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How to achieve your goals. a practical guide


The achievement of objectives can be a determination or a simple statement. If we frame the subject at hand within our broader aspirations, the simple statement of a very well defined and defined objective will be transformed into determination.

So the starting point for the process of developing our creative potential, must be the recognition of our only, truly ours, instrument of precision, ourselves. We must know each other better.

Knowing ourselves better implies becoming aware of the general and particular framework that constitutes our way of thinking and, therefore, of acting. This is essential when we aim to achieve more creative changes in our own personality and in our environment, for example.


It should be remembered that our personality and that of each of us who inhabit this planet, is the center, the point of intersection, of two lines. A vertical line, which is the history of our entire family, in its two branches, and also the history of all humanity, since it exists. And a horizontal line that crosses it and that is our own personal history, complete, from early childhood, with all the events that most influenced our formation, including those that, in principle, we do not remember. This is the situation of each one of us, human beings, at every moment.

The two explanations.

The western cultural tradition is deeply marked by the biblical explanation of the origin of the universe and its development. It remains for more than 50 centuries. Almost all social structures maintain it, and it is present in us, as the basis, as the sustenance, of all our thinking, whether we are religious or not.

As an apparent contrast we know, with more or less technical data, the theory of the Big Bang, or Big Bang.

This would have been generated by a large concentration of energy that when exploding formed the universe and caused the expansion and rotation movements, which are seen in galaxies, and are repeated in our solar system, on our planet and in ourselves, already that every atom in our body is made up of a nucleus with protons, neutrons and electrons that move in orbits.

Like the universe itself.

This energy, which originated the Great Explosion, could be the same as the Biblical version mentions, in another form. It is intact in our days, and will continue to be so for a long time, since energy never disappears. It can transform, but not disappear.

Scientists say it is more than unlikely that the universe has borders. And they say this through direct observations, made with ultra-sophisticated telescopes, which allows them to affirm that that concentration of energy was so powerful that it continues to exist as is. That it remains, in different forms, throughout the universe, that continues to evolve.

In the biblical explanation, God creates the universe and all the beings that inhabit it. Create man and woman in his image and likeness. We have to understand and take into account, within this context, that to do what he did he must have a great energy concentrated in his doing, or that he himself was, is, and will be, pure energy. So its omnipotence and its omnipresence.

It could be understood that these two explanations are talking about the same thing, from different points of view, of a great concentration of energy at the origin of everything. We must bear in mind that if the two lines of thought, predominant in our time, within our western culture, end in a great concentration of energy, in the beginning, at the origin of time, it matters to all of us, because of that We are part of energy, we are nourished by it and we live by it.

The dictionary of the Spanish Royal Academy says that energy is the ability to do a job. Doing a task of any kind is work. Living, day by day, is a job.

And we appear.

With the explanation of the origin of life something similar happens to what happens with the origin of the universe, there are two main versions. There is the biblical one, in which God created man and woman on the sixth day: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them." (Genesis 1-27.)

And we also have the theory of the evolution of species, from which we know that life originated on our planet from unicellular, aquatic organisms, and it evolved, according to the needs of adaptation to the environment. It should be noted that when the strongest are said to survive, it is understood that the force spoken of is the ability to adapt to the environment and to changes.

Almost all the processes that occur in life, in the broadest sense of the concept, are repeated in each one of us. There is a direct relationship between what happens in the big dimensions, humanity as a whole, for example, and what happens in the small dimensions, the particular life of any person. If we think about it carefully, we will see that in the same normal evolution of a human being, from before birth, the history of the entire existence of life on this planet repeats itself.

All people are generated by the union of two cells, one male and one female, which, when united, lose their original shape and with the energy they release in this process, they constitute a new and unique cell, called a zygote. This is the first way in which we exist, with a single cell, then, by dividing it into two, growth begins, also by division, of other cells and it is formed, in a liquid medium, little by little, and with different forms, until obtaining the one that will have at birth. All brought about by unconscious biological memory. Pure vital impulse.

It seems that all the different lines of thought agree that energy is primordial and directing. We stay with the theory that we stay, current people are like the "latest and most developed model" of our own evolution.

In biblical doctrine, which is fully integrated into our culture, as an explanation of the origin and development of our own lives, we see that Adam and Eve were cast out of paradise, for what we know as original sin. This story points us as descendants of those who were tempted.

So, if the serpent tempted Eve with the apple, it would be convenient to think about the effects that apple produced, which was the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Or in the power that the serpent had, to which in other cultures, as much and older than the biblical one, the life force is attributed.

Because after the expulsion and as a consequence, they started as people, earning their bread with the sweat of their forehead, and childbirth with pain, but with a very powerful element at their disposal, the same power that the apple seemed to have, or the serpent, the vital desire, which is the form that universal energy takes in human beings. Desire, with all its risks, like Adam and Eve.

Desire as an instrument.

Desire is the psychic manifestation of a need. Here the two lines that define our individuality cross again. The vertical, which indicates the need for survival, reproduction and development of our species. And the horizontal, more subtle, that indicates the needs of each of us, which are manifested in a basic need, which is the same in all people. It is the need for love. To love and be loved, cared for, cared for and fed. This is clearly seen in babies. Then we grow and learn and the basic need takes more specific forms, the child can eat alone and, in addition, he wants to show his ability.

Desire, then, opens up in different branches, like in a tree, each branch is subdivided into two or three more. The trunk and main branches always remain, others continue to sprout, and others fall off. Just as in need it happens with desire, which is who must implement the means to satisfy those needs. It has a main line and is subdivided, as determined by new needs. These can give rise to new more and more sophisticated desires, depending on tastes or possibilities, although they always remain from the same trunk.

What happens with the universe and with humanity, which is the set of all, also happens with each one of us, we are evolving, stumbling, but we evolve. Our desire remains the same as that of our ancestors, with a conscious part and an unconscious part, the one that is perceived in dreams, for example. The two sides aim at the same thing, to live longer and better, to improve our quality of life. Following the own criteria on the meaning of quality of life.

