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How to generate innovative ideas that improve your activities


From the beginning of humanity to date, human beings have been taught endless knowledge, but unfortunately, they have not been taught to think. You have been taught where and how to find all kinds of knowledge, but you have not been taught how to combine knowledge to get more ideas. It is not enough to teach knowledge of various kinds, whether general or specific, if it is not also taught how to acquire a greater mental capacity to understand better, to THINK better and to CREATE better.

Hence the importance of learning to RELATE. For Dr. Luis Alberto Machado in his famous work " The Intelligence Revolution ", the relationship media are something that can be learned and, therefore, something that can be taught. Thinking is relating an idea that you have with another idea that you already had, and this is possible thanks to memory.

We have discovered then that the relationship media constitute the quintessential mechanism used to innovate, to produce, to generate great ideas. However, we ask ourselves: Is there a formula that helps us to relate and therefore to generate innovative ideas that improve our collections, sales or any other activity?

In the book "A TECHNIQUE FOR PRODUCING IDEAS", Jeams Webb Young describes a 5-step method of producing ideas.

1. The mind must collect the raw material (Information, knowledge, already existing ideas about products and people).

2. The mind must digest, process those materials.

3. One has to forget about the subject completely.

4. The idea will come alone as if by magic.

5. You take your newborn idea to the real world to see how it goes.

The German philosopher Helmholtz said that he followed three steps to generate ideas:

1. The Preparation. Time in which you study the problem in all its aspects.

2. The Incubation. Lapse where you did not think about the problem.

3. Enlightenment. Moment when ideas came unexpectedly, effortlessly, as if by inspiration.

Moshe Rubinsteon, a problem solving specialist at the University of California, says there are four different stages to solving problems.

1. Preparation: The elements of the problem and their relationships are studied.

2. Incubation: Consult with the Pillow.

3. Inspiration: A spark of emotion is felt when a solution suddenly appears.

4. Verification: The solution is checked to make sure it works.

But, even though all these formulas agree on the steps that must be taken to generate an idea, none refers to the mental state that we must have to take those steps. For Jack Foster, author of the book "HOW TO GET IDEAS" the mechanism of conditioning our mind is very simple: A) Foster Good Humor: B) Cultivate the Inclination to Ideas., C) Set Goals, D) Think like a Child, E) Being Curious, F) Developing Courage and G) Reflecting on their Way of Thinking.

I did not forget it! Learn how to combine and / or relate your knowledge and start producing innovative and creative ideas that increase your collections and productivity from now on.

How to generate innovative ideas that improve your activities