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How to define your life purpose based on your talent

Table of contents:


Without purpose a person would have no motivation. What is your purpose in life? What makes your heart sing? In this article I show you, in 5 simple steps, how to connect with your talents to define your life purpose.

"Don't hide your talents, they were created to be used, what would be the use of putting a sundial in the shade?" Benjamin Franklin

"The universe sings its song because you exist, your talent is the lyrics of that song, your life… the seal that makes you unique"

How to find your talent?

A good way is to look for unconventional solutions to everyday problems, and if it is in a crisis context, the better. Your ability to connect with your talent is based on your self-confidence and your self-esteem that allow you to transform a critical situation into an opportunity.

And how is that done?

Strategy 1: Build confidence in yourself

Trust is a result, a mental and emotional construction, which in essence means that you believe in yourself to the last cell of your being; because you know that you have two essential things:

  1. A privileged brain fruit of thousands of years of human evolution, which is designed for success, for its process and its nature. A capacity: Realizing that with your approach you can give a positive turn to any situation, just ask yourself how and the tool you have between your ears will always give you solutions and answers.

"The bird sings, although the branch creaks, because it knows what its wings are" José Santos Chocano

Why is trust a mental and emotional construction?

Trust arises from your being: you feel and perceive it in you as a result of your mental construction of the world. Your construction of the world is your way of seeing the world, and that construction is partly transmitted to you (family, society, the media) and partly manufactured by you, within you. So the great Buddha said:

We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.

"Want to see more and better? Transform your being and you will see differently ”.

Don't you think it is more convenient for you to build a worldview that supports you and gives you resources and tools?

Strategy 2: Recognizing the territory

The list technique:

I promise you this is fun!

  1. Make a list of 10 to 20 characteristics of your personality that you like about yourself, for example: sense of humor, determination, love for family, desire to serve. Select 4 or 5 characteristics of your favorite personality Referring to these 4 or 5 characteristics of your personality, make a list of 10 to 20 ways to express these characteristics that you enjoy: For example: writing, talking, going with my friends on excursions. From the previous list, choose 4 or 5 favorites Write a statement or account of your vision of the ideal world. Write this vision in the present tense and in terms of how you want it to be. Put all of this together in one complete sentence in the following format:

The purpose of my life is to use my (insert your favorite personality traits here) in (insert your favorite ways to express your personality traits here) so that (insert your ideal worldview here).

Strategy 3: Differentiate and define: Skills and talents

Your talents have to do with your abilities, and something very important is your recognition of your abilities, that's what the previous exercise is for.

The recognition of yourself, lives in the internal conversation with which you explain yourself and the world. And that connects you or not, of your possibilities and options.

You have talents, abilities definitely yes; the key to access them is the conversation you have with yourself. What creates opportunity and opens possibilities for you is the approach you choose to have.

  • "When you change inside, your life changes outside." "Everything you need and need already lives in you." "Open your perception to everything you already are."

Process facilitating questions:

  • What goals do you have pending at the moment? What talent do you need to develop to achieve it? Where have you been detained? What has distracted you?

Strategy 4: Overcoming "stagnation" in the expression of your talents

What was the goal you were dreaming of just seconds before you stalled?

Regarding "stagnation" you can choose to think:

  • Where were you going before stopping? What internal conversation made you stop? Or was it your world view? How can you re-connect with all your internal resources to continue towards your goal? What do you think if this stagnation do you use to develop your talents?

Strategy 5: Develop your talents and put them at the service of your goals

The key to generating options and possibilities, creating opportunities is:

  • Develop your talents Loving yourself Building unshakable confidence Knowing yourself Knowing yourself capable Focusing on your goals Monitoring your internal conversation Creating habits that support your development

And all this is called successful behaviors.

You have them, they are within you, waiting to flourish like majestic forests, the perfect framework for your path to success.

Success is not a goal, your existence in itself is already a success; Think of all the elements that have had to be combined so that you live in this place and time.

"True life begins when you give birth to yourself"

For your success.

How to define your life purpose based on your talent