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How does the creative mind work?

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The Creative Mind is rebellious, that is its main characteristic. It takes nothing for granted, it is not based on presumptions or established molds. The Creative Mind assumes that everything can be completed, overcome, improved, that nothing is defined and everything is perfectible.

The rebel "opposes" authority and power, adopts an attitude contrary to the majority. The Creative Mind rebels before the authority of the established and the power of what the majority consider defined.

There is always an additional answer for each question, a solution for every problem, that is what the Creative Mind thinks, but unfortunately it does not govern the thinking of the mass.

Not all people have the ability to Create, precisely because they feel comfortable working within the framework of what already exists, in the border security that is already known. This is part of human nature.

The man has inserted in his genetics the search for security, always. Your mind is designed to protect you from the threats of the environment, to provide you with safe conditions in its development.

And there are few things that provide more security than those known, however much they are not the best or represent risk. The unknown frightens, discourages the search and creation of new things.

It is precisely this tendency to operate in safe areas and predictable situations that determines that a world full of opportunities is available: to innovate, to discover, to create.

What is not known (and therefore does not exist) is much more than what is familiar. This is why the Creative Mind knows Freedom, wherever it runs, because it moves in virgin terrain, in fertile fields that no one has pierced.

These are some of the things that the Creative Mind understands:

1.- The new and different is easier to identify than the old known.-

In the traditional game of “3 in a row” nobody wins or loses if they concentrate on the dynamics, the options to do it are very small, the “field” in which it is played is limited. It is also the intellectual performance of most of the people in your life.

Obviously it is impossible to be Creative to win a game of “3 in a row”, no matter how much effort you put into the task. So it is also difficult to be Creative in personal and professional life if the field of discernment is limited to the narrowness of what is established.

The Creative Mind finds answers and solutions OUTSIDE of the "narrow board" enabled for the game, there it places the X or the O, and wins. Looking at it this way, the task is simple, since the external field of the game is much broader than the one that limits it. Take the example!

Thinking of something new and / or different in response to a question is EASIER than restricting yourself to a variant of what is known: the field of work is vastly greater.

If the logical benefit is so obvious, why does it take so much to adopt a Creative Mind?

For another simple reason: every new or different consideration (not to say revolutionary) collides with the established way of thinking, deserves little attention and generates rejection. It is subject to all kinds of skepticism, questioning and doubt. And this energy of opposition deters most minds trying to look beyond accepted limits.

This is why all Creative Mind must be rebellious! This is why Creativity is a matter of attitude and not of knowledge, because it must adopt a contending position before what exists before navigating unknown waters.

Being Creative, in essence, is not difficult, being irreverent to achieve it is something else.

2.- The question that guides Creativity is Why not? -

In as much it is considered that the question Why? leads to wisdom, the question Why not? sustains creativity. The why not? it presumes the existence of Possibility, and that is all the Creative Mind needs.

Everything is possible in this Life! Every problem has several solutions, every question has many answers. In reality, there are more solutions and answers than problems and questions. This is how elementary the dynamics that move the Universe. It is the question why? the one that consolidates limits, since it is based on what you know.

Humanity unfolds in a highly structured world, full of Organizations that determine the being and doing of things, all aimed at mystifying the predictable and certain. Man has long favored Security over Freedom, and Security always asks why? before considering a change of status. Instead, the Creative Mind is free, chaotic and disorganized within the framework of its own government, that is why it visualizes the Possibilities.

Disorder or chaos are only reprehensible from the perspective of the Established, since beyond that they are only options, and therefore Possibilities. Disorder is bad for who defines order and anathema chaos for the structured, but transcending this logic, disorder and chaos are energies that "shake" everything that is known and lead to evolution.

Is the new and different always better than the existing? No, of course, but it has the advantage of working in broader horizons, it has room to flow, while what is established can end up as “stagnant waters” and rot in its maturity.

3.- Creativity is not based on Knowledge, it is based on Intuition.-

The Creative Mind understands instantly and without the need for complex reasoning that there is something new and different for dealing with any situation. There she concentrates her task and efforts. Intuition does not reach answers, but it takes the Mind to the wide and virgin terrain of the unknown. Once in that field, the Creative Mind is structured and organized, building bridges to the original position and establishing relationships that consolidate creation.

Christopher Columbus discovers the "New World" and integrates it with the known one, thus creating a new Earth. The New World does not replace the Old, it does not eliminate it, it enriches and enlarges it. The Creative Mind does not work in the world of Possibilities to replace or annul the known, at least it is not part of its purpose. The Creative Mind expands the boundaries of what is known, "creates" new spaces that consolidate with what exists and give it another dimension. But it does not do this work based on Knowledge, rather it "jumps" into the unknown and returns from there with the addition.

The Creative Mind “intuits” that there is something beyond the established Knowledge and proceeds accordingly, it's that simple!

The Creative Mind intuits that:

  • There is something that is not being considered There is something that is not being seen There is something better There is something new There is something different There is “another” way

None of this is known yet, of course, but it's there, for sure!

4.- The Creative Mind always works in the “future”.-

That which does not exist is “created”, and obviously it is found neither in the past nor in the present. The referential (past) and situational (present) dimensions are not coordinates for the Creative Mind. She does not need "root" or "guiding vector" to do her job. It is not a tree that grows, it is a balloon that goes back to the sky.

This does not lead to the Creative Mind working in an “ethereal” environment, because although it consciously guides its work towards a future that it does not know, it unconsciously works in it with the guidelines defined in its history and its present. This is like the man who walks on the Moon, it represents the future, but the fact of "walking" on it is something similar to what the ancestor did in caves.

This is the wonderful magic of Creativity: its ability to open the new chapter that continues the story.


Carlos Eduardo Nava Condarco, a native of Bolivia, lives in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, is a Business Administrator and Entrepreneur. He currently works as Manager of his Company, Business Strategy and Personal Development Consultant, writer and Entrepreneur Coach.

Author of the book: “Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness ”

WEB: www.elstrategos.com

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How does the creative mind work?