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How to teach entrepreneurship to your children even if you are not an entrepreneur


How to deliver an education that fosters entrepreneurial skills in our children if we are not entrepreneurs? It is easier than you think! The secret is to understand the power of an education that uses the discipleship model. Even if you are not aware of it, if you are a parent, you have already been using it. Find out how you can apply this method to your children's education and teach them what they will never learn in school: how to start, how to manage money, how to lead, etc.

Many parents ask me how to deliver an entrepreneurial education to their children if they themselves do not have the training of an entrepreneur.

The argument is: "How can I give what I don't have?"

The answer is very simple: Learn together!

Due to the lifestyle that most families live today, parents dismiss their role as the primary mentor in their children's lives. It seems natural to delegate their children's education to others.

• Academic education is delegated to schools

• Spiritual education to the church

• And we assume that they will learn their sociability skills with their peers

The father taxi driver

Anyway, the list goes on. It seems that the predominant role of parents today is to organize the education provided by others, pay for it and then be the taxi driver who performs the logistics of taking the children to the experts.

Unfortunately, under these circumstances, parents miss out on the great opportunity God gave them by giving them those children: to establish a close discipleship relationship with them that will powerfully affect their lives and prepare them well for the future.

The reason why parents do not consider this option is because they have come to believe that they, on their own, are not capable of providing their children with a suitable preparation for life.

However, this is not so. Throughout the history of humanity, it has been the parents who have educated their children, not the institutions.

If you read this and can't imagine being more involved in your children's education, don't be fooled. It is not enough to just let them go with the rest of the flock, sit on the fence and be a mere observer of your children's education. Herds commonly end up where the butcher!

Possibly his argument is: "Everyone does it like this!" However, it has been proven that, historically, most are usually wrong.

The frog experiment

In the area of ​​education what happened to the frog has happened in a famous experiment in which a frog, which is a cold-blooded animal, is placed in hot water. Under these circumstances, the frog senses the sudden change in temperature, jumps and is saved. But, if it is placed in cold water and the water is heated little by little, the frog does not notice the change in temperature and ends up cooking.

Thus, since the Industrial Revolution, when a massive government education was first established, the education of future generations has been gradually transferred from the hands of parents to the hands of government institutions.

Today we are all in the pot cooking, without understanding why education is in crisis around the world.

What is the solution?

The solution is easy to implement, since it involves resorting to a teaching methodology that is very powerful and completely natural for the human being: discipleship.

Discipleship differs from a traditional education in that the teacher invites his disciple to live his life with him while teaching him everything he knows. It is the methodology that Jesus used to teach his followers.

But it does not have a purely religious connotation. Discipleship takes place in a very natural way within a family, in which children live with their parents and learn from their example.

Perhaps you have never been aware of this great opportunity you have to influence the lives of your children. You have been depending on the education you receive outside the home and you are frustrated, because you do not know how to communicate what you consider to be important for your education.

Let me tell you that the method of discipleship at your fingertips is much more effective than the method that teachers use at school.

When it comes to wanting to educate your children in any area not taught in schools, including entrepreneurial education, all you have to do is take the initiative, educate yourself, and then pass on what you have learned to your children.

You don't have to be an expert in the field. The key is to do it together. The father assumes the role of the leader who encourages his children to form, together with him, in a certain area. You just need to know a little more than your disciples, your children, and then take the time to impart and implement it in family life together with them.

How to teach entrepreneurship to your children even if you are not an entrepreneur