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How the use of IFRS facilitates the accounting process



"The conceptual framework of International Financial Reporting Standards as a basis for application to a range of accounting models"



Lima Peru



According to D. Hernández (2006), it indicates that the State and Society in the Effective Prospect of International Technical Cooperation It aims to determine the strategies that the State and Society must apply for the effective prospective of the management and control of Cooperation. International Technique.

The research carried out by the author is important because it induces the participation of the State in the regulation of the effective use of the resources of the International Technical Cooperation and also promotes the participation of society in controlling the use of the resources that correspond to it.. Likewise, the work tends to have an effective prospective in the management and control of International Technical Cooperation, through the efficiency, effectiveness and economy of resources.

The Peruvian state to finance food, health, education, security and other aspects of the socioeconomic areas of greatest poverty and marginalization; it makes it necessary to resort to the help of other Governments, Organizations and Institutions abroad, through the so-called International Technical Cooperation (ITC), which comes to complement national efforts in the field of social and economic development.

In the investigation of this work, it has been determined that the State and Peruvian society do not participate in the Agreements, Conventions and other legal instruments related to International Technical Cooperation, carried out with governments, international organizations and institutions. It has also been determined that much of the International Technical Cooperation is not channeled through Public Sector Organizations at its Central, Regional and Local levels. In large part, said Cooperation is channeled only with the participation of private entities of national and foreign origin, registered with the Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which does not facilitate the achievement of the objectives set forth in the Development plans,damaging the sectors of greatest poverty and marginalization of the coast, mountains and jungle of our country.

In a social market economy, the State has to participate by regulating the actions of economic agents. Likewise, society must have a vigilant participation in the actions of the State itself and the entities that manage International Technical Cooperation.

This vital diagnostic function of plans and compliance with laws and agreements must be entrusted to a Superintendency of management and control of public and private entities so that, on behalf of all Peruvians, it supervises, audits and controls the entire process of Technical Cooperation. International through a management and control system that allows a transparent evaluation for the benefit of all Peruvians with efficiency and in accordance with reality.

The participation of the State and Society will ensure that the policies and procedures in force are adapted to the needs of State and private entities. It will also enable the fidelity and timeliness of the reports submitted, so that the most accurate decisions can be made. It also ensures adequate monitoring to verify if the management and control policies are obeyed.

Cynthia Gonzales Ramirez (2007), points out that International Financial Reporting Standards have gained increasing acceptance in the world, nowadays it is common to hear about international accounting standards, since the internalization of business requires you to have affordable financial information where companies expand the horizons of their business beyond borders, thus generating an interrelation with other entities in other countries and this causes the need to acquire knowledge of a common accounting language, which allows comparing results and evaluating management, according To this, in 1973 a committee called the IASC (International Accounting Standars Commitee) was created, this committee was created as a professional body,that is to say, private and worldwide through an agreement made by professional organizations from nine countries, one of its fundamental objectives expressly stated in its constitution was to formulate and apply, in the public interest, accounting standards that are observed in the presentation of the financial statements as well as promote acceptance and observation worldwide. The IASC must ensure that its standards are used correctly, since it is not only necessary to have good standards, but that they are rigorously applied, to develop understandable and enforceable quality accounting standards, which require high-quality information,transparent and comparable within financial statements to assist participants in global capital markets and other users of accounting information in economic decision making,

actively cooperate with local accounting standard issuers in order to achieve definitive convergence of accounting standards worldwide.

In 2005, relevant changes in the accounting environment have emerged for those users of financial information, this year a large number of European companies opted to make changes in their accounting structure in which between 7000 to 8000 companies domiciled in the 25 states of the European Union (EU) according to what has been said above, the European communiqué has made a regulation that forces them to incorporate into the countries' regulations the adoption of IFRS issued by the IASC as long as these are approved by the said committee, this adoption is aimed promote a single market in the EU, for consolidated information in the stock market economy and thus be able to eliminate the barriers that hinder the mobility of citizens and capital in the center of it.

In Julián MONROY AIME's Thesis cites that competition is at the center of the success or failure of companies, all companies must have a plan where the objectives and courses of action to be taken to achieve the objectives are determined, and a plan must be established of achievements, policies, procedures, standards and methods of achievement, anticipating possible future problems, modifying plans in light of control results. It also indicates that the Organization should apply the distribution of group work and establish and recognize the necessary relationships and authorities, subdivide the work into operational tasks, providing facilities and other resources to the staff, review the organization in light of the control results. Implementation should be carried out with practical participation,active and dynamic of all those involved in the decision or the managerial act, highlight creativity to discover new or better ways to manage and carry out work, praise and repress with justice reward with recognition and payment for work well done, review performance in light of the control results.

