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How to become a good person


Emotions are a fundamental piece of the puzzle that involves becoming a good person, leading a dignified life, and raising compassionate, kind, and nonviolent children. For this, it is necessary to cultivate righteousness (or justice), love (or charity), patience, compassion, generosity, gratitude, tolerance, courage, honesty and self-knowledge.

You also have to take into account principles such as the one that states that you should treat others as you want to be treated and recognize that any human being is worth as much as one.

What has been said, in the long run translates into good health, since it implies the cultivation of positive emotions, which increases the resistance of the Immune System. For this it is necessary to put yourself in the place of others, for which we must begin by equating ourselves with our fellow men, exchanging with them and considering others as important as ourselves, assuming their point of view, in order to become aware of our selfishness and arrogance.

In such a case you begin to feel in your own ego, the disgust that you would feel with any selfish person.

The other modality is to evoke a feeling of love, thinking for it, someone who arouses our love, such as a self-sacrificing mother and imagining that she is going through a difficult situation. When this vision is strengthened, it can be expanded to encompass another person and, finally, all living beings. In this way, a sense of compassion is developed, defined as the desire to be useful not only for ourselves, but also for others.

Compassion arises as a spontaneous expression of conscience, which must be cultivated by expressing a prayer of love every morning and dedicating all actions to the service of others. Thus it is observed that in Tibetan philosophy, one of the traditions of conscious meditation ends each session with a brief practice of "metta", a word that in the Pali language means "benevolence".

This prayer expresses the same desire for compassion for oneself, for loved ones, even for people with whom you have problems, and finally, for everyone.

In other words, compassion in Tibetan Buddhism explicitly includes both oneself and others and is expressed by the following notion, "May I be delivered from the benefit of all beings."

How to become a good person