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How to foster a culture of entrepreneurship in a community


Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if each person had an entrepreneurial spirit and could demonstrate their true potential? It is surely a utopia! However, we should all strive to find ways to manifest the tremendous human potential that lies in each of us, our children, our communes, cities and countries. We would remove people from their passive attitude and their victim mentality! My proposal to achieve this is as follows:

Entrepreneurship is the engine of progress within any society. It is known that SMEs contribute a high percentage of a country's labor force and, likewise, they also contribute significantly to Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

That is why promoting the culture of entrepreneurship in a country is essential to increase the productivity and economic growth of a country.

As a mother who has always sought an education for her children that fosters her entrepreneurial and leadership skills, I have questioned myself many times:

How can entrepreneurship be fostered on a larger scale: in a community, in a city or in a country?

Although it is important to provide tools to support entrepreneurs and implement conditions that facilitate entrepreneurship in financial institutions, I think that a focus on the merely external is not enough.

The entrepreneurial spirit is born within people. When a human being understands that he possesses unique talents and abilities with which he can prosper and also positively impact his community, a small spark ignites within him.

Suddenly he will stop seeing himself as a mere spectator, victim of circumstances, and will begin to recognize that tremendous human potential that lies within him. From a "Can't" mentality, you will move to a "Yes, I can!"

It is an important change that we all want to implement, but how can it be achieved?

How can we get people out of their passivity towards life and motivate them to undertake their own projects?

In my personal experience of educating our children at home, I have seen that an education that fosters entrepreneurship and leadership skills has 3 fundamental ingredients:

1. An individualized education

2. The independent study

3. Good mentors

Although the first two factors are more difficult to implement, due to the structure and methodology used in the vast majority of educational establishments, contact with good mentors is a very feasible option to achieve.

The solution is to encourage interaction with other entrepreneurs

I think that contact with other entrepreneurs who have already achieved success in their lives could have a significant impact on everyone in a community.

We must think that, on average, the vast majority of people live disconnected from the entrepreneurial world. They study to enter the labor market, since it is the option offered to them during the course of their education.

If they could make contact with successful entrepreneurs who have already made the leap to their own business, they would understand that a job is not the only option they have.

My proposal is the following:

Create instances so that the entrepreneurs of a community can interact with their community by:

- Motivational talks for adults - Presentations of

their experience in schools and universities

- Visits to workshops and factories of SMEs in which the business was managed, how it works and the possibility of repeating the model successfully is explained.

How to foster a culture of entrepreneurship in a community