The Control of activities is applied to compare the results with the plans in general, to evaluate the results against the norms of planning and business execution, to devise effective means for measuring operations, to make the measurement elements known. It defines Internal Control as the process by which the administration is executed in order to evaluate specific operations with reasonable security in three main categories: Effectiveness and operational efficiency, reliability of financial information and compliance with policies, laws and regulations; having five components that can be implemented in all companies according to administrative and operational characteristics.It also points out that the Control Activities are established to help ensure that the directives are put into practice to deal with said risks, meanwhile, the relevant information is captured and communicated for the entire company, this entire process is supervised and modified depending on the circumstances, in order to provide a reasonable degree of certainty regarding the operating, financial and regulatory results, finally everything is consolidated in good governance and optimization.finally everything is consolidated in good governance and optimization.finally everything is consolidated in good governance and optimization.



The research problem manifests itself in the lack of accounting models for companies, since the International Financial Reporting Standards are not applied in their entirety or are not properly interpreted, considering that according to the conceptual framework for the preparation of the statements Financials establishes that IFRS are designed to be applied in financial statements for general purposes, such financial statements are aimed at satisfying the common information needs of a wide spectrum of users, for example shareholders, creditors, employees and the general public, being purpose of the financial statements to provide information on the financial position,the performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to users for correct and timely decision-making.

Taking into account the Conceptual Framework The IFRS have the objective of facilitating the coherent and logical formulation of the information, facilitating the formulation of accounting reports to have understandable, relevant, reliable and comparable information that are qualitative characteristics of the financial statements, these are not given in their entirety, reiterating that these are not due to the lack of proper interpretation and correct application of the same, the accounting and financial aspects having been neglected, in order to give greater prominence to the tax aspects, however, it is becoming more pressing than the IFRS are the basis for the application of accounting models,policies and procedures must be implemented to properly interpret the International Financial Reporting Standards in order to standardize accounting models and make them more useful to users, therefore, it is worth highlighting that the globalization of business and the growth of capital markets, as well as the growing need for international financing that companies are acquiring, merits having new accounting models that allow them to be in line with the new innovations and needs that have been demanded in recent years, taking into consideration that the IFRS establish the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements that refer to the transactions and economic events that are reflected in the financial statements.

Currently there is an abandonment of the correct application of IFRS, there is a mechanization effect for the recording of accounting operations, the objective of having the IFRS Conceptual Framework as the basis for the application of a range of Accounting Models is to ensure guidelines of continuous processes, allowing information on the economic facts of a company to be recorded according to the activities it carries out, in accordance with a code structure that complies with the official accounting model in Peru, which corresponds to International Information Standards Financial and obtain financial statements that reflect the real economic and financial situation of the institutions, also provide supervisory and control bodies,standardized information on the transactions that companies carry out.



How can the Conceptual Framework of International Financial Reporting Standards be the basis for application to a range of accounting models?


1. How can the policies established in the IFRS conceptual framework facilitate the accounting process?

2. In what way can the procedures established in the IFRS conceptual framework facilitate the formulation of accounting reports?



Gil points out that the financial statements are prepared and presented to be used and known by external users from all over the world. Despite the similarity between some countries and others, there are differences that are caused by social, economic and legal circumstances, which makes it necessary for the framework to be flexible enough without losing uniformity.

The IASC Council (IASB) is of the opinion that financial statements prepared to provide useful information in decision-making of an economic nature meet the needs of the majority of users. This is due to the fact that most of them make economic decisions, for example, the decision of when to buy, sell, or maintain a capital investment, evaluate the responsibility of management, evaluate the ability of the company to pay, the granting of the benefits for employees, evaluation of the solvency of the company for loans granted to it, the determination of fiscal policies, the determination of profits and dividends to distribute, the preparation and use of national income statistics, and the regulation of activities of the company,Likewise, the conceptual framework can be defined as an application of the general theory of accounting in which, by means of a deductive logical itinerary, the conceptual foundations on which financial information is based are developed, in order to provide rational support to accounting standards. Thus, the content of the conceptual framework analyzes the following elements sequentially: The definition of financial information in accordance with the needs of the users, the formulation of two basic hypotheses, operating company and accrual; the establishment of its qualitative requirements or characteristics, necessary to ensure that the financial information meets its objectives, the definition of the concepts that make up the basic elements of the financial statements: Assets, enforceable liabilities, equity,expenses and income; the establishment of the recognition criteria for these elements, the criteria that can be used in the valuation of such elements of the financial statements, the basic criteria that govern the maintenance of capital and its impact on the concept of results, taking as fundamental hypotheses of the Framework conceptual of the IASC:

Accrual: In order to achieve their objectives, the RUs are prepared on the basis of accumulation or accounting accrual. On this basis, the effects of transactions and other events are recognized when they occur (and not when cash or its equivalent is received or paid), and are recorded in the accounts and presented in the financial statements in the periods to which they refer.

