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How does a motivating mind work? being motivated vs being a motivator

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The Motivating Mind understands the logic of Dependency in a very practical sense. You know you are dependent, but in order to achieve objectives that are not always enabled for individual effort or would represent a lot of effort and time.

The Motivating Mind recognizes that there is a world of resources that it can use to its advantage, and it is oriented to energize them through stimulation and Inspiration.

The Motivating Mind is ambitious like few others, pretends and aspires. Visualize summits of difficult access, objectives that no one could achieve without the competition of others. This is what first sets it apart from other mental focuses: the vision of greatness, the conviction of possibility.

In the conception of that Vision, the Motivating Mind knows from the beginning that it depends on the collaboration of others to achieve what it wants. It does not avoid dependency, it relies on it as a facilitating factor for what it seeks. It has a clear truth that nature screams from every corner: the power of the collective, the strength of the group. The Motivating Mind knows itself to be limited and in this reality it takes root to reach, with solidity and energy, the help of others, as a tree that extends its branches to capture the rays of the sun does.

The Motivating Mind perfectly understands something else: you cannot resort to the support of others without them having the disposition to do so, without actually WANTING to compete. Important detail! There is a difference in the quality of the effort of those who do something because they should and those who do it because they want to. The Motivating Mind seeks the latter: support committed to the goals, as if they were their own. This differentiates it from the leader, the boss, the organizer or the one who only directs.

And at this point it is worth establishing the difference between the Motivating Mind and the leader, because they are not the same: there can be a leader without a Motivating Mind!, since lacking it does not deprive the possibility of organizing, directing and achieving results with the group. Motivation has degrees, and it is not the only vehicle to activate the effort and competition of others. The effective leader has many tools to carry out her role: the design of the system, the work, the incentives, the organization of the group, the ordering of the support elements, the formation of the esprit de corps, the use of distinctive skillsMotivation is an element managed by the leader, but not always the central or predominant factor, at least not to the degree that exists in the Motivating Mind.

On the other hand, the Motivating Mind always exercises leadership, present or absent, because it explains the existence of the STIMULUS that makes the group operate. The Motivating Mind is the reason that guides the actions of others, the reason that activates the efforts involved.

First of all, the Motivating Mind knows perfectly what it wants, it has a clear idea of ​​the objective it intends to achieve and how this should be done. Master the work object, know it in every detail. In this the Motivating Mind wastes technique, analysis, method, it does not sell smoke. Although it is distinguished in HOW to achieve its objectives (this with the close and committed participation of others), it is first very clear WHAT it wants. Motivation that fails to introduce the effort and commitment of others into a channel is sterile. The identification and construction of the channel will lead to the desired objective, once the waters of the competition of the others are poured into it. This "channel" is a Plan, a well defined one, one that the Motivating Mind dominates like no one else, from beginning to end.When someone eventually loses north or strays from the channel, the Motivating Mind corrects, adjusts, and makes sure everything gets back on track.

Whoever assumes that the Motivating Mind works closer to the muses or psychological edges that make human behavior, is wrong. The Motivating Mind has the technical profile of a businessman, of an engineer who painstakingly designs a structure and then unleashes the energy of others to build it.

Motivating Mind had a Ferdinand de Lesseps when visualizing the future Panama Canal and channeling efforts to build it, and Walter Von Braun to materialize his dreams of conquering space. Also Winston Churchill by uniting the efforts of his people to face the Nazi aggression, and Mahatma Gandhi to achieve the independence of his people. None of these men was just a Motivator, they all knew exactly what they wanted and how to get it.

From the clarity of the objective and the way to achieve it, the Motivating Mind resorts to the support of others, that support on which it knows it is dependent. Then she begins to develop the incentives to get the contest, forms a team of motivated people to work in the undertaking and fills the channel that will lead the ship to the objective.

Without Stimulus there is no motivation, this is what it's all about. No one becomes active in a purpose and contributes the best they have without having a clear stimulus for it. The stimulus is the spark that lights the fire, everything else is oxygen that fuels the flame: leadership, teamwork, organization and even incentives.

This is another important difference in the Motivating Mind universe: a stimulus is not the same as an incentive.

The incentive is a reward, a prize that can be achieved as a product of effort. The incentive is always "ahead", wherever it can be taken once it is reached. In many ways the incentive is like that carrot that is hung from the forehead to condition the march. Every incentive has power, of course, mainly if it is well aligned with people's expectations, and constitutes an important motivating element. But the Stimulus is something else, essentially because it does not constitute a point to which one can or wants to reach, it is a point from which one starts, an element that explains the activation and the direction of the march.

The notion of Stimulus finds its root in the Latin word stimulus, one of whose meanings is sting. Blessed word !, because it allows us to understand everything: "a factor that manages to generate in an organism a FUNCTIONAL reaction, an impact or influence on a system". The notion of Stimulus is linked to the verb stimulate, which means to provoke the concretion of something, or to initiate an activity, work, operation or function. The Stimulus, in short, provokes and gives meaning to an action.

