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How to eliminate fear of competition

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One of the biggest concerns as a professional or entrepreneur is always competition. In fact, it is one of the first things to consider: analyze the competition. It is something intelligent and even essential, of course; But it can also be harmful because it greatly increases your insecurity, especially if you are not yet well established. The first thing you think is, "But how can they find me if there are thousands of… (coaches, lawyers, doctors, whatever)". And you get anguish that practically makes you want to quit. Another option is to think that you are not up to the task, that you will never be able to get as high as… and you compare yourself to people who have been in the industry for years.

This happens to all of us, especially at the start of something new. Analyzing the competition is something that as a business you have to do (and as a professional too), but not to compare yourself but to see what is there, what works, what you like and what you don't. What then can you do to avoid becoming overwhelmed or paralyzed by fear of competition?

  1. Be very clear about your business model, what you want to offer and to whom. Or, if you are a professional, be very clear about what you want professionally. For that, you have to sit and think about what you want, not what the competition is doing that I have to copy. NO. You can analyze the competition to get ideas and see what you like but not to copy. First, because it is unfair and illegal and, second, because you would be a vulgar copy. Apply what you like to your business in a personalized way and think about what it is that you would really like to do, even if it is different from what most do… Be yourself. There is one thing that sets you apart from the rest of the world, yourself. As much as there are thousands of professionals with your specialty, none are you, with your style, your personality; and that alone will already attract many people.All you have to do is show yourself how you are. This is what your parents told you and what they say in the movies but it is true. Do not pretend something you are not because it will not work. Be natural, be you. That you love to make jokes, do them with your clients, that you love to dance, apply it to your business (yes, you can, you want an example: Marie Forleo), that you say tacos more than you speak (I also know a very good coach who doesn't cuts a hair, Naomi Dunford). Be you, that is the best way to separate yourself from the competition: your experiences, what you have been through, your sense or not of humor, your way of writing, your optimism or toughness…. Stop wanting to like everyone. I understand it perfectly and, in addition, it is characteristic of women, we want to like everyone, we want everyone to like us as we are,what we sell, how we write and the colors of our website. The fact is, that is not going to happen. As wonderful, elegant and smart as you are and as incredible as what you sell, there will always be people who don't like you. Point.

The best of all this is that nothing happens, it is the law of life. Although it itches you a little, you do not have to obsess, because you will begin to be who you are not just to like and that does not get you anywhere, you dissolve into the crowd. We go back to the previous point, be yourself, that will make you differentiate and yes, you will probably have more criticism, but you will also have many people delighted with what you do because only you do it that way. What do you get criticism? Apply what corresponds, improve your service and do not get caught up in useless discussions.

From which of these three freckles do you?

How to eliminate fear of competition