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It is the most difficult thing to achieve. There is a process to follow. If we have decided to produce a change in our quality of life, according to our own quality criteria, we will see that it is such a comprehensive proposal, so broad, that it can produce vertigo. This is the first fact that surprises us, the confusion, not knowing where to start. This is normal, any attempt to deny it, or omit it, would lead to further confusion, or leave it, to remain as is. After all, confusion is nothing but disorder.

When the proposal is very broad, all the wishes come out in droves, all together, without order. Improving our own quality of life can summon images of a new car, or a washing machine, a vacation, change of house, job, make a study plan, or stop studying, look for work, retire, in short, all this and all the variants that cover the topic of health, love and money. Then you have to put order. And from where, but from the understanding of the own new situation. Our proposal for change places us in a different situation from all the previous ones. By proposing a change, we find ourselves in a new situation.

New situations can cause a conflict between what is desired and uneasiness, so we may find ourselves on the road, in addition to a certain sense of loss due to the abandonment of the current relative comfort that we will have to leave. But we want to produce a change to improve our quality of life, so we will have to take action. And, necessarily, the first thing is to analyze, the situation we want to create and our possibilities as instruments of creative production.

To produce means to beget or procreate, and it is evident that something new is being procreated or beget, so our attitude towards this process has to be almost virginal. Most of us have heard, or read, that of "I only know that I know nothing." This is the most correct attitude towards a new situation, we know nothing about it. It's new. We must gather information about it. For that we have our senses, our perception systems.

Let's review some familiar concepts.

Our perception works, in principle, with our five most habitual senses. These senses feed us with information, but this information is translated by our most frequent thinking, which has not yet incorporated, because it is in the process of production, the new task that we have decided to undertake. This can lead us to get carried away by the first impression, by the appearance, by the foreground of what we see, hear, touch, like, or smell.

The physical senses can be adjusted, glasses and headphones are an example. The interpretation of what our senses inform us is what should matter most to us when we decide to undertake the task of improving our quality of life. It can and should also be adjusted. The fundamental thing is not to let yourself be imprisoned by what you "seem to be", people, conflicts and things. Depending on the needs, according to our objective, it is more than convenient to look, hear, touch, taste, or smell again. More than twice better.

This intention to verify what is perceived of a given situation, of a person, or of an object, will serve us for everything, especially to define more precisely what we have proposed.

Although we are still in the initial confusion, we can already place it in time and space, from our certainty that the past has already passed, and for the future much is missing, we decided that space is "here" and time "now " Here and now, to choose the direction of our next stage. This location is the one that will allow us to put order in the initial confusion, or chaos.

We said that confusion is disorder and that this disorder, in the initial stage, is produced by the irruption of many desires simultaneously, induced by associations with the main desire, that of improving our quality of life.

Let us remember that we represent the main desire as a tree. The most common form we use is, trunk, one, two, or several thick branches, other derived branches, and many more minor branches. As an essential reference, the roots must be taken into account. The part that is generally not in sight.

The roots are a very important part. For us they are an energy reserve that we usually do not have. As people, with our own history and that of all humanity, since it exists, we carry within us a force, an evolutionary impulse, that remains identical in all generations, and that apparently works on its own.

Although we do not feel like it, we still grow and reach old adults. We know this evolutionary impulse, it is what many people say, referring to children, who are "coming" more and more intelligent. It is true, they are also higher. And we, surely, are smarter than our parents and taller.

Our grain of sand.

We know the evolutionary impulse, more than once we have imagined what could have been the path of human beings from the caves to here. A part, the one closest to us, may have been told by our parents, or our grandparents. So if evolution, or progress, is developing, including our participation, our grain of sand, it is clear that the evolutionary impulse is pointing us to a very broad line on which we can order the levels of our task.

This is a line in which the general conditions are favorable, such as when we go with the wind down. Following this line, we can verify that the broad title of our purpose is, in its own right, assigned to the trunk of the tree, because that is how its roots endorse it, because from the origins, it seeks to improve our quality of life.

And so continues the individual and intimate work of each person with each branch. Sometimes it is good to think about the leaves and the flowers or fruits of our desire, to organize the structure of the main branches, to give names to the secondary branches and to all those that follow them.

If the trunk and the main title worked well, let's continue with the same method for the branches, let's put each branch, which we have already named, in the right place, putting our needs in order with our current possibilities.

The tree is our profile, we must organize it from the trunk, where each main branch is a basic sustenance for the possible fruits. Without forgetting that we are working here and now, not anywhere else, nor in another time of our lives. So we must think about what is the first thing we can do to achieve our main objective. Here we should remember that everything has a process. And that it is not convenient to rush.

The main branches are usually those that coincide with vital needs, with survival, with basic resources. This happens in all occupations, paid or unpaid. If she is a housewife, she will attend to the basics first, once this is achieved, she will start to take care of other things. A doctor will do the same and a carpenter, and so on in all existing specialties. All occupations imply that you first have to learn the trade, whatever it may be, doing it as an applicant or apprentice, then practicing it with mastery, later you will further improve yourself.

According to our trade or hobbies, if we have already covered our basic needs, we will choose what we consider to be the undoubted next step to take, that next step becomes, for now, our main objective, in which we must solve first. If it continues to be in the same line, in line with the evolutionary impulse, we will direct all the force that sustains the entire tree structured by our desire and the evolutionary impulse itself to a single task, to which we must do first. Without losing sight of the main objective, of which we have already made a very detailed image, which will be the guide for all our work.

Sometimes it is convenient to subdivide each task, such as a meter, which is subdivided into centimeters and millimeters, while still being one meter. It is advisable to pay attention to all the details, if we have to leave the house, we will have groomed and dressed. It seems obvious, but you also had to think about it, decide it, and do it.

