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How to face problems while preserving inner peace


It is very important for people's productivity to discriminate accurately when it can be said that one is facing a problem or not. This is more than a minor fact because on many occasions it is the individual himself who unnecessarily increases the inventory of the problems he is facing.

It should not be forgotten that both the mind and the body itself are conditioned in a certain way when they feel the threat of adversity, they usually react to it concentrating attention and effort, a fact that of course deprives other situations that have to be handled in the same treatment. everyday life.

All this defines the character of the productivity that we achieve for the fulfillment of our tasks and our objectives. In scenarios of greater problems, total productivity ends up being lower than in the case of minor problems. Lower productivity, at the same time, increases the likelihood of future problems.

People must be very honest with themselves when accepting the existence of a Problem that merits real treatment. Nothing profitable is achieved with the idle exercise of multiplying the probabilities or potentialities that adversity can acquire. The natural dynamics of the problems that arise in life are already complex and unkind, increasing it without the necessary relevance is a serious mistake.

In general, it can be understood as a symptom of the existence of a Problem, the loss of Peace. When the person effectively feels that she has lost a basic situation of balance in her inner tranquility, she faces a problem that deserves attention. Peace in people is essential for productivity and well-being. To be at peace with oneself and with others is to be in tranquility, calm and calmness of spirit, all of this opposed to embarrassment and passions. The man who is in a basic emotional balance has a peaceful, calm and gentle temper. When an external factor notably alters this balance, it must be understood that there is a problem. And before this, the only reasonable thing is a prompt solution.

Las personas se convierten en sus más implacables enemigos cuando de forma injustificada permiten que algo altere este equilibrio interior trascendental. Los problemas “imaginarios” o aquellos que no ameritan tribulación, constituyen un auto atentado pernicioso contra el interés propio. La Paz interior es una red de contención frágil que tiene como sostén fundamental al propio individuo, nadie en el entorno está particularmente atento a que uno sostenga un estado de Paz interior, ni aún las personas más próximas, aquellas que nos tengan en la mayor estima o nos profesen un franco e incondicional cariño. NADIE aparte de uno mismo es responsable de proteger su estabilidad emocional, su Paz de espíritu. Ahora bien, cuando uno mismo atenta contra ella es aún más absurdo suponer que la ayuda puede llegar desde fuera.

The problems should come from the outside, never as a consequence of their own interpretations. The internal emotional balance must be protected like few things in life, there should be no room for destabilization. External attacks must be of considerable magnitude so that they "justify" the alteration of the balance and in them one cannot constitute an "enemy agent".

Objectivity and rationality must prevail at all times when evaluating a Problem, never emotions.

Additionally, a lot of zeal must be kept with emotional stability, care must be extreme; in the best case it should NEVER be admitted that something has enough power to put it at risk. If we think about it with tranquility, one of the few things that nobody can take away from us is the way we decide to assume the problems: if we do it from the field of objectivity and tranquility or from the domain of anguish, it is absolutely our own business, completely personal.

Then comes the question: what final benefit is achieved by attending a Problem from the domain of uneasiness or anguish? What is saved or avoided? It is of course much easier to determine the opposite effect because uneasiness or anguish only give greater power to the problem, but it is a challenge to discern the reason that leads people to face problems by deliberately altering their emotional balance. Essentially it is a strange and inconsistent fact but, on the other hand, it is an act that is practiced continuously. A significant majority of people significantly alter their emotional stability when faced with problems. This pernicious routine is confused with "normality",to the point that it seems strange and inappropriate to observe a “calm” person at the juncture of facing adversity.

A basic understanding of some things can help people become aware of the vital importance of protecting the emotional stability from which inner peace emerges.

The driving element of human activity is inscribed in its non-physical dimension, wherever emotions, impulses, and will lie. The physical, corporeal dimension of people only obeys commands. Emotional stability is at the very center of that non-physical dimension, there it is in charge of keeping all the motor elements in balance, it sustains them at a level that allows a basic productive development and a calm behavior of the person. As a product of the harmony in the development of the elements limited to emotional stability, it produces a feeling of Peace that accompanies the physical dynamics of people.

