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How to do your best at work

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I have received an email from Cristina, one of my readers asking how she can offer the best of herself in her work. It is not the first time that you have asked me about this, so in today's article I will tell you what to do to make your effort worthwhile, although it does count on having to leave your comfort zone.

Know your "why"

Everything we do has a motivation even when we do nothing, in that case the motivation can be tiredness, the desire for rest, laziness, etc. Whenever we take a position we get something in return, even if that 'something' hurts us. Analyze why you do the things you do at work (and also in your personal life). For example, if you postpone tasks, think about what you are 'looking for or avoiding' when doing it.

When you find your true motivation to work, there will be no one to stop you, you will give everything every day and when you have problems you will find the way to solve them, because you will not want under any circumstances to stop doing what you do. Of course, to get there, you need to know yourself better, know exactly what you want to do, what you want to do.

The famous comfort zone

Lately it seems the fashion expression, everywhere we can read and hear about the comfort zone. As I have already mentioned in other articles, it is not called a comfort zone because it is comfortable but because it is our 'known zone'. Our minds are fearful and controlling, and do their best to stay on familiar ground. The truth is that from there you will never be able to offer the best of yourself neither in your work nor in your personal life.

Be sure to watch this fantastic InKNOWation video titled "Dare to dream" which in 7 minutes explains what the comfort zone is and everything you can achieve if you dare to get out of it. Unmissable!

Take care of your development and your personal life

I always tell my clients that we are a whole, and as a consequence what happens in our personal life is reflected in our professional life and vice versa. So the best way to have a good professional development is to take good care of your personal development. Cultivate your self-knowledge so that you can feel, think and act in the same way, only then will you be aligned and that will make you happier and will allow you to give the best of yourself.

Work is very serious, we dedicate more time to it than to anything else in our life. It is your duty to take care of yourself, to make sure that you develop in the ideal job for you, that you honor your values ​​by developing your skills while doing something you love to do, that your profession is aligned with your vocation and your mission.

It is essential to find out what is the ideal job for each person, only then will we have enough motivation and passion to offer the best of ourselves at work. Taking care of your development and your personal life is both a right and an obligation since self-knowledge is necessary to know your why, so that you can take the necessary steps, even if they take you out of your comfort zone.

"When what you do causes you to give your best without expecting a reward, you have found your vocation" Gustavo Estrada Luque.

How to do your best at work