The chosen objective may still be a bit broad, it may cover two or three previous tasks, we can subdivide them, each resulting minimum task will be our main objective. The order is organized from the first task necessary to get moving and, incidentally, learn with practice, for the following ones. Finished the first, immediately the second will come, without pause and without haste.

When starting the practice, the first thing is to attend and observe as accurately as possible, the graphic, or image, that we make of this first situation of producing a change. Attention when interpreting what we perceive, ours is a specific situation, if it is a job interview, or a business, or an exam, what is at stake is only an exam, or an interview, or a business, not all our personality.

Now yes, concentration.

Along this path we leave confusion behind. Now we have a very specific objective, we must gather information about it using all perception systems and attending to our sensations. When choosing a field of action we define it, we limit it. Which means that all our attention capacity will be concentrated on that plot, all the force that emanates from our desire to achieve a more productive change in our quality of life is concentrated on this unique area.

To concentrate is to gather in a center or point what was separate. The force, the energy that we have, is usually dispersed in too large images, or in the simple summation of partial desires. If we concentrate it on a single point, which will be the center of our activity, it will allow us to make a correct and objective recognition of the situation that we have to resolve.

This will allow us to evaluate the general and particular characteristics of the activity that we must carry out, and with this evaluation we will be able to draw up suitable plans, put them into practice and fulfill them.

We have a double force, ours as always, plus what we have recognized as the evolutionary impulse, which comes from far away, passes through us and will continue after us. This is new, it was not in our daily consciousness. We are excited, but it creates uncertainty, even unease.

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  1. MEMORY.

Know that our usual definition of ourselves is partial, that it does not encompass everything that we are, because we are something more. A lot more. It is something that deeply shocks. It is not a novelty, we are aware, we know it, they told us, we read it, or we listened to it, but we did not always take it into account. It is easier to think of ourselves as a unit dependent exclusively on our will. But it's not like that.

Ours is a permanent and repeated duality. Between our consciousness, which is like the visible part of an iceberg, and our entire unconscious system, of which we cannot account. Neither of its amplitude, nor of its quality, nor of its quantity. Sometimes we can deduce its enormous importance by small samples accessible to our usual understanding.

Our organism, for example, began to form and was completed, without our will having any role. When we move an arm, or a leg, in a normal situation, we develop a voluntary action, but we blink, for example, according to the needs of our eyes, without thinking about it. The reality is that we first exist, much later we think, and feel and get excited.

We know the constitution of our organism from having studied it, but most of the time we find out about the existence of an organ or gland when it doesn't work well, when it hurts, or when we get sick. The most normal thing is that the lungs, the heart, the liver, and all the other more complex organs, glands, muscles, bones, cells and systems work without our thinking determining them.

This indicates to us that the evolutionary impulse works in each one of us, with its own particularities, beyond our habitual thought, far beyond what we commonly call our will.

As we have seen previously, our identity is the center, the crossing point, of a line that represents the particularity of our own history, with another line, which is the history of the evolutionary impulse, of the development of vital energy that began with the beginning of the universe, with the formation of our planet, with the appearance of the first micro-organisms, until it reaches us. And it is manifested to us as the basic need of our species that may well be represented by the biblical precept that says "Grow and multiply", which is our erotic instinct, directed, in principle, towards the reproduction of the species.

Incorporating this into our consciousness is not easy. But it is fundamental. Because by expressing our desire for personal evolution, to improve our quality of life, we are in line with the needs of all our fellow human beings. Which means that we are not alone in our task. Despite the first appearance indicating otherwise, loneliness is an illusion.

Complementary opposites.

It is worth thinking about this, because by proposing a very specific objective we discover that we have more instruments than we supposed. The duality that is formed between the two illusory separate concepts, which are: we as people, and we as one more unit of the whole of the human species, we have to unite it in our consciousness. We are both simultaneously, so our strength multiplies.

And when we talk about our strength we always do it referring to ours in relation to our task. We have a broad objective and we have determined what our first step will be, then we will link it with others that will lead us to achieve what we have set ourselves. Because success is lived during the process, with the natural succession of each of the tasks that are achieved.

Our strength multiplies the moment we become aware of it. Because people, living in society, we transform partial instincts, which belong to very primitive stages of human development, into more creative cultural impulses, individually and socially, and these maintain all their great energetic capacity, the same that has the instinct of reproduction. Art and science point this out to us in each of its manifestations.

Understanding this allows us to have an idea of ​​all our potential, even if we still lack a little practice, so we must return, again and again, to focus on the chosen objective and continue gathering clear, precise and real information about our task, about ourselves and about the interaction that takes place between us and our task.

Because the work we are doing changes us, we were in a certain way before making the decision to improve our quality of life, we change when making the decision and we continue to change as we move forward on the path we choose. Before us, and before others, if necessary, we define ourselves for what we are and for what we are doing today, here and now.

Possibly the most important thing we see, right now, is the need to incorporate the concept of duality into our definition of ourselves and of others. It is a basic, fundamental question. We must expand our field of consciousness. What we normally know as unconscious, non-conscious, or subconscious is not a simple theoretical statement, it is a reality, and as such we must incorporate it when defining ourselves. For a simple practical matter, we are like this, this is how we are made. And it is very useful, for everything. Especially for the resolution of the task that we have proposed.

Because we have already seen that we must return, over and over again, to concentration on this task and that we must gather as much information as possible, reviewing it frequently to ensure that we understand well what we have to do. And where do we deposit the data that we perceive? In memory of.

The prominence of memory.

Our memory necessarily encompasses two planes. We cannot keep everything we perceive in the foreground of consciousness. We must inevitably use other planes, not conscious. That is the role of our memory, which functions as a large file. It stores everything we have lived, thought or felt. Everything that our senses have perceived. Even reality data that we have not consciously thought about. Moreover, it is rich in data that all human beings have incorporated since the beginning of their lives as such. The amazing new discoveries in genetics confirm this.

