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How to create a profitable internet business, step by step manual

Table of contents:


I am delighted to put this knowledge in your hands, this book is the same one that I would have liked to find when launching independently into the world of Internet business.

My name is Lorena Valiente, born in Asunción del Paraguay and raised in a family in which her own business was always an achievable ideal, first by my journalist Father by profession, who created his own Weekly, then he joined that project. my mother Lic. in Human Resources so that in a short time my father's vision would be the one that would keep us enjoying all the benefits that can be had with a Profitable Business.


In this book I will tell you based on my stories how anyone who wants it from the bottom of their heart can have a successful business and although it is oriented to profitable Internet businesses, many of the techniques are applicable to business in the physical world. I assure you that it will help you to see and trust your potential.

I would like you to take advantage of these stories and these teachings to take the time to reflect and find the magic that has to decide to change course and start to truly live, emerging from the daily frustrations that come from the traffic jam to get to work, even the bad mood of one of your colleagues.

Although it is always said that nobody learns from the experiences of others, I assure you that if you think for a moment you will realize that it is not the experiences that teach us, but the reflections we make about what happens to us, then if you are In time to learn from the experiences of others, this book is a true gift for you, since it will save you bad times, because you will be able to advance your way to success, bypassing the things that take your time and money, causing you frustrations.

This book turns you dear reader into my confidant and friend.

There is always a moment in life when you stop and ask yourself: What is happening? Why haven't I done it? You probably already went through that, that awakening happened to me at the best moment of my life, when then after seven years of marriage and through a miracle my daughter Valentina came into my life, I wanted to be a mother with all the strength of my being and despite the fact that many doctors did not give me much hope, I believed in the possibility of the miracle and thus when I was 29 years old I was happily pregnant, at that time I worked in a company dedicated to sales, then Valentina came and my life changed completely, I wanted to spend more time with her and trust again in that inner strength that caused the miracle of to be able to conceive a child, is there an inner force that produces miracles? I had already verified it!therefore if something as difficult as getting pregnant with few medical possibilities I could overcome just by wishing it intensely every minute of my life, having a profitable company should already be an easy task.

This book is about resurgence, I take you by the hand and I promise to be your mentor in your next Internet business, it is different from any other material on the same subject, because I have lived it dear Reader, I walked the long road and uphill, so I don't want anyone else to waste time and money.

I urge you to be brave and to take charge of your life and direct it towards that place and moment that you dream and desire for you, I ask you to close your eyes right now and feel you are enjoying the benefits, the comfort, the love, of the abundance, of the peace that you wish for your life, close your eyes and imagine that moment in detail, do it now !, I will continue here, waiting for you to continue.

What you see is what you will get, please stop looking around and start seeing your inner beauty.

Chapter 1

Laying the foundation for your business

The first tips for presenting your website

How to avoid falling into the three most common mistakes made by inexperienced Internet businesses

What are the 4 rules that you must manage to be successful in your business


The best-selling product on the Internet

What is the type of best-selling product on the Internet

How to create your own product

What are the three combinations that make you earn money online


Seducing your prospect

How to capture the attention of your visitor in every word they read on your website. How to write a sales letter that pushes the purchase without the client feeling forced.


Plan B, if you don't like writing books.

The two options in terms of e-book, with 100% profit.

Other ways to make money online



Position yourself as an expert

How to promote yourself without being noticed

Rules of success to stay current


Automating your business.

Why you should automate your business

How can you get it


Promotion of your website

Chapter 1

Gaining visitors

To prepare the foundation of your business you must be willing to believe and trust. Imagine building your own house without a solid foundation, I am sure you do not want to risk investing in the construction of your house by directing the process of preparing the foundation yourself without knowing exactly the formula that is used so that the concrete is in its exact point.

I once read about a sage with whom a person eager to obtain knowledge came, who since sitting next to the sage did nothing but talk about himself and his projects. Shortly afterwards the sage began to pour tea into his visitor's cup, so much so that the cup began to overflow with the liquid falling on the table and wetting all the tablecloth.

At that moment the visitor could not stop and desperately asked the wise man:

-Don't you see it's full? You can't keep putting more!

Exactly, the wise man replied, just like this mug you are full of your ideas. How can you expect me to teach you unless you offer me an empty cup?

I ask you to get rid of the idea that only traditional businesses work, the digital age offers us endless opportunities, ready to be seized.

But how to make our adult relatives understand this, that they would not settle for the idea of ​​leaving work "safe" to have a business that they cannot see?

Do not worry about this, they will not be able to see the clients, they will not be able to see when the purchase transaction of your product is made, but you will be able to show them your economic results.

For now I ask you to pay attention to these first tips when it comes to having a website.

If you already have a Web page and you are not able to enhance it, this will be important to you, if you have not yet created your Web page, congratulations this material falls into your hands that will prevent you from falling into errors that lead to failure.

Before talking about ways of marketing, product, etc., which we will develop in the following lessons, it is important that your website has all the necessary features and tools, such as a good design, good color combination, clarity in the texts, I particularly recommend that you use clear backgrounds for the best reading of the texts. It is important that you are not polluted by ads that annoy the view or harass the visitor, surely on several occasions you wanted to visit some places where you just enter and you appear on the screen congratulations you won the opportunity to fulfill the American dream, and then it chases you and it doesn't let you click anywhere, it is likely that, like me, you feel persecuted and this irritates you, well this is how your visitors will feel if you do the same.

Today, the time a person pays attention to reading a text on the Internet is very low, approximately between 3 and 6 seconds, that is, if you did not capture their attention or your visitor could not find what they wanted, or the page took a long time to open. You will have already wasted an opportunity to sell.

I am in favor of being clear and going straight to the point and this has worked for me, do not underestimate your visitors, your page will not be the only one that they visit therefore you will not be their only option, that is why the way you present the solution that your visitor is looking for will be one of the ways to catch it.