Going Business: Financial statements are normally prepared on the basis that a company is operating and will continue its operating activities for the foreseeable future. Therefore, it assumes that the company has no intention or need to significantly liquidate or cut the scale of operations. If such intention or need existed, the RUs may have to be prepared on a different basis, if so, information on the basis used in them will be disclosed, these are the attributes that provide the information contained in the RUs, the usefulness for users thereof. The four main characteristics are: understandability, relevance, reliability and comparability.

Pascual Ayala indicates that the Accounting Regulatory Council, dated October 23, issued Resolution No. 041-2008-ER / 94 with which it approved the new General Business Accounting Plan, which will be mandatory use from January 1 from 2010; the new General Business Accounting Plan has the primary objective of standardizing the accounts with the concepts contained in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). On the other hand, it also seeks to achieve a concordance of the accounts with the items established by the new Manual for the Preparation of Financial Information approved by the Supervisory Commission for Companies and Securities (CONASEV).

Objectives, the General Accounting Plan for Companies (PCGE) has as objectives:

· The accumulation of information on the economic facts that a company must register according to the activities it carries out, in accordance with a code structure that complies with the official accounting model in Peru, which is the one that corresponds to International Financial Reporting Standards - IFRS;

· Provide companies with the accounting codes for the systematic recording of their transactions, allowing them to have an adequate degree of analysis; and based on this, obtain financial statements that reflect their economic and financial situation;

· Provide supervisory and control agencies with standardized information on the transactions that companies carry out.

It also indicates that the accounting record is not subject to the existence of a formal document. In the cases in which the essence of the operation has been carried out as indicated in the Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of the Financial Statements of the IFRS, it is appropriate to make the corresponding accounting record, even if there is no supporting document. In all cases, the accounting record must be supported by sufficient documentation, often provided by third parties and on other occasions generated internally.

A plan or catalog of accounts is a necessary tool to process accounting information. This accounting information responds to the application of accounting standards for the treatment of the financial effects of the events and economic estimates that the companies make, regulations that are not replaced in any of its extremes by the issuance of that PCGE. However, for the full understanding of the latter, various concepts of the aforementioned regulations are reproduced, which includes, without limitation, the International Financial Reporting Standards = IFRS.

The concepts mentioned below have been taken from the edition of the IFRS published by the International Accounting Standards Board in force internationally. In all cases, the IFRS requirements prevail over the provisions contained in this PCGE.

Theoretical basis

This PCGE is consistent and is homogenized with the IFRS officialized by the Accounting Regulatory Council = CNC = In cases where there is no specific regulation on certain topics, such as trusts, participation of workers in their deferred portions, and others, The corresponding part of the PCGE has been developed based on the international experience available and on the concepts and definitions contained in the Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements.

International Financial Reporting Standards -IFRS

They establish the requirements for recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure, regarding economic facts and estimates, which are summarized and structured in the general purpose financial statements. IFRSs are built taking into account the Conceptual Framework that aims to facilitate the coherent and logical formulation of IFRS, based on a unique theoretical structure, to resolve accounting treatment issues.

IFRS are designed to be applied in all for-profit entities. However, nonprofits may find them appropriate. In this regard, the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board -JNICSP for its acronym in Spanish, of the International Federation of Accountants - IFAC, has issued a guide stating that IFRS are applicable to companies government, in the absence of specific International Accounting Standards for the public sector.

Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of the Financial Statements

This framework is applicable to:

* The objective of the financial statements;

* The qualitative characteristics that determine the quality of the information in the financial statements;

* The definition, recognition and measurement of the elements that constitute the financial statements; and

* The concepts of capital and capital maintenance.

Objective of the financial statements

The objective of the financial statements is to provide information about the financial situation, performance and changes in the financial situation to assist a wide range of users in making economic decisions.

A complete set of financial statements includes a balance sheet, a profit and loss statement, a statement of changes in equity, and a statement of cash flows, as well as explanatory notes.

An entity that presents financial statements is one for which there are users who use the financial statements as the main source of information for the company. These users include mainly investors, employees, lenders, banks and financial companies, suppliers and commercial creditors, clients, the government and public organizations.

In accordance with the Conceptual Framework, the responsibility for the preparation and presentation of financial statements falls on the management of the company, consequently, the adoption of accounting policies that allow a reasonable presentation of the financial situation, management results and cash flows, also it is part of that responsibility. Two fundamental hypotheses guide the development, adoption and application of accounting policies: Accumulation or accrual basis and Going Business, also the qualitative characteristics of the financial statements are the understanding, relevance, reliability, comparability.

It also points out that the conceptual framework does not identify any exclusive element of the statement of changes in equity or the statement of cash flows, which rather combines elements of the balance sheet and the statement of profit and loss, are assets, liabilities, net worth, income and expenses.