This means that we have at our disposal an infinite amount of knowledge accumulated in our memory. Accurate data, own and others, although, to be more exact, nothing that any human being has thought, felt, or done is alien to us. All of us, with different specializations, are in the same story, we all seek adaptation and improvement. We may not automatically remember who invented the phone, but we use it and recognize it as a breakthrough for information sharing. And so, with everything.

Nothing disappears from memory, more than one will have been astonished to remember clearly some event from his childhood, or some story that his grandfather could tell him, or a scene from a movie, or from a novel. The information available is so vast that it remains behind the foreground of our minds. But, at the first stimulus, the data we need emerges.

In this way, when we concentrate on our current task, everything we know that we need, plus a considerable number of similar situations that can be very useful to us, arise from our memory. Or not. It depends on the interpretation that we have made of the events or close feelings. And not only from our interpretations, but also from those made by our predecessors. We know that some apparently immovable taboos cease to be so at some point. This is why verification of what we observe and corroboration of everything we perceive is so important.

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Verify what we observe and corroborate what we perceive. It seems difficult. We tend to have a mind occupied by a thousand things at the same time. So we need a quiet space and a minimum of time just for us, to reflect. To rethink the task that we have set ourselves, now with more elements at our disposal.

We already know that our role is twofold, individual and collective. We also know that our purpose and the force that will make it possible, our desire, are connected with the evolutionary drive of our entire species. Now we must find the practical utility of this knowledge.

This requires reflection, or meditation, but not abstractly, broadly, or generally, what concerns us is our task, which we have chosen, we must rethink about it. In pictures. Trying to visualize our objective, the most immediate one. It is the best way.

It should be borne in mind that any other task that we have started in our entire history seemed difficult to us in the beginning. The first steps are always learned with greater difficulty, then, when you already have some practice, everything becomes easier.

In this case, it is a question of taking a picture of the task that we want to complete in order to review it, to see if it needs any adjustments. We will start by making a sketch, a simple outline, then we will add the details.

With that first sketch in mind, we let our memory begin to search for similar images, situations that we have already experienced, or read, or seen in a movie. Everything is filed in our memory, and is activated when we stimulate it with a precise objective.

This is something that always happens, this is how our memory works when we limit our concentration to a single purpose, it is like searching a file, in a single section, in which it is defined by our most immediate purpose. From all the images that come to mind we will select the details that serve us, that enrich and expand our initial image.

It is very possible that our first objective is to resolve a situation that we have already tried to solve before and were unable to do so, for example a job interview. If we make a simple outline of that situation and voluntarily delimit our field of observation to only that outline and reflect on it, we will surely see the person with whom we have to interview as someone very similar to ourselves. You are doing your job under conditions pre-determined by your objective, as a person and as an official or businessman, therefore you are not an adversary.

The restlessness that is usually present in these types of circumstances can be reduced, if we understand that there is a common point between their need and ours. That common point is the one that most interests and is discovered and expanded upon, upon prior reflection on that situation that serves as an example, or on any other particular situation.

That common point is in sight, it is an encounter between someone who needs certain services and someone who can provide them. However, by making a minimal graph of the situation, a table and two people face to face, we have the impression that it is a confrontation.

If we look again, if we observe, we will see only a couple of opposites, as in all things, like day and night, like our conscious system and our unconscious system, they are actually opposites but complementary. Most obviously, in what defines them, in what those two people are doing in that interview.

They are working and we know that each one does the best they can, with the healthy intention of avoiding any negative alteration in their mood. Knowing that, taking it into account and respecting it, makes each person's task easier, creates a good climate and we already know that one harvests according to what they sow. As we also know that there is a time for sowing and another for harvesting.

From particular to general.

What we know, we must incorporate into our system of thought, especially when we have it concentrated on a specific purpose that, when carried out, will bring us closer to our main objective, which, in our case, is to improve our quality of life. This purpose that generates a task that becomes our first objective, is what strengthens our will, which becomes more and more effective the more we broaden our understanding of the events that concern us.

Everything that we try repeatedly will be a learning experience, it is possible that at some point we seem to be located in the same place we were before we started. A glance back is enough to see that it is not true. Everything evolves and we are part of the whole. Our evolution is spiral, at school we have seen that year after year math or language was studied, in addition to other subjects, and it did not seem the same to us, however we started from the known and every so often a new concept was added, or a different process.

That happens to us with the experience that we are accumulating, as soon as we make it conscious we realize that we have greater effectiveness, that the supposed point equal to the beginning, is, in fact, a little higher, in that evolutionary spiral, to which We also see, with almost identical characteristics, in the universe, which is our reference of the largest, and in our genetic organization, in the double helix of DNA, which is our reference of the smallest.

This common movement of our own history and of all the history we have studied, which is the same as that of our macros and micro references, can help us think of possibly the key to achieving new, more creative and productive ways of thinking and plan our action, be it to use our ability to form mental images. These are visual representations of what we are planning, it is convenient for us to incorporate them as a working instrument. Imagination translates into the ability to form new images, to modify previous ones, and to see new and old projects, in motion, and perfectly defined.

Let's look for evidence not previously thought.

In this way it will be possible for us to search for links between the most obvious, between what is so well-known to us that we hardly look at, or do not take into account, the universe, our planet, the environment in which we live, our own organism, and our functioning versus our task. The imagination, the possibility of visualizing, applied to our task, is the result of a permanent interrelation between our desire and our experience, all of it, our own and our collective, which is in our memory. They feed each other. And they grow.

This is the complementation of opposites that most interests us, the one that we can do in ourselves. We start with the body and psyche, which is the psychic system and the dictionary translates it by the human soul. And we arrived at the complementation of the conscious and what was filed unconsciously. Then the imagination begins to work, in an individual process, but with characteristics that can be averaged with the whole. Then we see that it is convenient for us to look for links between what is most evident and our functioning in our task.