To make your page work correctly you must make sure that all the links are opened, that they do not contain errors since this denotes little interest on your part, your site must be updated, that is to say if you are offering a product either physical or electronic delivery, you better have it ready to deliver, since once you fail it will be enough to lose the confidence of that visitor forever.

If the objective of your page is to sell, remember that you will not do it before the interested party obtains all the information they want about your product, therefore you will not be able to sell if you do not inform, you must offer information with open hands, this action will close many sales.

I want you to know that a minimum, but very minimal part of your visitors will buy your product on the first visit they make to your page, that is to say that out of three hundred visitors two people will buy you at most, you will sell, it is true but each “death of a bishop ”as they say, so now that you know this you should concentrate on capturing your client's attention and requesting their data so that later when he gives you his data enabling you to contact him, just there, you can make a direct offer of sales. Perfect so far, let's continue with what I said earlier regarding providing information.

To take that step of offering information, you need to know your product in depth, you must be the expert regarding your product, on the Internet gaining confidence is very difficult, therefore you cannot do things by halves, you must concentrate on your Internet project from the beginning to achieve good results.

Write what is the main objective of your website, and start to carry out the other actions based on your main objective. You must be clear and forceful from the beginning.

To start off on the right foot, you have to take into account that the content of your page will be the one that will open the doors for success.

To continue with this general overview of what people want to find on your site, I will mention the three errors that you should avoid having in it:

The first thing is that your sales letter is not professional and that you do not hit the stick with what you want to say, people will read and not know with is the real objective, but do not worry that in the next chapters you will know exactly how to do it. Another mistake that you should avoid is not having enough forms of payment for all tastes, you must have all forms of payment available to your customers, these are, charges by credit card, by mail, by money order. The last mistake is having an amateur Web page, that is, it does not have all the requirements to convert more visitors into customers, for this you will need a domain of your own, a hosting, professionally design the Web, an auto responder, a collection platform with credit card.

The four golden rules that you must learn to master are these:

First of all you have to detect a market or a large group of people who have a specific need, for this you just have to ask yourself:

Is there a large group of overweight people in the world?

Is there a large group of people eager to learn about something? Is there a large group of parents in the world who want to know how to guide their teenage children?

We can follow several pages of this book, showing you the infinity of niche markets in which you can venture, this type of business gives you that freedom to work in what you really like, that's why Internet entrepreneurs are passionate, they renew their products, they improve their sales letters, they communicate their progress, because they are so happy to work in what they like that they do not take it with a job but as something that completes their lives and makes them earn money, more money than they would earn in a “safe job” as our mothers would say.

The second step is to create a website in which you effectively communicate to your niche or group of people you choose to attend, about the benefits you have to offer them, either with the use of your product, or with the hiring of your services.

The next thing is to effectively promote your website, so that the people you want to reach know of your existence, for this you will apply effective techniques that will drive abundant traffic to your website, so that finally once the interested parties have leaving their email addresses, you follow them up properly, making you more familiar to that person, generating trust through your knowledge and closing thousands of sales through your positive attitude, your enthusiasm and your excellent product that will improve your client's life and yours too

Dear reader, before continuing to the second chapter, I ask you to take into account this phrase that Napoleon Hill left us: "The effort fully rewards only when the person has refused to give up."

When I started in the world of business on the Internet I was totally inexperienced in the subject, I was browsing looking for free information about business on the Internet, I did not realize that free was the longest way, no one was going to tell me what it was really important, out there I would buy a course, but it only covered one part of the story leaving me wanting the other important part, it was clear that I should also buy the following material to know the next strategy, in this way sure that I I was going to reinvent the wheel, I launched with my first website, for this I hired a company that made my site www.compreya.com.py, I was really happy !, I already had my site ready, I was proud of it, it was sooo cute, at least that was what relatives and friends who did not understand anything about Internet business told me and that they were not my potential clients.

Months passed and I could not sell through my site, once in a class when I was studying Marketing at Columbia University, I showed my site to my colleagues, they immediately criticized the name, asking why I had bought it now! many took it as that I was forcing my visitors to buy, that my domain or my site name made me look desperate and also showed that I did not know anything about Internet sales strategies, nobody would like to enter a store and that to be received tell BUY NOW !.

Then they began to ask me about traffic, how many visitors per day enter my site and that sounded like a joke, as if it was important to know.

Very soon I was canceling my hosting account to try to forget about financial freedom, business from home and all those ideas that when you make a mistake in not wanting to pay the price you should pay, you lose the opportunity to do grow your dream.

Let's review what you should do:

  • Respect your visitor Be genuine Know in depth what you offer Be generous with the information you provide Offer quality information

Episode 2

What is the type of best-selling product on the Internet

The product that has the most acceptance on the Internet is that of immediate download, netizens do not have established schedules, and they want to buy when their need requires it, or even better when your persuasive sales letter hypnotizes it. For this, the best and most required are electronic delivery products such as e-books, audios, videos, software, ticket reservations, platforms for websites, etc. Everything that the client can buy with her credit card and immediately download it to her computer.

Although a navigator can buy although he did not intend to, his ability and conviction will make you differentiate yourself from others, for this I recommend the book Locos por las Ventas by Facundo de Saltarein, the sales and persuasion techniques applicable to all fields of life, Editorial Granica.

To a friend who complained about the long office hours and how worried she was about leaving her two children in the care of the domestic worker, I told her to immediately start her business on the Internet, she is passionate about good clothing for what So much so that it is convenient for Sonia to have her website where she teaches women to dress appropriately for each occasion, even for those who are more intimate. Listening to my proposal it would seem that the only word I had heard was the Internet, Internet !, she said to me… Internet! She is my husband's lover, she spends hours on the INTERNET, that is the exact place to look for one thing and find another! It is the best way to meet people that you never imagined meeting! She is the promised cyber land… she said to me I liked it, the promised cybertierra? I asked him and he said: on the Internet everything shines like gold,my husband buys unnecessary things, he has his computer with an endless number of electronic books, I don't know when it will stop!

