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How to avoid comparing yourself to your business competition

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Don't compare yourself!

Comparing yourself to other female entrepreneurs can quickly eat away at your self-esteem if you're not careful. Learn 3 key attitudes that will help you observe others' successes in a healthy and constructive way.

One of the cruelest acts to which women entrepreneurs submit to themselves is to constantly compare themselves with their peers.

It usually happens very naturally, which is why they don't always realize the downward spiral of self-sabotage in which they are easily caught up in contemplating the successes of other women.

You know you are comparing yourself to others when…

  • You feel helpless and unprepared when you are at an entrepreneurial meeting or conference and you hear about the achievements of other women entrepreneurs. You follow an entrepreneur and read about her accomplishments in her newsletters, because you admire her, but don't think you could achieve it. You want to be happy when an enterprising friend or acquaintance recounts her victories, but you struggle with feelings of inferiority and feel that you are not trying hard enough to reach your goals.

If you identify with any of these points, don't worry! We have all fought at this level!

The business world is highly competitive. If you don't take care of yourself, you can put enormous pressure on yourself that will lead you to fall into the syndrome of over-demanding and / or looking at yourself less all the time.

How can you avoid the damage you do to yourself when comparing yourself with other entrepreneurs?

The first thing is to recognize your intrinsic value.

It is not wrong to compare yourself with others. It can even serve as a stimulus! But you have to do it without undermining yourself.

Most women find it difficult to honor their unique and personal essence. They are quick to recognize value in other people… and just as quick to disregard their own contribution.

Never forget that you are a unique creation of God, created for a defined purpose, endowed with gifts and talents to achieve it and with a mission that only you can fulfill.

You have your place in this world, do not fear and take it!

Be self-critical, but realistic at the same time.

The healthiest way to react when you see other entrepreneurs advance their marketing, hire more customers and close more sales than you, is to analyze what you can learn from them.

Ask yourself:

Have you stopped looking for new contacts to make yourself known?

Are you not implementing what you are learning in your course or with your coach?

Have you compromised your priorities and are wasting time on other activities?

Be realistic when you ask yourself these questions. Not all people are on the same level with their businesses. The important thing is that you are advancing and growing, regardless of the level at which you are.

Compare yourself

Instead of looking so much at the progress of other businesswomen, look at yours! Compare what you have accomplished today with what you have accomplished a year ago.

Then celebrate your successes and be grateful for the results!

How to avoid comparing yourself to your business competition