The Federation of Colleges of Public Accountants of Peru and its Board of Deans, points out that in the face of globalization, it is not a matter of being for or against, but rather preparing to operate efficiently under this new circumstance. If we ignore the rain, we get wet. And if as professionals, businessmen or nation we ignore globalization, we will be left behind, impoverished and we will be displaced.

In a world economy characterized by the globalization of business, the exchange of financial information issued on a homogeneous basis, becomes an essential need, accounting harmonization will be possible thanks to the participation of professional bodies that achieve through conferences, conferences or conventions, establishing the need to use a universal language in accounting.

International accounting harmonization will be possible to the extent that criteria, fundamental accounting concepts and general practices are reconciled to achieve uniformity of information, which allows its comparability in current economic globalization and with this, a new range of accounting models may be applied. Harmonization of accounting models and practices at the international level should have as their main objective the comparability of financial statements.

This harmonization must be carried out by an international standard-setting body, as we cannot forget that there is not a single nation that has a set of accounting standards with sufficient merits to be adopted by the entire world. Currently, the only international accounting standards issuing body is the IASC, which issues the IAS's.

The paradigm of the usefulness of financial information has broadened the scope of accounting standards. In addition to the traditional profit measurement standards, new exposure standards are now added, incorporating the same issues, such as the concept of social responsibility and protection of the environment.

In a world economy characterized by the globalization of business, the exchange of financial information issued on a homogeneous basis, becomes an essential necessity.

Accounting harmonization will be possible thanks to the participation of professional bodies that achieve through congresses, conferences or conventions, establishing the need to use a universal language in accounting.

International accounting harmonization will be possible to the extent that criteria, fundamental accounting concepts and general practices are reconciled to achieve uniformity of information, allowing comparability in current economic globalization. The harmonization of accounting models and practices at the international level should have as their main objective the comparability of financial statements.

The Lima College of Public Accountants indicates that the IFRS establish the requirements for recognition, measurement, presentation and information to be disclosed that refer to the economic transactions and events that are important in the financial statements for general purposes. They can also establish these requirements in relation to transactions and events that arise in specific economic sectors. IFRSs are based on the Conceptual Framework, which refers to the concepts underlying the information presented within the general purpose financial statements.

IFRS are designed to be applied in the general purpose financial statements, as well as other financial information, of all for-profit entities. Organizations such as mutual insurance companies and other mutual cooperation entities are also included, which provide their owners, members or participants, dividends and other benefits directly and proportionally. Although IFRS are not designed to be applied to non-profit entities in the private or public sectors, nor in Public Administrations, entities that carry out such activities may find them appropriate and, if applicable, apply them.

The global accounting regulations contained in the stable platform of globalized accounting arises in response to the economic environment of the globalization of the economies of the countries.

Durán Rojo (2008), Obviously, for the IFRS Model to work, four solid pillars must be structured, in the manner of the four columns that support a table: the cultural one, the publicity one, the one with clear provisions on registry accounts, and the existence rules one. and use of accounting books and records. Regarding the cultural element, what it is about is that the accountants, managers, auditors, shareholders and any other operator of the Financial Statements, clearly know the perspective, the logic and above all the importance of the different types of rules that expose the IFRS, so that there is an attitude of good disposition for the use, reading and practical instrumentalization of the methodology behind said standards. Despite the efforts of various institutions,There is no orderly plan in the country that allows a process of development of this element; Possibly one of the reasons for this situation is that the second element has also failed, this is advertising. Indeed, in the case of Peru, although the use of IFRSs is mandatory, in the process of officializing several of them, indispensable approval rules have not been respected, in such a way that in certain cases there would be no clarity on the scope of the standards. There is still no clear solution to the problem of adequate publicity of the aforementioned norms to give them legal-regulatory consistency, that is, guaranteeing procedures that allow for adequate translation, adaptation and dissemination among the corresponding users, which should necessarily include publication in the Official diary.As for the uniform registry accounts, it is good the process undertaken to have a new General Business Accounting Plan (PCGE) ready (we hope) starting in 2009. The National Public Accounting Directorate (DNCP) has already posted a corrected version of the corresponding Project on its website, in which comments from various public and private entities have been incorporated. The incorporation of the PCGE will streamline compliance with the IFRS Model, since it is clear that a large number of accounting operators and many business entities that have not been preparing their Financial Statements based on such Model, will necessarily do so with the new account structure. Finally, regarding the rules of existence and use of accounting books and records,SUNAT - in order to support tax control - has had to take the fundamental step with the issuance almost two years ago of R. de S. No. 234-2006 / SUNAT, which includes all the provisions on Books and Registries related to tax matters (LRT), regulating what concerns the authorization procedure; maximum delay terms; loss, destruction or others; how they should be carried; and minimum information and formats that integrate them. The rules on complete accounting and the minimum information that the LRT must contain and the formats in which they must be carried will only take effect on January 1 of the next year. Although the scope or timeliness of the regulation of accounting matters by SUNAT may be debatable,the truth is that the Resolution mentioned in general terms accurately supports the process of implementing the IFRS Model. As you can see, in Peru the fundamental pillars of the IFRS Model are in an implementation process, so it is clear that citizens and companies must complete as soon as possible with the activities that lead to fully assuming the requirements next January of the PCGE and the rules on LRT. For the same reason, and in view of the legal security of those who are foreseeing the future, the State (specifically, SUNAT and DNCP) must ensure that - unlike what has happened other times in the country - there is no uncertainty. regarding the entry into force of these provisions. And, from there, it will be necessary to progressively adjust the necessary elements that lead to optimizing the IFRS Model.