Then I took her hands and looked her in the eye, Sonia realized, her husband was one of the many netizens who compulsively buy on the Internet, and she could be one of the many people who sell their products in the promised cyberland.

How to create your own product

Soon you will have all the knowledge to write your own sales letter and sell your product effectively.

To start this process I want you to think about two things that you like, let's start little by little, only two things for now will be fine.

Not only must you like them, but you must be really passionate about those two things.

Attention here: That interest that comes to you because of what you like, may be referring to your profession to what you studied all your life, or some hobby you have, or to daily life.


Assuming that you are a psychologist, just to describe a way to create your product if you are a professional and want to use that knowledge for your Internet business: You can write a book or edit a video, about your experience treating cases of children with learning problems How did you prove to have better results, in how many children could you observe that, if you modified any technique to achieve it, etc.

Assuming that you are not interested in creating a product related to your profession, there must be something that interests you and that you are passionate about, it may be referring to a household activity such as cooking, what to do to conquer a person, what to do to motivate everyone On days, you can collect motivational sayings, tips for saving at home, etc. I tell you that there are no limits and the market is so big that you will always find a niche for your product.

How to start?

The first thing is to collect data, all the data that comes to mind or is within your reach.

So there, you write what your content will be, according to what you know it will be longer or shorter, then you start to write specifically the text for each of those contents that are like small titles initially, then you can edit as many times as you want.

It is important that you focus on this point, as otherwise you will never finish.

Once you have written everything, then there you can add or remove text according to your opinion.

Initially what you will do is write the content:

For example:

Tasty dishes prepared with meat

  • What are the best cuts of meat, to prepare juicy milanesas. What are the secrets to make the meat very tender. What you should know so that the milanesa is not oily. How to prepare a delicious Milanese Light? The irresistible option: The new milanesa to Neapolitan, a special and different recipe.

You already wanted to eat milanesas ?, Right.

Well this example is just so you can see how easy it is to start writing your book, first you write about what you are going to “talk about” and then you write the content, this simplifies things because you will not be writing everything you know and then not It will have no beginning or end, this is the way I use, so I recommend it to you, I know there are others but I did not check them.

Your book does not necessarily have to have 500 pages, it is not necessary to fill sheets just to have more pages written, it is important that each page has valuable content, remember that it will be your first book and it is up to you to make it the last or the first of several successful.

Imagine: What would happen if the “Milanesas” book bought a newly married woman who does not know about cooking and is interested in starting to cook for her husband and the family she will form?

So she searches the Internet and she is interested in your book, she buys it, she reads it, and she loves it because it is very good, and she has many solutions and tips that help her to remain as the "Queen" of Milanese. Then go back to your page and buy another book THE BEST GARNISHES TO ACCOMPANY MEATS.

Instead: What if the same woman buys your book and can't make any delicious Milanese?

This is why you should write about what you are passionate about and like because it will be the way you can best convey what you know.

We continue.

Once you have your book ready, they have to read at least five different people for you to make sure that other people can easily understand what you want to teach, remember that you are doing it for the first time and also this first book is super important because it will be the one that will open the doors for you so that the others you write can sell.

Make sure that there are no spelling or grammatical errors, take care of all the details, we are talking about the product that will make you generate more income, and you can get a better quality of life, that's why it is super important.

If you don't like writing at all, you have two more options.

The first is that you record the information you have in mp3 format, and your buyers can download it immediately after making the payment.

The second option is that you do it on video, so it is more complete by having image and sound, you can go showing everything step by step.

So far we have the three options that you can use to generate your own electronic products. It is best to combine the three options that way you will have more opportunities since not all of us like the same, I particularly like to read, but my husband likes to listen and read, although if there is an option in audio, he saves it in his mp3 player and while walking he listens to it. That is the solution that you must offer, for each one you will have the indicated solution if you present the greatest number of options.

You can also offer an excerpt from the book, for example if there are people with little time who cannot read the entire volume but are interested in your topic, you can give them the option to read it in an extract or in summary form.

IMPORTANT TIP: I advise you to write your entire e-book in a text editor such as Microsoft Word or another of your choice, but remember to file it with the.html extension, so that it can be read without problems in any Internet browser, if you want to protect it. Better use Adobe Acrobat, you can download a free trial of this program here:

http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobatpro/tryout.html or here http://get.adobe.com/es/reader/

Chapter 3

How to capture the attention of your visitor in every word they read on your website. I will teach you what are the words that impact emotionally and psychologically on people for you to use to your advantage, this is first-rate information and will be

CRUCIAL for you, and you can put it into practice in all fields where you want to close good deals.

My dear reader, if you want to get good business, you have to know that just like in the physical world, the promised cyberspace, as my friend Sonia says, is inhabited by people like you and me, and like most beings. We humans like to feel that they are interested in our needs, not in your needs as a seller, not in your financial needs, but in my needs to find a solution, to find someone who understands me, who knows what I'm going through, that's why Your economic results in business will always be linked to the good relationships that you get to have with your prospects or clients.

This chapter I consider the most important, although everything that is needed to build your online business has several parts as if it were a puzzle, this is a fundamental piece since without it, sales would not be closed.

I will use my site www.ganadinero24horas.com as an example to illustrate what I am saying.

To create all the sales letters you found in it, use these six strategic questions.

  • What do you have to offer Lorena? What will you do to improve something in my life? Why should I choose you? Why are you different from the competition? How can you assure me that what you offer me will work 100%? ? How will you send it to me immediately?

The answers you make to these questions are the ones your client is interested in hearing.

Although there are many competitors, some still believe that talking about themselves will give them good results, I prefer to talk about the customer.

