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How to avoid conflicts by expressing disagreement

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Of course it is good to disagree, we have the right to have our own opinion and express it, we are not always going to agree with others.

But, do we always have to express our opinion? And how to do it?

A few seconds are enough to take stock of each situation and decide if we want to express our disagreement; and if the other person is not receptive and conflicts can arise.

When we consciously decide to give our opinion and even maintain it in front of different opinions, there are guidelines that will help us to do it in an appropriate way so that we do not have to regret later for having made us nervous or even, of something we have said, creating conflicts.

There will be times when you decide not to give your opinion

Whenever you feel a lack of energy and anticipate "battle".

If you foresee that you are going to be exhausted and you are going to feel bad, it is probably not worth it to get into controversy even if it is something that matters to you. In that case it is preferable to leave it for another time.

If the person you are talking to is not from your circle.

Sometimes we have conversations with acquaintances or new acquaintances, with whom we want to have a cordial relationship, but deep down we do not feel like it or it does not give us enough to enter into discussions with that person.

When in reality the topic of conversation does not move you "inside".

Do you really care about the topic you are talking about? If not, it may not be worth it to argue. Listening to the other's opinion and refuting it, as well as giving our opinion and waiting for it to be refuted, involves an energy expenditure that perhaps the subject is not worth.

Guidelines for when you consciously decide to give your opinion, and even keep it against other opinions

Be assertive yet flexible.

Listen carefully to the other, he may teach you something new. If not, always remain calm, even if the other is upset.

If he tries to pressure you to agree with him, make him see from the calm that you will maintain your position regardless of what he / she says or does.

  • To let yourself be carried away by the opponent's anger, manipulation or rudeness is to do yourself a disservice. In addition, you run the risk of saying or doing something that makes you feel bad later and, honestly, it is not worth it. Do not stop being yourself to please others, you would lose your self-esteem.

What to do if you have already "fallen" and allowed yourself to be dragged by the situation?

Don't be martyred.

It is true that it would have been preferable not to "get into the rag" and not let yourself be dragged, thus avoiding conflicts, but if it is already done, LEARN the lesson for the future and do not feel guilty.

Like almost everything in life this can be trained.

You may "fall" several times until you control it naturally. The important thing is that you become aware of how you react, and that you strive to correct it.

If you think you have exceeded your tone or your words, ask for forgiveness.

It does not matter that the other has exceeded himself, we are talking about Your well-being, and you will regain calm faster and better if you do, because deep down you know that "you have passed."

Follow these tips that will help you give your opinion whenever you want even if it is contrary to that of others, avoiding conflicts in your relationships with others.

"Anyone can get angry, that's a simple thing. But getting mad at the right person, in the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way, that certainly isn't so easy. ” Aristotle.

How to avoid conflicts by expressing disagreement