López Avila, (2009) comments that the International Organization of Securities Commissions (hereinafter IOSCO) in 1995 commissioned the then International Accounting Standards Committee (hereinafter IASC), which is now called the International Accounting Standards Board (hereinafter IASB), the task to develop a basic body of accounting standards that could be accepted in international financial markets and, therefore, applied by companies that want their securities to be listed in those markets.

Standards emanating from the IASC, an independent body belonging to the private sector, founded in 1973 and restructured in 2001 under the name of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) were initially known as International Accounting Standards (IAS). After a deep organizational restructuring that led to important changes in regulations, the IAS have been renamed IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

The IASB acts in coordination with the most important harmonizing bodies in the world, including the European Union, ensuring that its standards are recommended, almost entirely, for the preparation of the financial statements of multinationals for cross-border offers. Thus, as of 2005, the European Union (EU) has required that listed groups carry out and present their financial statements in accordance with IFRS. In Colombia we believe that we are doing little in relation to improving our knowledge in relation to these issues that are the order of the day in the globalized world. This blog is fundamentally to open a door to innovation in accounting matters.The following index corresponds to the table of contents of the full text of the International Financial Reporting Standards issued as of January 1, 2007. Spanish edition produced by the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation IASC. Foundation responsible for the rights of the International Accounting Standards Board “IASB” acronym for International Accounting Standards Board. A similar volume but in the English language was published in late 2008.


Accounting.- Accounting is an applied science of a social nature and of an economic nature that provides financial information for the economic entity to be later classified, presented and interpreted with the purpose of being used to control resources and take appropriate measures to avoid a deficit situation that endangers its survival.

Financial Statements. - Ordered and systematic tables that present the economic and financial situation of a company at a determined date.

Globalization. - Globalization is a phenomenon that has become relevant in recent years. It can be described as the internationalization of knowledge and of human activities in general. In this sense, the phenomenon includes the internationalization of communications, of culture and, fundamentally, of the economy and within the latter, of commercial exchange. Political factors and technological advance, among others, have determined the practical elimination of physical borders and formal restrictions on the movement of people, goods, images and ideas. At present, all persons and entities have the possibility of accessing or linking themselves "in real time" or with ease, to events, persons and entities, occurring or located anywhere in the universe.

Conceptual framework.- The conceptual framework for the preparation of financial statements establishes the basic principles for IFRS

The conceptual framework sets the objectives of the financial statements and provides information about the entity's financial position, performance, and changes in financial position that is useful for a wide range of users to make decisions.

Accounting Models.- They are the set of accounting reports basically intended to expose to third parties the financial, economic and financial situation of a company, providing said third parties with the minimum and sufficient information so that an opinion can be formed on said aspects.

IFRS.- International Financial Reporting Standards

Standards IAS and IFRS are born to meet the need in a globalized economy with an unstoppable growth and internationalization of markets, to present the accounting information from companies so that it is comparable and understandable to all

one First-time adoption of international financial reporting standards ORIGINAL 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
two Share-based payments ORIGINAL 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
3 Business combinations ORIGINAL 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
4 Insurance contracts ORIGINAL 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued activities ORIGINAL 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
6 Exploration and evaluation of mineral resources ORIGINAL 036-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure Information ORIGINAL 040-2008-EF / 94 January 1, 2009
8 Operation Segments ORIGINAL 040-2008-EF / 94 January 1, 2009