Nature offers us a role model, and what better example of nature than ourselves. In our organism we have flora, fauna and minerals. We are a complement to the four kingdoms. We also have water, air, earth and fire, the four elements. If we add to this the constant movement of all the elements that constitute us, we can see and feel like a pole of the relationship between the great and the small, we can truly feel, "Made in the image and likeness of God."

Creation is done, or, more correctly, is being done. And it serves as a model for us. It is convenient for us to keep in mind that everything we see in the universe is repeated in our organism and vice versa. It is also the model that we follow in our professional and social functioning. We all know that the planets are concentrated in systems, like ours, the solar one, and that the stars are concentrated in constellations, and after, or before, the galaxies.

We also know that in our body, different organs come together and constitute different functional apparatuses, such as the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, and all the rest. Even now we know, from advances in genetic biology research, that even cells specialize in defined tasks, converging and constituting the different organs.

It is curious, but evident, that we, as people, follow the same model. According to our tastes, affinities and possibilities, we specialize in something. Some people make a direct path to their specialization, others make different variables. Some change on the fly, others remain, and others have more than one specialty. That specialization requires information, learning, practice, and more information.

Then one comes together with other specialists and associations are constituted, newspapers are published, work days, congresses, etc. are made. The topic interests everyone and the contributions of the most advanced help the whole and more progress is made. Or not, but everything is perfectible. Generation after generation. There are moments of involution, but they are overcome, the vital impulse, the fire, the instinctive and its sublimations, is evolutionary. From the Flood, from Noah's Ark, to here, we continue struggling to understand, and to be able to apply, as best as possible, what we understand.

Then we will look at our own working model once again. We concentrate on our task, we place it as it is now in relation to its natural environment, we verify that situation with all the information we have. We look for more information, we add the dynamic factor, the movement that we saw in our references, we compare the image of the desired situation with the current situation and we examine, in the graph that synthesizes the two images, possible new paths that make possible the total confluence, or as similar as possible, between what is desired and what has been achieved. We adapt or modify our plans and we continue.

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To adapt or modify our plans, if necessary, we must bear in mind that our own mental, emotional and sentimental evolution has occurred within natural progress, as very complex living organisms, included within a family and social context.. The interrelation between us and our environment is total, although we do not always keep it in mind on the surface of our consciousness.

What interests us at the moment is conditioned by our system of ideas and values, but this system has been forming in us since our early childhood. We have modified it. We have added, or removed, or reinterpreted, some values ​​and some ideas. This was happening in some crucial stages of our own development.

It is desirable and very convenient that we continue to do so on a regular basis. But it is not always done this way.

A problem that usually arises is that some people reach a moment when they say they are already fully developed, and they do not revisit their systems of ideas and values. This means that it is highly probable that some referential models that they use quite naturally may have lost their validity.

The very dynamics that we carry, marked by immediate urgencies, make it difficult for us, in most situations, to verify the data that we use as a basis for analyzing ourselves against our purpose and our possibilities.

It is practically impossible to be equal to ourselves throughout our history. However, we have incorporated some of the values, concepts and meanings that we use in previous stages, charged with emotions that had to do with the moment we set them in our psychic system. The encounter with a person in authority, for example, may be linked to an intimate feeling of smallness and lack of protection that corresponds to a particular experience of the past.

There is no doubt that we need to observe, contrast and differentiate what happens to us today, in our daily operation, in our decision to fulfill our objective, with that feeling that, although it has deeply marked us, no longer has to affect us in the same way. Because we are in another time and in another situation, so it no longer corresponds to our current reality. Simply and simply it is not useful to us at all.

Let's organize ourselves consciously.

The life experience that we have been accumulating is disorganized. Our feelings, conditioned by our emotions, have given particular meanings to each one of the lived experiences and this is the natural thing, thus it happens almost always in all people. But the natural can and must be modified. Science, technique and art do so.

Our task is the one that shows us the direction. We have decided to live each situation that appears to us as a new situation, no matter if it is very similar to some previous one, our degree of conscious attention is the one that indicates the modifications that exist in reality itself and in us, although at first view seem imperceptible. As a consequence we will be able to give new meanings to apparently well-known situations.

Development is spiraling upward. The understanding of the circumstances occurs in different planes, it is possible and necessary to cross the most obvious planes to find a new way of understanding our actions on the way to the desired objective. This requires balance and daring. Our experience, plus the experience of our peers, point us to the limited fields of possible actions, but we know there is more. Each new scientific, technological or artistic discovery indicates that our possibilities are as wide as those of the universe itself.

We are, let's not forget, a micro universe. And from this concept, and from the interrelation and similarity between the largest and the smallest, comes the balance necessary to fulfill our objective. Because our objective is the center of all our actions. We observe, recognize, meditate and work based on the achievement of the predetermined objective, which is, in turn, the one that gives us the guideline of our relative advances or setbacks.

It is very important to keep in mind that each one of us, when in full activity, working objective after objective to achieve a better quality of life, is the instrument, which we must perfect, and the field of action in which this instrument operates. Which is to say that we are, simultaneously, the producers and the product of the process in which we are. And we are the ones who direct this process and those who must control and organize it. So our action must maintain a permanent balance between our enthusiasm and our prudence.

Because as we move forward we discover new sectors of ourselves that are practically unknown to us, such as the ability to see ourselves in action, interacting with other people, in different situations, and, at the same time, seeing ourselves in relation to our desire, which materialized in a purpose and the coincidence or deviation of our actions in relation to our most updated system of values ​​and ideas.

This ability allows us to organize and classify our life experience, which is all the internal and external information that we have accumulated and updated, to concentrate it on the most immediate task that we have to do to continue the process of producing a better quality of life for us and ours.

Let's use all our resources.

We have already seen how. We have the vital energy that is expressed through the evolutionary drive and the reproductive instinct, with all its sublimations. We perceive this energy as a series of needs and we feel the desire to satisfy them.

