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How to strengthen your talents and skills?


When you are clear that you have dozens of talents and that you have acquired numerous skills throughout your life, the fact that you are not complete, that there is still a long way to go, that your character needs to be refined and your talents must be developed is usually forgotten.. Likewise, with practice, you can hone your skills, making them better and better. And it is there where growth and personal development come into play.

When you have in your philosophy to be better and better, you start to notice that everything around you is also better, things come out more, you see new opportunities, you help more people, and you see everything with different eyes. When you focus on improving yourself, you develop your full potential, and it means that when you follow a life project, you have more fulfillment, because you see that you evolve and that you more easily reach goals and follow action plans. In other words, satisfaction comes not only from the things you have accomplished, but from the person you have become.

Being born with talents implies that you must develop them, to be better and better. It is true that when you have certain gifts, you do those things better than most people; but if you don't strengthen them, they end up atrophying, and you even lose interest in these abilities. In addition, when you evolve and improve, the potential to help others also grows exponentially, because the gifts are not only for you, but you must put them in service of others.

One of the ways to strengthen your talents and skills is through personal growth. This refers to activities that allow you to get to know yourself in depth, and strategies that make you improve your potential, promoting the development of your abilities and skills, and working on numerous aspects of your character, beyond the learning that you would have just for the fact of living. These activities allow you to reach your maximum potential, and it is a fundamental element to achieve dreams.

Another advantage of personal growth is the emotions they awaken in you. When you are in improvement and development, you feel every day that you have learned something new, that you are getting better, and that fills you with joy, motivation, vitality, enthusiasm, and in general, improves your quality of life.

Also, when you grow up, it changes a lot the way you see yourself. In general, in the course of life we ​​have become accustomed to seeing ourselves as people who must do things well, without mistakes; But when you are in a philosophy of growth, you see that you are someone with multiple potentials and that mistakes are allowed to learn, not to recriminate or attack yourself. You see yourself as someone incomplete, and you live excited because you always have something to learn and to perfect.

Another characteristic of personal development is that it is intentional. In the course of your life, you can learn from everything. The years will give you many experiences and knowledge. But personal growth is something you do voluntarily. You know yourself, discover areas of yourself that you want to change, remove, add or perfect, and you do it consciously through techniques and strategies that you can see in many sources such as books, courses, mentors, etc. This approach allows you a refined philosophy, which is more powerful than what you learn by trial and error.

Developing your talents and skills is one of the things that can bring you the most motivation. Therefore, the invitation is that each day you get to know yourself and develop in yourself the habits that are required to have a philosophy of personal growth.

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Guillermo Mendoza Vélez www.SaludMentalyEmocional.com

How to strengthen your talents and skills?