IAS.- International Accounting Standards

No. TITLE Version CNC Resolution N Valid from
Preface to the Pronouncements on International Accounting Standards and the Conceptual Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements 005-94-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1994
one Presentation of Financial Statements Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
two Stock Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
7 Statement of cash flows Modified in 1992 005-94-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1994
8 Accounting Policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
eleven Construction Contracts Modified in 1993 007-96-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1996
12 Income tax Modified in 2000 028-2003-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2003
16 Real estate, machinery and equipment Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
17 Leases Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
18 Income Modified in 1993 007-96-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1996
19 Workers Benefits Modified in 2000 028-2003-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2003
twenty Accounting Treatment of Government Subsidies and Disclosures Regarding Government Assistance Reordered in 1994 005-94-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1994
twenty-one Effects of Variations in Foreign Currency Exchange Rates Modified in 2003 038-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2007
2. 3 Financing Costs Modified in 1993 007-96-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1996
24 Disclosures About Related Entities Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
26 Accounting Treatment and Presentation of Information on Retirement Benefit Plans Reordered in 1994 005-94-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1994
27 Consolidated and individual financial statements Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
28 Investments in Associates Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
29 Financial Information in Hyperinflationary Economies Reordered in 1994 005-94-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1994
31 Participations in Participating Associations Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
32 Financial Instruments: Presentation Modified 2006 040-2008-EF / 94 January 1, 2009
33 Earnings per share Modified on Dec. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
3. 4 Interim Financial Reports ORIGINAL 014-98-EF / 93.01 January 1, 1999
36 Deterioration of the value of the active AMENDED IN MARCH 2004 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets ORIGINAL 019-00-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2000
38 Intangible Assets MODIFIED MARCH 2004 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement AMENDED 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
40 Investment Property CHANGED IN DEC. 2003 034-2005-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2006
41 farming ORIGINAL 024-2001-EF / 93.01 January 1, 2003

Process.- Sequence of operations that constitute a production plan.

Accounting processes.- Sequence of operations related to accounting processes.

Policies.- It is an activity aimed at ideologically training the decision-making of a group to achieve certain objectives.

Procedures.- Practice or way that is followed for the fulfillment of an end. In auditing, it is the application of a technique or the evidential evidence of the client.

Objectives.- They constitute the goals of an organization towards which the efforts of its members should be directed.

Accounting reports.- Accounting reports supported by documentation.



This work uses the generally accepted scientific research methodology. Based on the identification of the problem, on this basis it formulates solution proposals and instruments through which said solution will be feasible. The generally accepted methodology has also allowed defining the type of research, level of research applied methods, design of the research, the use of the population and sample for purposes of testing the hypothesis; the application of techniques and instruments of general acceptance. All these elements will make it feasible to obtain a final product in the best conditions.


The work seeks to obtain effectiveness in accounting models based on the IFRS conceptual framework. Without a doubt, such effectiveness can be achieved on several fronts. This work seeks its scope of application of the norm: there is a dilemma that if it is applied to multinational companies or to all companies, standardization and harmonization falls on the former, and secondly, on national companies. The desire for accounting uniformity, latent over time, has become urgent in recent years. The causes of these emergencies in achieving uniform accounting information are multiple. The globalization of business and capital markets deserves to be highlighted, as well as the growing need for international financing that companies are acquiring.Differences in accounting criteria and practices in countries are based on economic, political, legal and social factors, which will have to be reconciled in order to implement accounting harmonization.

The use of a uniform accounting system is important for effective competition in capital markets, because it is unlikely that the markets will be able to evaluate, on the same basis, entities that prepare their economic information and annual accounts according to different principles. accountants. This circumstance has motivated capital markets to require that the financial statements of the entities that operate in them be prepared in accordance with the Accepted Accounting Principles in the countries where these markets are located. Or in any case, that the financial statements of the entities, prepared in accordance with the Accounting Principles of their respective countries of origin,they are accompanied by a reconciliation of the accounting results that they present and those that would have been obtained by applying the Accounting Principles of the country in whose market they want to operate. Reconciliation that often yields dramatically significant differences between the results.


In fact, everything that contributes to the achievement of goals and objectives can be applied to get the most out of it. This work will contain the guidelines of how the International Financial Reporting Standards provide information about the financial situation, performance and changes in the financial situation to assist a wide range of users in making economic decisions, being the basis of new accounting models for achieve the effectiveness and uniformity of financial information at the national and international levels.


Accounting in a globalized economy will allow access to international financial information, to other markets, to industrial development, also fulfilling the role of providing information for adequate decision-making. Accounting will meet these objectives, to the extent that it provides information that can be understood uniformly and comparatively in different countries and by different agencies. To achieve this objective, it must be supported by common standards of universal acceptance, which must be established in the country with their own characteristics, and which at the same time allow their comparability in the context of world economic globalization.

This poses today a real challenge for the accounting profession: the harmonization of accounting standards and practices for the independent preparation and review of financial statements. Accounting is an information system, it must contain the basic qualities of this type of system to adequately fulfill its function. Of these, utility is an essential quality about which there is no discussion, and to achieve such utility at the supranational level, homogenization is an unavoidable requirement. The language used in accounting responds to the uses and customs of the countries, translated into a harmonization of accounting principles and common terminology.