The Motivating Mind works with Stimuli, in this way it sets in motion what it wants. Eventually you can resort to incentives to guarantee the pace of the march or the optimization of time, but the Stimulus is the mobile that activates the function, the "sting" that starts everything. While incentives can provoke frustrations and premeditated calculations, the Stimulus always remembers the need and desire for action. The Stimulus is that spark that activates the fire and awakens motivation.

Human desires, capacities and potentials are often asleep, or "anesthetized" by the conditions that life establishes, the "sting" is in charge of "awakening" them and channeling them to the purpose that sustains the Motivating Mind. With capacities, desires and "inactive" potentials, the world is full in every corner, humanity is still far from the "best version of itself", then there is ample (and virgin) terrain where the "sting" can sink and energize the things that are wanted.

Now each one responds to different Stimuli to activate himself. Every human being has the vastness and complexity of the universe, so how does the Motivating Mind get to be effective to apply the “sting” among those who wants to energize for its purposes ?: through INSPIRATION.

The Motivating Mind Inspires to stimulate and from there it motivates.

Inspiration is collective in scope and does not necessarily need to be individualized. It comes like rainwater to the land that is ready and waiting, contributes to the seed germinating and becoming what it is destined to be. The Motivating Mind need only identify the fertile field and water Inspiration. This is the Stimulus that activates the function and the whole process.

How Does the Motivating Mind Inspire? : exposing the possibilities and capabilities that exist among those whom you want to motivate. Everything is there, you just need to be aware. Inspiration brings together desire with possibility, capacity with the channel it can take, the channel with the objective that it is possible to achieve. The Inspirer has the ability to show everything that already exists, simply everything that is already there, barely hidden or hidden in unconsciousness. Those who know say that man only needs to "wake up" to find the best version of himself, because this is what the Motivating Mind does: promote awareness, make him wake up, among those who interest him, the desire and understanding of the ability to achieve it.

Inspiring people is not difficult, the Motivating Mind knows it. There are universal desires and yearnings in every being. It is just a matter of showing that those desires or desires can be achieved from what the Motivating Mind raises. Let everyone make the goal their own, and understand that they have all the capacity to achieve it. This is Inspire.

All people want to feel useful, great, and the Motivating Mind offers this possibility by setting the goal and the nature of the job. All people want to feel part of something that transcends their own limitations, and the Motivating Mind offers this in the form of the Power that has the union of many wills. Every being wants to achieve victory, conquer summits, overcome challenges, and the Motivating Mind makes it possible by gathering the strength of many and concentrating it on one point to change reality. Few are those who do not succumb to the seduction of feeling bigger than their uniqueness allows.

Inspiring others to activate stimulation and consolidate Motivation should not be a very difficult task or one of genius minds, for this it is only necessary to be aware of dependence, of the need for the help of others. The great enemies of the Motivating Mind are self-sufficiency, arrogance, and the logic of feeling that you own the truth. Those who think and live like this are incapable of inspiring anything in others. Those who motivate others do so based on a conscious recognition of their inherent weakness, seeking with premeditation the strength that the group, the team, gives. Possibly in this sense it can be deduced that the Motivating Mind is selfish, curiously, despite the fact that it is based on the collective, but it does so effectively because it understands that it is best for its own interests.So weak is the human being alone, as powerful in union with others! Recognizing this is the same as accepting that a set of pulleys allows one pair of arms to lift more weight with less effort.

And finally, what is the relationship between being motivated and Motivating? Where is the Motivating Mind inscribed?

No one can, nor is it necessary, always be motivated. This applies to the Motivating Mind. However, there is a factor that gives virtuosity to everything described: the homeostasis that the System that a Motivating Mind builds acquires.

“Homeostasis (from the Greek homoios = equal, similar and stasis = state, stability) is a property of organisms that consists in their ability to maintain a stable internal condition by compensating for changes in their environment through the regulated exchange of matter and energy with the outside…"

The Motivating Mind manages to build a group of motivated people, and from that point it reaches homeostasis in the system: an energy exchange that always keeps the condition of the whole stable. When motivation decreases in one part of the system, the interaction of the components compensates for the lack and supports the whole.

This is something that is forbidden to those who do not motivate others to make their commitment to the task and the goal their own. Man alone, however motivated he may be, cannot always maintain a stable energy; instead, the collaboration of many produces homeostasis in the system, because the parts collaborate and support each other.

The Motivating Mind, recognizing itself frankly dependent, finally builds an organism that does not depend on anyone.



Carlos Eduardo Nava Condarco, a native of Bolivia, lives in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, is a Business Administrator and Entrepreneur. He currently works as Manager of his Company, Business Strategy and Personal Development Consultant, writer and Entrepreneur Coach.

Author of the book: “Entrepreneurship is a way of life. Development of Entrepreneurial Awareness ”

WEB: www.elstrategos.com

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How does a motivating mind work? being motivated vs being a motivator