Emotional stability is a center of gravity around which all the motor elements of the human being "orbit", in a specific state and order that explains productivity and inner peace. Emotional stability is a "barycenter" that perfects balance, it constitutes the specific point that justifies order. Thanks to a wonderful inertia, this "barycenter" adjusts one variable when another breaks down and tries to maintain the general balance, thereby achieving a basically efficient and productive performance of people. Human beings are barely aware of the existence of this precious “gyroscope” that supports their development, they hardly understand that the whole of their personal development depends on it.

Negative variables that come from abroad and are not managed appropriately can directly affect this delicate “barycenter”, and can do so in a proportion that prevents the natural “compensation” that occurs in it, with dramatic consequences for the development of people. When emotional stability and "that" its point of gravity is affected, the entire scaffolding is shaken. If the balance does not recover quickly, the emotional structure collapses and the person falls.

The existence or absence of "Peace" in people is a signal that emits the emotional structure from the very center of gravity that supports it. Peace is a product of the state in which all human motor emotions are found, which is why it becomes a signal, an unmistakable alert about our “internal state”.

Genuine or "imaginary" problems activate that signal, and it should never be ignored.

To protect emotional stability and your precious point of general balance, here are some helpful tips:

1.- Never admit, in any case, that the Problem or adversity has enough power to seriously alter our emotional balance. The precise word, the specific concept is that: Admit. Adversity can be very great, its effects powerful, but in the person lies the power to admit, or not, the personal dimension of the effects that it produces. It is one thing that the Problem is actually causing harm, but quite another is that you “admit” the damage yourself, or admit that it can affect emotional balance.

What is truly wonderful about this fact is that we have exclusive and inalienable rights to cross the entrance to the depths of our emotions, nothing and no one else has them. Only we have that key and the "right of admission". If we “seal” this enclosure, an inner peace will emanate from it without pause that can accompany us in the most complex circumstances.

Is this difficult? Yes. Can it be something very, very difficult to achieve? Yes. But it is something that depends exclusively on us and therein lies the precious blessing.

2.- We must understand with absolute clarity that the most intelligent way of facing and acting on problems is with rationality and not with emotion; calmly and not with anguish; with serenity and not with urgency; positively and not negatively.

And for this statement to transcend the comfort of a page of paper, it is enough to honestly ask yourself these questions: How much help does anguish and uneasiness provide for solving problems? How much do solutions accelerate with fatigue? Which "worried" person has the record of solved problems? Since when is passion a good counselor? Where are the people who show off their practicality and pragmatism, because they do not manifest themselves when you can choose between anguish or restlessness TO GET TO THE SAME POINT !?

The response to adversity is a domain of reason, not of the heart and less of the stomach. And of course we are allowed to solve any problem with Peace of mind! It is a matter of choice and not of any other kind of determinism.

3.- To protect the intimate circle of emotional stability, it is very useful to “build” a second circle of protection. This should be a “fuse network” that prevents the effects of adversity from going beyond certain reasonable limits:

• There is a certain TIME to deal with the problem and a certain TIME to avoid treating it. This must be a physical division of time. Solving problems is a specific job that is put into practice: it requires effort, concentration and resources. But in the same way that any work that wants to be carried out in an efficient way, demands rest and “misunderstanding”. At some point the attention must be deactivated.

• The tension that causes the treatment of the problem MUST be externalized, must flow outwards and never remain “encapsulated” inside. When tension "explodes" from this second circle of protection, it protects basic emotional balance and preserves inner Peace in its essential domain. It is a mistake of great proportions "to carry the procession inside", nobody has ever said that man is made of stone and steel; frustration must flow outward. The externalization of the problem must be carried out in a personal way that in no way constitutes an aggravating factor, rather the contrary, which is a perfect mitigation.

Here it works well from physical activity to dialogue with other people, from prayer to the practice of a hobby, from music to literature, etc. Each one knows his own catalyst.