This is the magic formula that I apply over and over again and that I suggest you start applying.

Focus on your client, who they are or will be, what they want, why they want it, what added value you can offer them or better yet what is the differentiation of your product from the competition.

It always offers a satisfaction guarantee and it is not only because it is the law in many countries, but because you know that your product is really good, if you are not the first to put your hand on fire for what you sell, no one else will. For this you must offer the best, the tricks will not work for you, at least if you see the opportunity to do business in the long term, this rule is for online or offline business.

Let's start writing your sales letter, this guide will be useful whenever you want to close sales, it will also be useful for any type of advertising you want to make.

You have to keep in mind that no matter how long your sales letter is, people have to be able to find out the benefits and advantages anywhere they stop to read, I want you to do an exercise, look at the TV sales channels when They pass an infomercial, you stay on it, then you zap from top to bottom and you stay in the infomercial again and surely at that moment if you look at it the same you will find out what it is and what the benefits are, because they repeat it over and over in different ways. This is the same as you must do.

Let's go to action, your motto if you want a change in your life should be: I learn and I take action. The knowledge you have will not help you if you do not apply it, this is the difference between people who achieve their goals and those who are always in the same place.

Avoid putting off your dreams, life is to live it and make the most of it.

To start off on the right foot, you have to use in your sales letter the words that in themselves captivate the senses, some of them are: Earn, save, benefit, succeed, generate, proven, work, discover, quality of life, secret, power, attention, you, you, for you, fast, strategic, gift, important, new, surprise, magical.

Imagine answering the first question that will help you write your sales letter: What do you have to offer me?

That is what your visitor wants to know when entering your page, it is the first opportunity you have to make a difference.

It is important that you focus on each title that you are going to formulate, since the more you try to write, the better you will do it, also apart from choosing the one that most impacts all of the main title, the others will serve to separate you the different parts that the sales letter has, so do not skimp on writing all the titles you can, if they are more than twenty better for you.

80% of the success of your sales letter depends on the heading, therefore if the heading is not attractive to the reader, neither will the rest of the letter, so pay attention to the main title

If you want your sales letter to impact you must know who it is addressed to, that is, what is your niche, remember that not all people want the same, therefore your letter should be focused on a specific group of people. An ideal sales letter is the one that shows the problem and immediately offers the solution, keep in mind this formula also to create impressive headlines.

For example you offer a slimming your niche will be overweight people therefore those people would be interested in points like these:

Reduce sizes without much effort

Having the ideal weight

Look slimmer

Feel more secure

Learn to eat properly

Learn easy and effective reducing exercises, etc.

People are driven by their desires to make purchases, however we can also use the problems they face and must solve to achieve their goals, among the problems following the previous example we can mention:



Lack of time to exercise

Lack of motivation


Hunger etc.

There are many ways to present headings these can be:

  1. -Providing a breaking news story, since we all like to be informed by asking direct questions to the reader, so that he answers it in his mind and introduces it to the rest of the letter, for example: Would you like to speak in English in just three months ?.
  1. Using the term HOW, you will be surprised of the results that you can obtain starting your sentence with this word, for example: How to reduce 1 kilo per day.

After the title you must identify yourself, so that the client feels more happy to know who is addressing him, for this you must resort to a good greeting, in a personalized way, some greetings that I suggest are these: Dear reader, Dear reader, Dear Colleague, Dear Professional, etc., this will depend on who you are writing your letter to.

Many people like to include stories in the sales letter, captivating little stories that catch the reading, it may be a fact that has happened or happened to someone you know on the road to success, and is motivating to take action.

At this point you must be short and concise, remember that you are looking to catch the visitor and keep reading and not bore them and go to another page.

We continue moving forward in the sales letter, answering question number two: What will you do to improve something in my life?

To speed up writing I turn to what is called STORM IDEAS, I start writing all the benefits that are obtained using my training services.

It is important to only tell the truth, as the grandparents say: THE LIE HAS SHORT LEGS, and even shorter on the Internet when the basis of everything is to look for information, also playing a lie will ruin your reputation, and there you will be out of all play, therefore you must stay whole in this area, play true and true, nothing more.

The next question that your prospect will ask, is very important, is question number three: Why should I choose you?

This point requires total sincerity, say what you are, write to them in the same way that you always communicate with others, be honest and sincere. I give you an example, if you are selling kitchen recipes, it is only an assumption:

I, Juan Pérez, am not an international chef, but I am a lover of cooking and I love to entertain my loved ones by cooking for them.

The night I asked for the hand of my now wife, I made a special combination with aphrodisiac ingredients and prepared a dish so exquisite that she could not refuse to accept my proposal of marriage.

From that day on, all my friends and acquaintances began to ask me for the special recipe that I baptized "NIGHT OF LOVE AND LUST", I assure you that if you choose my recipe, you will have the woman of your life (or the man of your life) assured, It is so special that more than fifty people among friends and acquaintances today are with the loved one using my "lover" recipe.

I assure you that you will not find another combination, as delicious and fantastically captivating as mine, you can use it year after year on each anniversary to rekindle the fire of love and passion.

Okay. This will help me explain it better:

Juan Pérez presents himself as he is, an ordinary person who likes to cook. He is sincere and confesses that he is not a chef.

We all like sincerity, because what if Juan Pérez told you that I am an international chef, everyone talks about me and my fabulous recipes.

Then you investigate, and nobody knows Juan Pérez, you write to know where he works and Juan Pérez never answers you, because what he had written about him is a lie.

What will happen is that you may think that Juan Pérez is a great liar and therefore his recipe is also a farce.

However Juan Pérez, tells you about his experience of what he lived and verified himself and then his acquaintances, that fact makes Juan, can affirm that his recipe is special.

This answers the question: Why should I choose you?

What people want: Because I am authentic and original and you will not find anywhere else what I have to offer you. Obviously you will not say it this way, but you will find a way to say it indirectly.

