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How to create your day in a conscious way


In recent years, several books on quantum physics have been written that scientifically explain how the quantum field shapes our universe, this field is an EVERYTHING, even we are part of it. I believe that the following points are very important and explain why we ourselves are creators of physical reality that "apparently" is solid and that "we believe" that we cannot change as much as we want.

  1. In essence, our universe is made of energy and electromagnetism. Atoms were once believed to be the tiniest particles in existence, but now it has been discovered that there are particles EVEN SMALLER THAN THE ATOM, these are called subatomic particles and are not made of Matter, they are only energy, that is to say that they practically do not exist in the world of the physical.The scientists say that they are so tiny that the only means by which they know of their existence is by the trail they leave in particle accelerators. Particles seem to exist only when they are observed, only when the decision is made to see a particle does the invisible energy wave become a concrete (solid) entity. The attention directed towards that recognizable energy as a wave, is what creates the reality that we call particle or solid,or physical world Scientists say the observer is the creator of the particle or physical mass of the universe.

All this means that the observer, (that is, we) are the ones who create something from the invisible (a subatomic particle), simply by OBSERVING IT.

We are also a set of atoms, molecules and particles, both atomic and subatomic, therefore we are not solid as we usually think, our body regenerates in its entirety in a span of 7 years, so in reality a person who is 50 years old it has a new body every 7 years.

Being part of this quantum field that works on energy and electromagnetism, we are a walking mass of energy, we work thanks to it and we are like a walking magnet.

Now we are going to delve a little more on the subject of quantum physics or quantum mechanics saying that it is one of the most modern branches of scientific research that was developed in an effort to understand the nature of physical reality.

This science has made it possible to support all these theories that "Our thoughts create our world" since it describes with mathematical precision how the particles that make up our physical reality behave.

This science tells us that electrons can behave in both ways, both as particles and as invisible energy waves.

When converted into waves, these "electrons" cannot be located (it is as if they did not exist) but they do exist as probability fields.

When they are in the particle state, the probability field collapses and becomes a solid object!

The electrons become solid matter (or particles) when they are being observed. And when they are no longer observed, they become invisible waves of energy again.

In essence the world is built by particles (they are the bricks of our universe) And the observer who has the power to turn an electron into a solid particle or make it disappear is us.

In the movie What the Bleep the subject of quantum physics that we have just described is touched upon and goes a little further by saying that it is possible to create our day intentionally as we want it to be.

Now ask yourself the following questions:

  • What if the -first- thoughts we have upon waking up in the morning have the power to affect what happens to us during that day? And what if all, all, all our thoughts influence our world as a whole? If this were true and you are in charge of creating your day, would you not like to take charge of yourself instead of letting him continue to do what he wants? What would happen if you gradually learned to direct your attention / observation towards parts of your life that are still invisible and give them life? Wouldn't it be good, then, that before you start grumbling or cursing the new day, you would start by creating your day intentionally so that it turns out as you want?

In the movie "What the Bleep" Dr. Joe Dispenza describes in a simple way the way he intentionally creates his days:

I get up in the morning and consciously create my day the way I want it to happen. Sometimes… it takes a little work to relax and start creating my day with intention. So during the day, out of nowhere, little things happen that are inexplicable and that way I know that they are the result of having created my day with intention.

From a spiritual point of view, we are thinking that our thoughts affect reality and therefore our entire life. I have this little pact in which I say "I am taking this time to create my day" and I am -infecting- the quantum field.

Now, it is a fact that the observer is watching me all the time that I am creating my day. (he refers to our inner being as the observer, our spirit that directs the creative energy) and I also say "Send me a sign today that you paid attention to the things I created today"

Send me these things in a way that I don't expect them, so that I am amazed at my ability to experience those things and show them to me in a way that I have no doubt came from you.

And then I get ready to live my day in a normal way thinking like I'm a genius and while I do that, during some parts of the day I have thoughts that are surprising and my skin bristles, those thoughts (or events) come from practically nothing.

This theory that we are the creators of our own lives is not new. Many books have already been written on the subject of positive thinking and all of them recommend us as a first instance to change our mentality from negative to positive.

Those books also tell us stories of how a "new mindset and positive attitude" had the enormous power to transform individuals from very humble families into extremely powerful people who are famous and wealthy. And all that great change was due to the simple and simple fact of changing the way of thinking of those characters.

Exhaustive studies have been done such as the one carried out by Napoleon Hill and which consisted of interviewing 500 of the most important millionaires who lived in his time, including this figure: Henry Ford, Wright Brothers, President Theodore Roosvelt, Rockefeller, Graham Bell, Alva Edison, Andrew Carnegie, W. Clement Stone etc.etc. And the final work was called… guess what… THINK and get rich. Now that we are in the middle of the 21st century, science is verifying the fact that in effect «We are the creators of our world»

In the video titled "How to create your day", Ramtha tells us that it should be very important for us to learn more about quantum physics because it is the only science that is on our side regarding our abilities, it is the only level of mathematical study from the subatomic world that cares about our opinion. And that the quantum field will always meet our expectations (the expectations of the observer).

What are the things you say when you wake up in the morning?

What is the first thing you think about when you start your day?

The first thing you say in the morning, even before opening your eyes, plays a fundamental role in how your day will unfold, so create your life with intention and have a great day.

How to create your day in a conscious way