IFRSs are built taking into account the Conceptual Framework, which aims to facilitate the coherent and logical formulation of IFRS, based on a single theoretical structure, to resolve accounting treatment issues. IFRS are designed to be applied in all for-profit entities. However, nonprofits may find them appropriate. In this regard, the Board of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (JNICSP for its acronym in Spanish), of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), has issued a Guide stating that IFRS are applicable to government companies, in the absence of Specific International Accounting Standards for the Public Sector.

Always respecting the uniform criteria of the rules, it is possible to arrive at the formulation of financial statements that are perfectly understandable and internationally comparable, with all the economic, financial, and even political consequences that this implies.



Determine the guidelines by which the IFRS conceptual framework can be the basis for application to a range of accounting models.


1. Establish how the policies established in the IFRS conceptual framework can facilitate the accounting process.

2. Define how the procedures established in the IFRS conceptual framework can facilitate the formulation of accounting reports.



The conceptual framework of International Financial Reporting Standards is the basis for application to a range of accounting models.


1. The policies established in the conceptual framework of IFRS facilitate the accounting process.

2. The procedures within the conceptual framework of the International Financial Reporting Standards facilitate the formulation of accounting reports.



X. Conceptual framework of International Financial Reporting Standards


X.1. Policies

X.2. Procedures


Y: Accounting Models


Y.1. Accounting process

Y.2. Accounting reports



The research will be of the basic type, since all aspects are theorized, although its scope will be practical to the extent that International Financial Reporting Standards are taken as the basis for the application of a range of Accounting Models


The research to be carried out will be at the descriptive-explanatory level, since the process, procedures, criteria and policies of the International Financial Reporting Standards will be described, and the way it becomes the basis for the application of a range of accounting models will be explained.


The following methods will be used in this investigation:

1) Descriptive.- Because the International Financial Reporting Standards will be described as the basis for achieving new accounting models.

2) Inductive.- To infer the information of the sample in the research population.

3) Deductive.- It will be used to draw conclusions from the reading of the research background, from the authors of theories on International Financial Reporting Standards, financial auditing and the optimization of companies and uniformity of financial information at the international level..


The research design will be the non-experimental type. Through this type of design, the concrete reality of International Financial Reporting Standards will be presented as the basis for the application of a range of accounting models.

This research design is oriented to achieve the objectives set out in the research.


The research population will be made up of companies, institutions and others that have a direct or indirect relationship with International Financial Reporting Standards.



The representative sample will be made up of 100 people from Metropolitan Lima. To define the sample size, the probabilistic method has been used and the statistical formula for populations less than 100,000 has been applied.


N It is the size of the sample to be taken into account for the field work. It is the variable that you want to determine.
P and q They represent the probability of the population to be included or not in the sample. According to the doctrine, when this probability is not known from statistical studies, it is assumed that p and q have a value of 0.5 each.
Z Represents the standard deviation units that in the normal curve define an error probability = 0.05, which is equivalent to a 95% confidence interval in the sample estimate, therefore the Z value = 1.96
N The total population. This case 135 considering those people who have elements to answer for the research topics to be carried out.
EE Represents the standard error of the estimate, according to the doctrine, it must be 0.09 or less. In this case 0.05 (5.00%) has been taken


n = (0.5 x 0.5 x (1.96) 2 x 135) / (((0.09) 2 x 134) + (0.5 x 0.5 x (1.96) 2))

n = 100


Participants Quantity Percentage
Partners 10 10.00%
Shareholders 10 10.00%
Directors 10 10.00%
Managers 10 10.00%
Officials twenty 20.00%
Auditors twenty 20.00%
Workers twenty 20.00%
Total 100 100.00%


The techniques that will be used in the investigation will be the following:

1) Interviews.- This technique will be applied to the authorities, managers and bosses, in order to gather information about the investigation.

2) Surveys.- It will be applied to workers, neighbors and staff of other entities, in order to collect information on the investigation.

3) Documentary analysis.- This technique will be used to analyze the norms, bibliographic information and other aspects related to the investigation.


The instruments that will be used in the investigation are the following:

1) Interview guide.- This instrument will serve as a roadmap for the development of the interview.

2) Survey questionnaire.- This instrument will be applied to carry out the survey.

3) Documentary analysis guide.- This instrument will be useful to write down the information of standards, books, magazines, Internet and other sources.


The following techniques will be applied:

1) Documentary analysis. - This technique will allow to know, understand, analyze and interpret each one of the norms, magazines, texts, books, Internet articles and other documentary sources.

2) Inquiry.- This technique will facilitate having qualitative and quantitative data of a certain level of reasonableness.

3) Reconciliation of data.- The data of some authors will be reconciled with other sources, so that they are taken into account.

4) Tabulation of tables with quantities and percentages. - The quantitative information will be ordered in tables that indicate concepts, quantities, percentages and other useful details for the investigation.

5) Understanding graphics.- Graphics will be used to present information and to understand the evolution of information between periods, between elements and other aspects.