Why are you different from the competition?

In all cases I recommend that you resort to the STORM OF IDEAS, and write at least thirty reasons, in this case why you are different from the competition, to answer this question you have to give a differentiation to your product or an added value If you enter a world as competitive as selling on the Internet, you will know that they all say that they are unique and different, however each one has a very good reason to affirm it. Therefore you must really have something very good so that you can be chosen.

But what can be a very good thing?

It can be the treatment you give your visitor, the respect they feel, the follow-up you make, the gifts you offer, an after-sales service, a discount on the next purchase, human warmth, etc.

Do not forget that even if you are not face to face with your visitor, you can transmit your values, personality and human warmth, it is always about people, so treat them as you would like to be treated.

Let's go with the penultimate question: How can you assure me that what you offer me will work 100%?

It is essential that you offer a guarantee for the product or service you sell, there are no excuses for it, since if you know that what you offer is good, you do not have to fear! It is also the law in many countries, a guarantee of satisfaction It will make your prospect feel safe and eliminate the feeling of risk that is always possessed when making a purchase for


The last question that we must answer before diagramming the letter and with this we will already have all the elements.

But first I will give you ideas about some paragraphs that you should use to join your letter so that they make a hook to go to the following text:

Use these ideas and I assure you total success:

Take a look at this…

Some examples of what will happen when you use my product…

And that is only the beginning…

I'll tell you more about how…

The best of all…

And there is still more…

Heed this warning…

Attention, read on and you will be amazed etc etc

Now that you have the idea, you can try phrases to match.

Present your product offer by making a detailed list of everything you will receive when you buy your product. And then call to action telling your reader to buy at that time, indicating all the steps to follow so that you feel accompanied in the process.

How will you send it to me immediately?

All the people who think about buying something want to feel safe regarding the transfer of the information, you must tell them in how many minutes they will receive their product, how they will do it, even how they should save it, all as much as it seems to you, you should Include in your information, remember that in the world there are thousands of people who have never bought online yet.

Last tips to keep in mind, you must incorporate: LAUNCH DATE (You generate expectation), LIMIT DATE (you generate momentum by making the decision at the moment), In several parts a button that leads to the purchase Eg: ORDER HERE, BUY NOW AND GET THESE GIFTS, CLICK HERE TO GET….etc. USE POST DATA

ALWAYS (they serve to reaffirm offers and remember the benefits, and they are always read, I assure you).

Postscripts also sell, confirmed and insured!

Make this structure only to help you start to organize your own sales letter but it is important that you look at many sales letters on the Internet so you can create yours more accurately according to the audience you are addressing, I also recommend that you record a video and upload it to youtube (www.youtube.com), to include in your sales letter presentation, the video more humanizes the website and the visitor takes more confidence when the seller shows his face.

Here is the flyer that will be complemented with the title of the letter




From: Here goes your name

From: Here goes the city and the country

  • Here you put the first four benefits you wrote Try to make them the most captivating So that your prospect does not stop reading And go to the end


Answer question number 2.

You explain what you will do to improve something in his life, it is useful to present a scenario in which your product or service appears as a solution.

You can use horizontal lines to separate three different cases in which your product or service, CHANGED, THE CUSTOMER 'S LIFE.




You can also use famous sayings in between, as long as they refer to what you sell, one that I really like is:

Empty your pocket in your mind, your mind will fill your pocket.

Benjamin Franklin.

A good sub-title and you will answer the third question

  1. Why I Should Choose You You can list four or five facts about why you are better than the competition.

You can also put it without listing and publish a photo of yourself, this generates more confidence. Remember that the Internet is also about people. If it were the case of the chef Juan Pérez, who you read above, a photo of the wedding would be perfect.


BUTTON LIKE THIS: order here

We continue with question number four, do not forget to decorate with images, since it makes your letter look better.

  • Why are you different from the competition? You can enumerate again in this way Always remember that you must use independent sentences On the Internet with so much information at hand, people only give you a general review, clicking here and her. Remember that in your case it will be the same it will read the main heading Then it will go very fast down to the bottom, looking for the price It will read the postscripts And it will rise again if it interests you what you are offering


If you can get testimonials from experts in the field who recommend your product will have a greater impact, in these cases you can get a good testimonial, offering your product as a test, you can also get good testimonials by offering it free to an expert in the field in The one that you are entering and that you can access and that then lets you publish its image, as long as it has been verified that your product or service is indeed excellent.

There will be two or three testimonies one below the other, then you return to the call for action, prompting the purchase. ORDER HERE YOUR COPY AND IN LESS THAN 2 HOURS YOU WILL KNOW HOW TO EARN MONEY ON THE INTERNET.

5- How can you assure me that what you offer me will work 100%?

Answer 6 can be put here or back when the purchase link opens. Now you can write something personally, such as:

The information you are about to acquire has a real value of $ 1,000, however I want you to obtain it, that's why I lowered the price to give you the opportunity to 50% only until day x.

Now you repeat everything from question number one, putting the other benefits you wrote.

Pd1: Do not forget the postscripts, remember that they are widely read. Pd2: If the first read, they will also read the second, remember the deadline of your offer, if you have it, respect that date.


My dear reader, having read my book so far, you already have a lot of information on how to create your own Internet business, as you will have realized much of what you read, you can also apply it to your daily life, such as including in your conversations the words that impact and attract attention, when you want to close a good deal, when you want to conquer someone or persuade him / her.

