manage your time to balance your life