We select a general objective and draw up suitable plans to mark a path in several stages. We concentrate all our energy in each of these stages, without losing sight of the project or general objective. We search our memory, conscious and unconscious, by associations, for all the information we need on that specific topic.

(This does not mean that we have all the specific data in the foreground of our memory, but we may have titles of books that we could consult, or addresses, or names of professionals with interests similar to ours. The data will always have to be expanded..)

Then we use all the freedom that the imagination gives, creator of new associations of ideas, and immediately we start to classify all that material. Our task will not be different from that carried out in any trade or profession, it is a process of specialization, of skill development.

And skill develops with practice. And the working model is perfected, because the theory is enriched by the exercise of practice, which, in turn, enriches the theory. And with this exchange of information, corroboration, possible modifications and adjustments, our skill grows. In a field, in which we are, which is the one we have chosen.

Skills are always partial, they do not cover all the activities that we do, some of us are skilled in some things and others in others. That is why our specializations are organized. We are choosing sectors of reality, fields of activity, in which we feel more comfortable and more creative.

This in the best of cases, because sometimes it happens that there are people who are not satisfied with what they do. And others who can't do anything. And they feel imprisoned by their circumstances. The circumstances themselves can be changed.

So far we have seen the basic, minimal, and generalized structure of a change production model. Changes in us, in our circumstances and in our way of producing, of procreating the privileged product of our desire.

If we organize it well, for which it is advisable to observe the whole of this basic structure and see its operation, its interrelation and its effectiveness, taking a certain distance from ourselves to be able to see ourselves in action, working for an objective, as if we were in a video. Then we will be able to review the creative model with a new look, and see it as a complementary and instrumental ensemble that is our own and that includes us.

At first we have been confused, then we have managed to understand that this is normal in any new situation, because the first glance sees, but the record of what is seen, in our mind, is, at first, confusing. This also happens to us with the faces, or with the names, of people that we have just met, we will only fix their names or their faces after seeing them two or three more times. This is everyday. With concepts and images something similar happens.

Let's not settle for appearances.

The initial confusion arises because of this, because everything and everyone "seems to be", "looks like", are, in principle, only the most superficial appearance. We have verified that we have enough ability to see the true nature of the situations that we live, behind, or inside, of appearances. Investigating and verifying. We could see that we have a double supply to our load and energy reserve, we know that these are the fundamental columns of our organization as people.

This allowed us to define a general objective and, as a consequence, we delimited our field of attention to a sector of our reality. From the moment we become aware of all the availability of unconscious memory, our own and generic, we begin to see otherwise, with the mind. Making images. With the imagination we can create multiple different combinations for known and to be known situations.

We are at the very beginning of any production process, we classify everything we have seen so far and we pay a lot of attention to the accommodation movements, which all the previous elements will have to do, the ones we had on file from before.

Our usual reasoning will make changes, in time, but in the meantime, it will maintain the logical guidelines to which we are accustomed. That habitual reasoning, which will surely be shocked and expectant, will be the one that makes the verifications of the direction of our current action, in pursuit of a defined objective.

If we are indeed in an evolutionary direction of our own, which coincides with the direction and timing of the evolutionary drive of our entire species, we can begin to recognize that reaching our goal is as important as the path we take, the integrative model of all our facets, those known now and those that we will know. Working with ourselves, acquiring more skill with practice, applying the same method to small and large situations, our quality of life is improving. And the achievements are coming.

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After exercising ourselves in the detailed observation of the facts, classifying them and finding all the possible links between everything observed and remembered, a new way of facing the pending tasks begins to take shape.

It is quite possible that we have already discovered that we have 120 possible combinations for the use of our five senses. Our mind captures and registers them all, although we are not always aware of these combined perceptions, but in that we are, in a permanent exercise to expand our field of consciousness.

If we are focused on a task that structures our central objective, which is the target of all our efforts, alert awareness is our best instrument and can be further developed, but exclusively with practice.

At the beginning of any task there are many more difficulties than after some time. The development of perception is also gradual, similar to when we learned to read, letters, syllables, words, phrases, and paragraphs.

Our language, the one we use every day, will also be adjusted with skill and precision, day by day, since it is the reflection of our current degree of consciousness. And this tells us that we perceive more things than what comes to us through our physical senses and all their combinations.

Our mind incorporates, associates and classifies the information of external reality, associating it with what we already have accumulated in our memory. Several new forms of perception will emerge from this mix.

Like intuition, which "is a fleeting internal perception of an idea or a truth that appears to those who have it as indubitable." And it is so because when incorporating the result of the precise observation of particular facts we begin to see the possibility of generalizing concepts.

Because intuition also makes us aware of the general principles, the frameworks, that our own nature indicates to us. How to assume that all other people make similar attempts to ours to improve and evolve.

What we can also come to see clearly is that when we take nature as a model, ourselves, as the most suitable model to follow, we see that it is our mind that metabolizes our feelings, our physical processes, our evolutionary instinct, the products of our perceptions, the messages that come to us from our unconscious and the one that channels all the energy that these movements produce to concentrate on our current task.

It is worth remembering the number of times we have heard or read that we use only 10 percent of our brain. That is not of your own free will. Rather, we make efforts to use as much as we can. Expanding our consciousness, day by day. With the sweat of our forehead. Modifying attitudes, suppressing closed, non-productive ways of thinking.

Control of our mind.

The mind, the brain, the psychic system are in the head. Being in the head is directing the process, and we already know that the only way to direct ourselves is to accept ourselves as part of a much broader process, life, and try to stay in line with it.

With expectation, discovering the interconnections between our evolutionary drive and our individuality, between our unconscious system and our consciousness, between our receptive, protective, generous part, and our impulsive, brave and willing part, between our individuality and our social being.

The intention must be in the mind to conjugate the permanent presence of the apparent opposites. In exact balance. Or as exact as possible at the present time. With practice comes mastery.