However, at this moment I ask you both to stop because just as I told you at the beginning because you bought my book, you became my confidant. That is why I want to tell you that on many occasions in my life I was afraid of being free, of leaving "the fixed salary", of living on commissions or depending on the sales of my products. However, my irrational part fought because my reason did not convince me to remain tied. I chose as a mentor a person whom I admire and who is where I want to be, and I decided to follow in his footsteps. That is why I recommend that you look for that person who gives you strength, accompanies you and is a source of inspiration so that you can achieve your goals. In 1998, I was a Dance Teacher at a Saint Mary Scholl Bilingual School,I gave dance classes to all the girls from kindergarten to 6th grade, the day was exhausting, but I only realized that once I was home since during my hours of class time flew by, I always knew that fate was not written that each of us is the one who makes our own destiny, I think that's why I always chose to work in what I like.

The years of dedication and learning were long until I obtained the title of Dance Teacher and although 17 years have passed since I received my degree, the three teachers who pushed me forward in all the years of academic study until today continue to accompany me and today I want That they also be part of your business, that's why I ask you to welcome them with open arms and keep them by your side at all times, they are Discipline, Constancy and Patience.

Without a doubt developing these talents is even more important than having good innate conditions.

Chapter 4 Plan B, if you don't like writing books.

If you are beginning to think that you cannot have your profitable business on the Internet, just because you do not want to write an e-book, you are very wrong, because you have two possibilities that will take you out of this predicament, the first is to sell books that They have total resale rights, you buy them at a certain price and sell them again at the same price, with the first sale you already recover your investment and the rest are pure profits, I started my business with this system, there are an infinity of books With resell rights, you cannot modify any of the material, the only thing you can do is resell them as well as you bought them.

The good thing about this option is that they usually come with your written sales letter, meaning you don't even have to worry about it.

I particularly write a new sales letter for each book with a resale right that I buy since the disadvantage of this type of material is that there are many people who promote it and since it is not of my own exclusivity I must be more cunning in the way marketing and exhibition of the material, also to ensure that those interested choose me when buying, I offer interesting gift vouchers for the purchase of each material, or I pack them at 10, 20 or 50 offering a promotional price, This depends on each author, normally in each case they give you suggestions regarding the price and ask you not to go below the limit that they establish, in other cases they release them so that you can offer them as a free bonus for subscribing to your website or as gift for the purchase of some material of yours.

The other option is white-label books, better known on the Internet as PLR (Private Label Rights). The difference between these and the books with resale rights is that the private label ones have been released by their authors so that the person who buys it, re-writes it in their own way, modifying some terms, perhaps publishing it as if it were

In this way you get a fresh, own material and you free yourself from competing with other sellers who offer the same headlines and covers, as in the case of books with resale rights.

Other ways to make money on the Internet is by selling advertising space on your website or earning by clicks, with the Google Adsense program, they put relevant advertising on your site for your niche and for each click that each of the ads receives. on your site, they pay you an amount x, which is little but adds up. I warn you before you make a mistake, never click on your ads yourself, because your account will be canceled. If you want to get good results and that Google Adsense becomes an interesting source of coins, you must have a lot of daily traffic on your site. This system is recommended for blogs or other types of websites where advertising does not interfere with the primary objective of your site, for example if you are promoting your own product,You do not want Google to put you notice of the competition or that other ads distract the attention of your visitor, in those cases I do not advise you to use this system of earnings per clicks.

Affiliate Marketing

If you join a system such as www.clickbank.comyou can earn up to 75% commission for some of the products that are available, the system is free affiliation in this case you do not even need to have a website, all you have to do is promote your affiliate link, promote it correctly For those interested in that product to buy from your link, Clickbank is responsible for the collection and delivery of products that are all digital, and they will send you your commissions by check by mail, there are other forms of payment if you are interested you can enter the site. Finally, regarding affiliate systems, you must be careful when choosing one, particularly I promote products through my own page without using the sales letters they provide, there are complete courses on this topic,It is a very extensive topic that I will cover in my next book.

Before finishing this chapter I want to tell you that when I start my Internet business I go through several headaches, since I wanted a complete platform that provides my visitors with the necessary comfort, I also needed that my place on the Internet be friendly, hire for it to one of the best web design companies in my country, and we achieved a good job together although it took us four long months, then I met Rafael Memmel, a young creative and entrepreneur who, together with another entrepreneur, created what is now tele-entrepreneurs, they created a very useful tool that makes it easy for many of my clients to start their business immediately, if you are interested in being part of my team you can do it by entering this link: http://ganadinero24horas.telempresarios.com/ My clients who have joined tele-entrepreneurs are already launching their second material, we carry out their launch campaigns together and they count on my permanent advice.

Chapter 5 How to create credibility on the Internet

Positioning yourself as an expert

In order to position yourself as an expert you must publicize what you know, for this you have to have your own blog as this will greatly boost your sales and create trust on the part of your prospects towards you. I personally use wordpress, http://wordpress.com/ is one of the best tools that exists, you can add videos, contact form and much more, if you are determined to be an internet entrepreneur you must learn to make your own blog or Hire someone to do it for you and update it on a daily basis if possible. People who enter your blog should leave satisfied with information, and wanting to return because they know they will always get something fresh.

Now I will teach you a simple technique to promote yourself without being noticed, it is very useful, because it makes the difference between going after you and running from you.

I will give you two examples:

Imagine that you wrote your blog and tell your reader that your product is great, that they should buy it immediately because there are only a few copies left, that you are the only person who can help them, etc., etc. That person who is looking for options on the Internet in the first place knows that you are not the only person because although your product is exclusive there will be other products that fulfill the same function, to graph it more I will mention the case of a person who wants to lose weight, This person can achieve it, going to a gym two hours a day, consuming a slimming product or using a thermal belt, with all the options you can lose weight. This will also happen in your case, so you should be aware that the fact that you say you are unique will not make a difference.

What will make the difference is that instead of doing what I told you, write about how the quality of life of the people who used your product has improved, for example you can talk about the case of one of your customers without using their identity to protect it, or you can talk about your personal experience in achieving objectives and you say that on several occasions people wrote to you to thank you for the change they achieved in their lives thanks to the use of your book or your training, or your services. Nothing else. You only mention your product once or you don't mention it, and under the blog you put a link that leads to your landing page, that is, to the page where you expose the benefits of the product and ask your client for the information to contact them.