6) Others.- The use of instruments, techniques, methods and other elements is not limiting, it is merely referential; therefore, as necessary, other types will be used.


The following data processing techniques will be applied:

1) Ordering and classification. - This technique will be applied to treat qualitative and quantitative information in an orderly manner, in order to interpret it and make the most of it.

2) Manual registration.- This technique will be applied to enter the information from the different sources.

3) Computerized process with Excel.- To determine various mathematical and statistical calculations useful for research.

4) Computerized process with SPSS.- To enter, process and analyze company data and determine average, association and other indicators.


Data collection X
Formulation X X X
Presentation X
Approval X
Data collection X X X X
Organization of information X X X
Information processing X X
Thesis writing X
Presentation X
Approval X
Lift X


I. ASSETS: 1,720.00
Goods two Thousand 25 50.00
Pencils 5 Dozens 10 50.00
Computer ink 10 Units 30 300.00
Floppy 3 Dozen twenty 60.00
CD one Dozen 60 60.00
Other assets 1, 200.00
II. SERVICES 4,480.00
Specialized advice 1,500.00
Secretarial support 1,500.00
Mobility 300.00
Viaticals 500.00
Telephone 200.00
Prints 180.00
Photocopies 100.00
Various 200.00
TOTAL 6,200.00


Gil Jorge Manuel "International Financial Reporting Standards, 2001

Mg. CPC Pascual Ayala Zavala “New General Business Accounting Plan, Pacífico Editores, 2008

Mg. CPC Pascual Ayala Zavala “New General Business Accounting Plan, Pacífico Editores, 2008

The Federation of Colleges of Public Accountants of Peru and its Board of Deans "International accounting standards as a basis for the application of accounting models", 1997. Lima - Peru.

College of Public Accountants of Lima, "Synthetic vision of the Regulatory Framework" for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements, 2007.

Luis Durán Rojo (2008º “The pillars of IFRS models”, published by IDurán, PUCP

César Omar López Avila (2009), “AISB accounting model, ICESI University - Colombia Candela

Hernández Celis Domingo, Peru 2006: Peru: State and Society In the Effective Prospect of International Technical Cooperation: Thesis to choose the academic degree of Master in Accounting mention in Financial Accounting Audit

Cynthia GONZALES RAMIREZ, year 2007, Thesis "International Financial Reporting Standards purchased with the NIC and the Accounting Principles", to obtain a master's degree in accounting.

Julián MONROY AIME, 2006, Thesis "the effectiveness of Internal Control in good governance of non-profit companies".

XXII INTER-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON ACCOUNTING. Inter-American Accounting Association, Lima - Peru, 1997




How can the conceptual framework of International Financial Reporting Standards be the basis for application to a range of accounting models?


1. How can the policies established in the IFRS conceptual framework facilitate the accounting process?

2. In what way can the procedures established in the IFRS conceptual framework facilitate the formulation of accounting reports?


Determine the guidelines by which the IFRS conceptual framework can be the basis for application to a range of accounting models.


1. Establish how the policies established in the IFRS conceptual framework can facilitate the accounting process.

2. Define how the procedures established in the IFRS conceptual framework can facilitate the formulation of accounting reports.


The conceptual framework of International Financial Reporting Standards is the basis for application to a range of accounting models.


1. The policies established in the conceptual framework of IFRS facilitate the accounting process.

2. - The procedures established in the conceptual framework of the IFRS facilitate the formulation of accounting reports.


X. Conceptual framework of IFRS


X.1. Policies

X.2. Procedures


Y: Accounting Models


Y.1. Accounting process

Y.2. Accounting reports

Hernández Celis Domingo, Peru 2006: Peru: State and Society In the Effective Prospect of International Technical Cooperation: Thesis to choose the academic degree of Master in Accounting mention in Financial Accounting Audit Page 6

Cynthia GONZALES RAMIREZ, year 2007, Thesis "International Financial Reporting Standards purchased with the IAS and the Accounting Principles", to obtain the Master's degree in accounting, Pages 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Julián MONROY AIME, 2006, Thesis "the effectiveness of Internal Control in good governance of non-profit companies", Pages 86, 87, 89 and 90

Gil Jorge Manuel "International Financial Reporting Standards, 2001

Mg. CPC Pascual Ayala Zavala “New General Business Accounting Plan, Pacífico Editores, 2008

The Federation of Colleges of Public Accountants of Peru and its Board of Deans "International accounting standards as a basis for the application of accounting models", 1997. Lima - Peru.

College of Public Accountants of Lima, "Synthetic vision of the Regulatory Framework" for the preparation and presentation of the financial statements, 2007.

Luis Durán Rojo (2008º “The pillars of IFRS models”, published by IDurán, PUCP

César Omar López Avila (2009), “AISB accounting model, ICESI University - Colombia

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How the use of IFRS facilitates the accounting process