Looking for the way to accept and develop intuition as a new working tool that integrates all the elements that we have seen so far, we are faced with the evidence that shows us the unconscious psychic system as one more system than we have as people, just like the physical organism, the emotional, affective and spiritual systems.

From this it can be deduced that the basic scheme of its operation cannot be very different from any of the other systems. It incorporates everything it perceives, what it feels, what it thinks, and many more things, it interprets, associates and classifies them. And what does not serve, it eliminates. When everything works well, as in other systems.

With all that we have observed, remembered, imagined and reasoned, we can affirm that this, necessarily, is so, that in the same way that we exchange information between our digestive system, for example, and our conscious, to evaluate a possible food, or For dessert, we can exchange information with our unconscious psychic system to induce an analyzed return of a specific question that we have asked ourselves. Surely it is from this concept that it is said and used, that of “consulting it with the pillow”.

Because until very recently we thought that our circumstances had us surrounded, that our possibilities could not overcome those barriers. We can now classify these circumstances as an aspect of reality, and we know that reality has many aspects, and we also know that the definition of reality is not reality itself. The most similar thing to reality is the most basic, the essence. It should be noted that behind all models and brands of shoes is the need to protect the feet, and something similar happens with any other product. So it is with everything, even with feelings. They can manifest in a thousand different ways and, deep down, we will be talking about the presence, or absence, of love.

The premature interpretations.

Our need to improve our quality of life is closely linked to the evolutionary need of our entire species to find a way of development that does not repeat the current nonsense that happens in our world.

Another aspect of the reality in which we are working is the interpretation that we made of our circumstances, at another time, and the hasty concepts that we could have incorporated. It is essential to review them and possibly change them, now we can confirm that we are exactly what we think and interpret about ourselves throughout our lives, before making the current decision. That of being the basic instrument for the production of all the lines of our detailed plan to improve our quality of life.

At this moment it is convenient for us to incorporate self-consultation, which is derived from the reflective exchange between the limitation of a field of attention, concentration on it, the incorporation of illustrative memories, creative imagination seeking non-obvious links and the correct classification of everything. this material. Adding the possibility of accessing direct communication with our generic, unconscious part, which is the one that follows the direction of the evolutionary impulse, which indicates it as the most convenient direction.

This new channel of communication is intuition. As with all our potentialities, we will gradually incorporate it and it will develop with practice and with reflection on practice, for possible adjustments. Intuition is defined as the ability to understand things instantly, without reason. Things are what keep us busy, things that are within our field of attention. Those that have been recorded in our memory following the previous steps of observing, remembering, imagining and classifying.

It is important to rethink that we, as people, function as the most infinitesimal parts of our physical organism, always following the general characteristics of the vital phenomenon, as other people like us have called it, who have specialized in genetics and They have highlighted.

This vital phenomenon is characterized by its energy, the energy it consumes and the energy it generates. For its replication, which is a process of conservation and transmission of information through hereditary molecules, DNA. For its stability, achieved because all its components and levels of organization are strongly integrated. And for its self-organization, which allows it to build itself from molecules to building cells, tissues and organs.

All this that happens in our organism, at totally unconscious levels, draws an organizational and functional model that is repeated in us, individually, and socially, for example in governments, which just as we have different organs and glands, governments they have ministries and undersecretaries. In institutions, in companies, in associations of any kind, a similar model is repeated.

According to the historical information that we have, these models change at different speeds, according to a direct correlation between the great scientific, philosophical and artistic advances that alter the conventional way of thinking about ourselves. Expanding our information we alter thought models that must be recognized, understood and incorporated.

So we understand things “instantly”, because we live 24 hours a day, whether we are sleeping, eating, or working. All of our different sectors operate in communication with each other, but autonomously. And all the initiated processes are underway, taking care of their energy, their self-organization, their replication and their stability.

Our real experience.

Our current activity is identical to the vital phenomenon, which is not too different from the evolutionary drive. It has been doing this for hundreds of millions of years, accumulating experience. Almost 8 million years in our own species. It is not a little experience and it is all in ourselves, when we get to hear the voice of experience, we intuit. That is intuition. Ours. The voice of all our experience.

With this possibility of incorporating other forms of perception of reality as it is and not only as it appears to us at first glance, we can once again reflect on our general objective and on each of the stages that we still have to do, incorporating the accumulated experience for all our ancestors in ourselves.

It is difficult to suppose that we do not have enough information about the different variables that we can undertake, and if we did not have it, it would be simply because of the existence of a dark, unintelligible area, which should not produce any effect other than to incorporate, as an immediate task, the lighting of that area. By the same method, concentration, remembrance, imagination, classification, and intuition.

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The conscious analysis of the product of intuition has allowed us access to inner education, to that of the center, to the experience accumulated at the point of intersection of the history of all humanity with our own history. It has given us the certainty of the presence of all the vital impulse in our own memory. At our disposal.

When we learn something from ourselves we can no longer go back. We cannot pretend that we know nothing of what we have consciously incorporated. Inevitably we find ourselves in a different situation than we were before. We have changed, we are different, in what interests us most today, in the way we perceive ourselves in relation to our objective. And to the objective itself too.

The concept of being, simultaneously, instruments for the production of our objective and products of our learning path to achieve that objective is clarified to us. We, from our growth as creative people, are the main objective of all, the generator of all processes, from its conception, its delimitation and its visualization, to its concretion and the consequent joy.

By connecting with our unconscious forces we have managed to perceive an immeasurable energy source. The unconscious, in general terms, will continue to be difficult to understand, but in particular situations, in areas delimited by our current needs, we have used a form of cooperation by inducing our unconscious to elaborate answers to specific questions and we have verified its correct solution.