That is what you should do, you should not rush to close sales at the first contact, you will not succeed. If you managed to build trust and managed to get your visitor to your landing page, you are only a click away from him leaving his details or going directly to your product page.

Just as learning is a process, sales are, too. Educate on the use of your product, the benefits, the advantages and try to keep a cold mind so as not to despair of offering it directly, use this technique and I guarantee you good results.

Rules of success to stay current

Today the use of social networks is a must when it comes to staying current, it keeps us updated in more direct contact with people. This type of activities begins at the beginning of the year 2000 with Web sites that open up to a new way of interacting with their visitors, creating bonds of friendship or common interest, thus forming social networks, which, as expected, were they become more popular over time. The first appearances were made by Friendster, Tribe and Myspace, then the mega Google launches what would be the boom in terms of networks

Orkut, then this not so new but fascinating experience is added by Yahoo 360º and Facebook.

This system of generating links between humans is currently very popular and is expanding more and more, the important thing as Internet entrepreneurs is to efficiently create a suitable profile to create links with the right people. For this it is important to create your professional profile. You can start creating your network by inviting your contacts, then you will grow it by accepting your contacts.

Today there are many highly recommended social networks, but the interesting thing will be that you find the one that suits your purposes, the networks generally include people with the same interests, so there are social networks of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs, fans of art, literature, culture in In general, find the one that goes with you and start creating your network and having people who follow you.

Another way to stay current is to update you in terms of the information you offer, I particularly search the pages in English, which have very fresh content to soak up the new news, new approaches, new ideas.

If for you it is a pending duty to learn English, I recommend that you start immediately in globalized business, speaking English and if you can Chinese is extremely important, the largest population of Internet users is in China, which seems to you to enter a world in which the Internet is the daily bread.

Finally I recommend that you focus, successful people who achieve their goals focus, go after their dream step by step without stopping, for this you must focus on knowing more and more about the topic you chose and position yourself as an expert on that topic, once your project is walking alone and perhaps running, just there, you could start another project, by that time you should already have a system and a staff of people to whom you delegate most of the tasks.

I do it, both in my telemarketing business and in my Internet business, I have a system that works. In the case of my telephone sales business, I have a computer system, in which the products, prices, offers, frequently asked questions, product discount cap, customer data are detailed, this makes it easier if I am not In the company, my assistants can know what to answer according to the answers we have created based on the frequent questions asked by customers, how to help each one and how to satisfy their needs, when to call them, when to replace products, etc.

Creating a work system is essential so that you can focus on another project since you will be freer of time and with more energy. You improve your quality of life and avoid stress, being able to take advantage of your good energy to motivate your staff to meet or exceed goals.

The same happens with my clients from www.ganadinero24horas.com, I receive many e-mails per day, many of them ask questions not because they do not know or have not found the answer on my site, but because they want that personal contact that makes them feel more confident, that is why it is important that you always answer the e-mails within 24 hours at the latest 48 hours after receiving the query, for this I have trained my staff to respond according to the responses typified for each Query, only in the case that they do not have a correct answer, they send me the message so that I can answer it.

In this way I have enough time to earn money, earn others and what I like most to enjoy with my family. For me, the solution presented by the Internet is very interesting when it comes to keeping the family together. Today, children need a lot of attention, they are more exposed to information of all kinds and I think it is fundamental for them to be mothers again " mothers ”, I remember being shocked when looking for a NLP book that I am passionate about, I read a headline that said: Visible women, invisible mothers, and on the cover is a successful office woman who appears on TV and a lonely child who look at it, that is the reality of thousands of families who in search of our daily bread leave the home leaving the family seed without risk of care and love,the one that does not compare with the one that receives from any other person and thus the society is increasing of people with affective failings brought from childhood, for that reason I ask you to take care of the base of society: the family… your family.

Chapter 6 Automating your business.

Why you should automate your business

Of all the things you can get to do on the Internet within your business, what will make you free is to automate it. When I was just a newbie, I couldn't measure the complexity of having an Internet business, which without having assumed it was "open" 24 hours a day. I foolishly believed that those who were interested in my products could wait for me, in this way I learned in the worst way, "wasting time and money". In sales, people are driven by feelings and desires and when they want something they want it now! And if the product has a satisfaction guarantee, they don't have much to think about to get what they want instantly, that's why having your online business automated It's fundamental,so that your customers buy from you again and again and receive their download link (in the event that the product is an electronic shipment) within a few seconds of completing the payment, as it is automated this will occur without your intervention. For this effect it is essential that you have a credit card payment platform, in my case I use the 2checkout platform and I hired an expert web programming company to automate it for me. In the same way my electronic newsletters work, although I write three to four articles daily and sometimes more according to my inspiration, a series of 10 follow-up newsletters are already archived so that only one person subscribes to receive information about business in Internet,The first newsletter arrives immediately in your inbox and so weekly every Thursday my entire list receives fresh information with rich motivating content to learn a winning strategy that will make you financially free as you work on it.

In my experience this system has a somewhat high cost, however you can get it for free if you want to sell other people's products, such as Clickbank.

The cons of the system offered by Clickbank, is that despite the efforts you make to promote your link some people can do this:

Assuming this is your affiliate link: http://www.adelgazasinrebote.com/?hop=anlova76

Where: http://www.adelgazasinrebote.com is the main page and the extension: /? Hop = anlova76, which indicates that it is an affiliate that is promoting it, in this case it is my affiliate link to this product.

Some people do not want to make affiliates win, so they only mouse over the ending indicated by the Affiliate reference and delete it, thus going to the main page and leaving your promotional efforts in vain, because although the person buy the product you will not be able to demonstrate and even worse you will not have even found out how many people knew the product thanks to your efforts.

