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How to avoid being a slave to your own business


Every day there is more family disintegration, because both parents spend more time outside the home…

Thinking of creating a company in this world full of competition, selfishness, individualism, jealousy, and where creativity is something that does not flourish in the minds of many capitalists, is something that becomes an impossible mission for a considered person with social limitations…

By paying attention to all these claims of the "experts", many lose the hope of participating in the business world: that is the result of feeling incompetent, without any experience, without any university degree that protects the knowledge acquired through study and academic preparation.

In schools, one of the subjects that should be compulsory to teach from the earliest school years is "Financial Literacy". But, unfortunately, the boys leave high school and do not even know what a balance sheet is, least of all the administration of a company, because the capitalist system has very little interest in teaching young people how to form their own company.

Despite these data… in the United States and Latin America alone, more than 1 million companies are born annually.

For millions of entrepreneurs, becoming entrepreneurs represents the realization of “Life”.

The creation of a company means leaving a legacy to your children, achieving financial independence, owning your time, and it means the opportunity to achieve professional development in the desired field.

Launching a company is a decision that goes beyond money, since it is a total and radical change for the person's lifestyle, and let's not forget the financial commitment, since in most of the times you have to risk the savings, and in many times even getting into personal debt.

Although doing business is an avenue that offers great rewards, such as turning ordinary people into extraordinary, it is also true that you can get out of the tunnel of financial darkness, but this will take time applying well-designed strategies that guarantee the minimum possibility of failure and the highest chances of success.

When you decide to go on a business trip, you have to ensure that you are willing and confident to spend time fully focused and focused on the success you are looking for, with a product or service with which you feel inspiration and passion to represent you..

It is advisable to involve the whole family in the process of planning your company so that they understand exactly the process, the time and the effort that they will have to make to reach the proposed goal with the business. Also, make that time fun, and don't let the frustrating moments get stronger than you do.

Because the reality is that after so much effort and sacrifice it hurts a lot to discover that 90% of businesses fail in the first years.

Some fail for reasons beyond their reach to solve them, but after analyzing the different reasons why so many companies fail, it is revealed that most entrepreneurs need a planning system from the beginning to launch the company to the market.

Planning is a set of elements that must be taken very seriously when it comes to starting a business.

I am sure that many readers are thinking about starting their business and therefore I want to give you some crucial points so that this much-desired adventure is both fun and successful.

There are several technical aspects to consider and not to overlook when making your business plan.

Firstly, it must be clear and defined that you feel passion, inspiration, and a great motivation for the product or service that will be offered, since it has been demonstrated that without these ingredients in the heart of the entrepreneur, you will show very little interest, and you will walk without purpose; what sooner or later will cease to be a pleasant adventure; and it will become a tedious commitment to make every day.

As a second aspect, it should be considered how much success can be experienced with the product or service.

Here you must consider aspects such as the local, the area, the time, the marketing, and the advertising that will be done to position the product or service in the market.

Once you are sure of the chances of success, it is important to consider what resources you have to start with: for example; money, equipment, employees, furniture, everything you need to start your business.

Also, it is important to take into account the money that you can invest in advertising, marketing, income, to keep the company afloat while managing to position itself in the market.

Another point to take into account is the accounting management of your company, many entrepreneurs make the catastrophic mistake of not learning to control their finances through an accounting system appropriate to their business, this being one of the most important pillars to guarantee the financial success.

Many are the entrepreneurs who leave the issue of taxes, savings, investments, identifying the assets, the liabilities of the company as secondary.

Anyone interested in becoming a small or large-scale entrepreneur should obtain at least the basic knowledge of accounting. Many are those who have a business but leaving that important work to the accountants who in most cases are not experts on the subject, therefore they are not the best advisers.

You should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the product or service, as well as think about all the obstacles that may appear along the way, and make a business plan to solve each situation.

Finally, when thinking about opening a business, customer service is important, no matter how big or how small the business is going to be. Customer service is one of the important aspects that should not be overlooked.

Remember that kindness, charisma, are the basis for giving good treatment, and are the best tools to make the customer fall in love.

Planning well involves different aspects that it is important to do in an organized way.

Developing a business plan is vital because this is a document that will serve as a map because it is the one that will explain in detail all the key points of the business.

Creating a business plan will help you increase the chances of success in your company.

Every entrepreneur determined to start their own business should take the time to think about the important aspects that will lead to success, otherwise failure is almost certain in the first years.

We are living the best times to start a business, be it small or large, but it is also true that we are living in the midst of changing times at every moment. Without a doubt, starting a business is the best adventure that anyone can do, but remember that a good Start starts with good planning.

If you are thinking of creating your company, a good way to start is planning your business.

If you already have your business and have not obtained the desired results, I invite you to reflect on what are the possible mistakes you made and take action to rectify each one so that things are better.

The mistakes made will always be lessons that we must treasure during the process of life and always through these being better in all things.

A well-planned company will take you to the steps of financial achievement; and not only to you, but to many who can also benefit from it.

Wallace D. Wattles in his book "The Art of Getting Rich" says:

“No man can be truly happy if he does not dedicate himself to create to give to others; and no man will be able to serve, until he manages to create the thinking matter to win friends ”.

There are many reasons why you should consider giving yourself the opportunity to dream a little beyond your job; And one of the main reasons why you should consider starting your own business is for the future of your children and for their well-being.

The common man, in the cities of the countries of great industries, spends at least 10 to 12 hours a day at his place of work.

Every day there is more family disintegration, because both parents spend more time outside the home.

To be an entrepreneur requires virtues that are already in you by nature; They may not be developed, but they are latent, waiting for you to knock on the door, wake them up, and dare to put them into action.

You should keep in mind that the efforts you make do not determine what you achieve; What determines what you can achieve in life will be based on the dimension of your faith, on the vision that you put in your heart, and on the creativity with which you carry out your actions.

How to avoid being a slave to your own business