The verb induce means “to instigate, persuade, move someone”, and also “to extract, from certain observations or particular experiences, the general principle that is implicit in them”. We know, from what we have been told, that several principles, or general laws, of physics, such as that of gravity, for example, were confirmed in the same way as Newton, who did this by observing the fall of an apple. A particular fact that, within a context and an active system of ideas, induces a general principle or law.

We are also working in this way, with the assurance that our detailed observation of the facts provides us, that the achievement of our objective will be a particular experience that will confirm that the vital impulse is evolutionary and encompassing all those attempts to improve the quality of life of each and every human being.

This, although it is not the first time that we see it, requires a lot of reflection. Because now we are assuring it from our own experience. We reach this conclusion after having concentrated on a very particular topic, remembrance, imagination, reasoning, the pertinent classification of everything discovered and, fundamentally, thanks to constant work of reflection and listening, we have managed to direct the search for our intuition in a certain direction, which responds to us as the voice of the total experience of all our species.

Scientist Albert Einstein said, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant." And that, sometimes, "we honor servants and forget gifts."

We now know that if we correctly feed our reasoning with well-defined and verified perceptions, making use of all the collective memory and the freest creative imagination, we will benefit from the internal teaching of intuition. And this indicates the most important change that occurs in our models of thought. To achieve something we do not have to be against anything other than our own ignorance of some vital aspects of the subject at hand.

The change then is internal and yet determines our perception of the external. It is a confirmation that the obstacles that we can find for the development of our partial tasks, even the daily ones, or for the achievement of our main objective, are nothing more than that, obstacles, which are "impediments, difficulties, or inconveniences", that we will remove and fragment them by approaching them in the same spirit that we approach any other task.

With the certainty that our knowledge begins very little and it expands as we use, carefully and consciously alert, the five active principles of this production model that we are beginning to use.

Renewable energy.

This use makes it necessary for us to eliminate other models that are old, and if we observe the process, we will see in practice how the most basic of all production is developed.

A model works with a certain amount of energy and when it loses its functionality, it releases the energy it produced and leaves it free, but since that model was part of a broader system of ideas, which is what is directed towards our objective, energy it remains within that system to strengthen the new model that, in this case, we are beginning to use.

We can reflect on the similarity that this process has in the field of ideas and perceptions, with the union of the two cells that merge into one at the moment of the conception of a new being, or the seed that breaks to germinate, grow and re-seed.

From this point where we are, we can see that most of the obstacles that we posed between us and our objective were not as great as our ignorance about them.

Now we know that there is nothing, enormous as it may seem, that is not made up of small units and knowing the structure and operation of these allows us to understand the whole.

If we think about language, for example, we cannot help but be amazed that the Bible is written, in Spanish, with the combination of 27 letters, like Don Quixote, and that these combinations make syllables and words and phrases. This is how the texts are formed, combining, with talent, the 27 basic elements, in Spanish.

Any situation has a certain texture. If we study it carefully, step by step, always looking for its most elemental structure, we will understand it, and at that moment our plans will be the most adjusted and productive for that particular situation. And for the next one new plans will be made.

These will require adequate thought models, which will be nothing more than a re-updating of all available models, their fine-tuning and, most importantly, the release of available energy in non-productive models that we do not use.

Breaking them is imperative to release that energy and use it in new models. It is what we do with food, we chew them until they break their original forms to, by various processes, incorporate their nutrients and direct them to where they are needed.

Our elemental structure indicates that coexistence with our unconscious parts always existed and in good harmony, in most cases.

What we incorporate now is the will to connect more with all that accumulated wealth in each of our genes and in our collective memory, to co-elaborate our objectives, our plans and our achievements. That is the fundamental change.

We have managed to shape a model of our own creativity that incorporates, as energy reinforcement, a fluid communication channel between our knowledge and experiences and the experience of all those who have gone before us. And of everything we know as nature.

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This chapter, the real one, would have to be written by each of those who have come this far. The knowledge of the achievements is individual, there is a law of uneven or different growths, which ratifies the particularity of each one. As in any process, we must put our objective first and, from it, we can evaluate ourselves and analyze achievements.

It is very clear that we have not looked for, or found, any element foreign to the nature of people. Rather we stopped at the elements that make up this nature and discovered that everyday language and the usual thinking that goes with it, tend to downplay the importance of almost all the instruments and systems that people bring from birth and that are the product of more 8 million years of evolution of our species, in Europe.

This negative and not very enriching tendency is motivated by the inertia, the property of the bodies, in this case of the brains, of not modifying their state of rest or movement if not for the action of a force.

The force that can break inertia, non-creativity, immobility, or movement without predetermined direction, is our desire, directed towards a very well measured and delimited area, in action, transformed into will. That is the defining power.

It is evident that our perceptual, memorizing, imaginative, reasoning and intuitive capacity, directed towards a correctly defined objective, gives us the guideline of our true power. To be able to do what we really want to do.

Broken inertia, in each achievement of a goal we learn more about ourselves and our possibilities, which will allow us to face the next event more effectively and with more learning. An arrival point is, at the same time, the beginning of a new spiral cycle. Indefinitely. Like life itself.

From our own life experience we have obtained the necessary elements to recover a broader and more open concept of ourselves. A concept that integrates the two main aspects of all people, the conscious and the unconscious.

From the unconscious we know that it will continue to be like an iceberg, it will show only a small part. But we also know that, with a limited objective, we can search and find much more. And the mixture of the new elements with all the existing ones is the one that produces the best and most powerful creative models.

And this, which sounds so simple, puts us in an archetypal situation. Suddenly, in an image, as in a photo, we are in the same position as the various symbols of the winner, in texts, in pictures, in statues. With that knowledge of our true possibilities and with the Model of Personal Creativity that that knowledge originates we are standing, on a light carriage, pulled by two spirited horses.

The carriage represents the body, the mind holds the reins that dominate the horses, which are the vital instincts. It is the symbol of victory. It occurs at the moment when we understand that for success we only need to know, to be able, to be encouraged and to do. -

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How to achieve your goals. a practical guide