What they will do is this:




Affiliate systems contain a whole world of winning tricks that can free you from this type of inconvenience, but I will give you more details on this subject in my next book.

Another option that is very interesting when it comes to having an automated e-commerce system that works is the one that I found at http://ganadinero24horas.telempresarios.com, I personally recommend you study it so that you realize of all the advantages it offers. Being part of my team, I will personally dedicate myself to achieving an effective tracking system through the auto responder that I will send you as a gift.

Chapter 7 Promotion of your website

Gaining visitors

I am excited to get to this point where we are drenched in the topic that interests us:

"Do profitable business on the Internet, to earn money unlimitedly." Going directly to our objective as this book is titled we must create a list of actions to take among them:

  • Register our website in the most important search engines

To index our site to Google, here are the steps that I followed myself:

Entering this link: http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl URL appears: …………., In the place where it says URL, you must put the name of your site, in my case was http://www.ganadinero24horas.comand very important attention, below it gives you the option to describe COMMENTS and it is here where many make a mistake in putting the site address again, in putting keywords, in calling to action for example enter and buy the best products….please do not do the same, what you should do is put in COMMENTS, a phrase that sells the page, for example in my case it would be something like: Would you like to know how to cancel all your debts from today ?, Other: Read everything And I still don't make money online, be sure to do it today… Other: This tired of the charlatans who promise and do not comply, today you can start making money, look how. Etc.

  • Think what would be the words that people would put in the search engines to find what you want to offer or are already offering, it is better that when performing the search you appear among the first 10 pages in the ranking, otherwise the most likely is that don't choose you.

If you want to study keywords to position your site you can enter: https://adwords.google.es/select/KeywordToolExternal without a doubt the best tool to know which are the most searched words and where you should aim.

  • Make exchange of links with other sites that are relevant and that also complement what you offer, imagine if you carry out this type of operations only for 10 minutes a day, you may achieve at least exchange 3 links per day and that is cumulative, by

Therefore, each year you will have hundreds of friend pages with whom you will have exchanged links and this will take a lot of traffic to your site.

  • Participate in discussion forums, before reading the rules of the forum. Make advertising off the Internet, although others tell you no, I assure you that advertising in the media works. It also includes the address of your site in your business cards and any other material that you make. It uses paid advertising online, what I recommend is Google Adwords, it is also very effective especially for launching advertising on online social media such as Facebook. Take advantage and sign up for free online classifieds. And gold for your business, grow your email list. I stop at this last point because everything you can achieve is wonderful having a bulky list of e-mails of people who want to receive your information,I do not mean the e-mails of people who are not interested in what you offer since, as you know, spam is not desired by anyone, but of the people who voluntarily subscribe to your newsletter, those are the ones that you they should interest. If you want to capture e-mail from highly qualified people, interested in what you offer, I recommend that you use this type of page designed for this purpose, one of which I use is thisone of the ones I use is thisone of the ones I use is thispagwebvendedora.com and the other one that I make myself with the system that has telemarketers is this: http://web.telempresarios.com/mercadodeoportunidades If you want to join and be an important part of my team you can go to this link: http: // Ganadinero24horas.telempresarios.com, you will receive a free auto responder to capture emails from highly qualified prospects.

If we make numbers, imagine having a list of 10,000 or better still 30,000 people or the amount you prefer, out of all this number of people a percentage of them will open and read your e-mails, I have on my website 24 hours, the report on the number of people who read the newsletters to me, this gives me an exact idea of ​​whether the “subject” works, whether I was creative enough to write the headline for my newsletter, as well as being sure of how many people really follow me. Normally in the bulletins the reader is referred to a specific link in which you offer the product you are promoting, you must also be able to know how many of them visited the link, to then know the conversion rate,that is, how many of all the flow of people that you have on your list buy your product and finally how many of them were unsubscribed and at what time, so you can assess what was wrong or that you must modify or refine to have a lower percentage of people to unsubscribe, anyway, do not worry there will always be those who do it, some of them do it even without thinking, in my case, I send them a message saying: Are you sure you want to remove yourself from my list? Once you do so, you will no longer be able to register. So the one who is going to do it without being sure thinks about it and does what he wants to stay or leave forever.do not worry there will always be those who do it, some of them do it even without thinking, in my case, I send them a message saying: Are you sure you want to remove yourself from my list ?, once you do it you can no longer give yourself discharge. So the one who is going to do it without being sure thinks about it and does what he wants to stay or leave forever.do not worry there will always be those who do it, some of them do it even without thinking, in my case, I send them a message saying: Are you sure you want to remove yourself from my list ?, once you do it you can no longer give yourself discharge. So the one who is going to do it without being sure thinks about it and does what he wants to stay or leave forever.

Dear reader, if you knew how important it is to me that you are one step ahead of the rest of the people who want to start a business on the Internet, with all the information you have you can only be successful, go straight to the goal and improve your quality of life, however I want to leave you with a reflection that I extracted from one of my favorite books: Eliyahu M. Goldratt's goal says so …… ”I do not believe in absolute truths. It is more fearful that such beliefs block the search for a better understanding of the world. Whenever we believe we have arrived at definitive answers, progress, science and a better understanding of what surrounds us stops… ”“ I think we should seek knowledge to make our world better, to give more content to life ”

This piece of text that I extracted without permission for you, is for you to be attentive to the permanent changes that occur in a market as competitive as the Internet, although with what you have learned you have a lot of gained ground, I ask you with my hand on my heart that you continue investigating, that you are innovative and that you are attentive and prepared to take the appropriate turn when it is appropriate for your business and for your life. The final decision is yours and although there is much for me to write about what I have learned, there is also much more to discover, therefore I hope that our relationship will not end, even though this my first book has reached him.

I await your valuable comment, send it to me as soon as you can at [email protected]

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