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How to be satisfied with your profession and work


What professional situation are you in?

One of the biggest obstacles when it comes to making changes and getting a job or career with which you are fully satisfied (or satisfied) is not being aware of your situation and its "dangers". What do I mean by this? Professionally you can be in one of these four situations:

  • You have a job that you love, with which you feel fulfilled and that also generates good income. This should be the most common, but unfortunately it is not. Most people belong to the other three categories: you have a job that you don't like or, worse, you hate it and on top of that you get poorly paid. Of course this situation is unbearable and that is why it has its good side. Because everything that is unbearable to us sooner or later we solve. You have a job that you love, that you enjoy, but with a low or insufficient salary for you. You have a job that you hate but that gives you a high income that allows you have a lifestyle that you love.

The most frequent situations are the last two and they are also the most "dangerous". Why? For the simple reason that they are bearable. You can live with a job that you do not like but it pays well or with one that you love and it is not well paid (scientists of the world…) for a long time. Simply because the situation, although unsatisfactory, is not bad enough to take action…. So you let yourself go, complaining, but doing nothing about it because it's not that bad either, worse is the second case, right?

The reality is that it depends on you, if you are satisfied with your situation then there is no problem (in fact, you would not be reading this article). I have already commented that you may settle for a job that you do not like because it allows the rest of your life to be wonderful, and that you are happy as well. The problem is when you are not, when you really feel unsatisfied and something is missing. In that case, you let yourself go until a day comes when you can't take it anymore, in which you say to yourself: but how did I get here?

Ese es el peligro de acumular pequeñas insatisfacciones, que puedes acabar mucho más lejos de lo que piensas. En el libro “El código del dinero“, Raimon Samsó lo explica muy bien. Si un avión que se dirige a Barcelona se va desviando un solo grado cada kilómetro, quién sabe dónde acabará… En Barcelona no, desde luego. Ese es el peligro de dejarse llevar, que te vas desviando poco a poco y acabas mucho más lejos de lo que pensabas… Si tu carrera o tu vida no son lo que tu quieres y sigues sin hacer nada o haciendo lo de siempre, ya sabes lo que puede suceder. De ti depende tomar medidas.

So what can you do about it? First of all determine well what you want, what are your goals. Both professionally and personally (I have already emphasized many times that your work is part of your life, not your whole life and that is why you have to consider both aspects), so that when you see a deviation you can correct it. But of course, if you do not know where you are going, you will not know if you are deviating or not, we return as always to the importance of knowing yourself, of knowing your values, your priorities and your objectives. Something fundamental that not everyone does.

Second, taking action now, making changes now, even if they are small. Stop to think about your current situation, is that what you want? If not, what do you want? And once you are clear, go to the next step, how to get what you want? Of course this is sometimes not so easy, it almost never is. You may be able to figure it out on your own with articles like this or personal development books, or you may have to invest in someone to help you get there.

Where are you? And what are you going to do about it?

How to be satisfied with your profession and work