• The understanding and treatment of the problem should be shared with other people. Aid is essential and not resorting to it shows a lack of good sense. If the problems correspond to the professional or work environment, they must be faced as a team; Probably one specific thing constitutes ultimate responsibility for the outcome of the endeavor, but another is the shared task. Great leaders commit their people to conflict resolution, lean on them, and draw energy from the collective effort; Quixotic attitudes are not at all effective. If the problems are personal, the intimate circle of family and friends who can share the effort must be activated. However,It is not a matter of sharing the “concern” but of reaching points of synergy that simplify and alleviate the pressures imposed by the setback. Many people mistakenly consider that they do good to everyone by avoiding the pain of sharing problems and difficulties; they strain their backs and carry all the weight on their necks, however late they come to realize that there is no worse friend or family member than the one who has lost inner peace and who, sometimes hopelessly, lacks basic emotional balance or even health physical. In the inevitable world of tribulations that life presents, the maxim that guides the attitude of the immediate group is "today for you, tomorrow for me", in what other sense can friendship or family love be understood?Many people mistakenly consider that they do good to everyone by avoiding the pain of sharing problems and difficulties; they strain their backs and carry all the weight on their necks, however late they come to realize that there is no worse friend or family member than the one who has lost inner peace and who, sometimes hopelessly, lacks basic emotional balance or even health physical. In the inevitable world of tribulations that life presents, the maxim that guides the attitude of the immediate group is "today for you, tomorrow for me", in what other sense can friendship or family love be understood?Many people mistakenly consider that they do good to everyone by avoiding the pain of sharing problems and difficulties; they strain their backs and carry all the weight on their necks, however late they come to realize that there is no worse friend or family member than the one who has lost inner peace and who, sometimes hopelessly, lacks basic emotional balance or even health physical. In the inevitable world of tribulations that life presents, the maxim that guides the attitude of the immediate group is "today for you, tomorrow for me", in what other sense can friendship or family love be understood?sometimes hopelessly, of basic emotional balance or even physical health. In the inevitable world of tribulations that life presents, the maxim that guides the attitude of the immediate group is "today for you, tomorrow for me", in what other sense can friendship or family love be understood?sometimes hopelessly, of basic emotional balance or even physical health. In the inevitable world of tribulations that life presents, the maxim that guides the attitude of the immediate group is "today for you, tomorrow for me", in what other sense can friendship or family love be understood?

• One of the most important mechanisms of protection that exists when adversity arises is to ALWAYS consider that every Problem is, in reality, an Opportunity, that any setback can be profited, that every conflict presents us with the possibility of growing, to strengthen ourselves, that there is no teacher wiser than the difficulty. Intimately understanding that without proof there is no victory constitutes a solid guarantee of inner Peace, and even of rejoicing. The problems are also like those dogs that barked before the passage of Don Quixote: "Sancho dogs bark, a sign that we are advancing…" Victory is easier for Veterans, those who have proven their worth in a hundred battles.

• In the midst of conflict, in the harshest moments of the storm, when the forces diminish and frustration seems a rational conclusion, it is good to understand that life calls many but receives very few among those who have been able to prevail over adversity. Few heads are crowned, few, very few receive the laurel. This is not a fair that rewards competition, it is in fact inevitable; This fair only admits winners, and ultimately not all are… What group do we want to enroll in?

• Finally, it is good to measure the Love that one feels for oneself, the value that is given. In that same proportion, inner peace, the balance of emotions, must be taken care of. There are people blessed by the Love of others, protected by the affection of others, but no one has enough capacity, the empathy necessary to live for us, to feel for us. Life is a strictly personal challenge. If we don't love ourselves, we can't love others either, if we don't take care of ourselves, we can't take care of others, if we don't feel sorry for ourselves, no one else will feel sorry for us.

Our existence must be an act of permanent respect for ourselves, here lies the value of which we can pride ourselves, the opposite can only be understood as a sign of painful cowardice, of sad incapacity.

How to face problems while preserving inner peace