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How to reduce your stress level

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Sustained stress over time can cause serious health problems. To avoid this, keep a good organization and a good focus on work; Observe yourself to know when it appears and if you feel the first symptoms, remedy it through relaxation exercises, guided meditation, exercise, herbalism, a good diet, quality rest…

They say that worry is what appears when we blur the view of our objective. Since stress is the concern maintained over time, living day by day is the best formula to avoid it, ceasing to anticipate problems that make us suffer, and in most cases they will not happen, and accepting reality that we have to live.

What is stress

Stress is the natural response of our body to situations that are threatening or challenging. Our life and our constantly changing environment require continual adaptations; therefore, a certain amount of stress - activation - is necessary.

In general, we tend to believe that stress is a consequence of circumstances external to us, when in reality it is a process of interaction between environmental events and our cognitive, emotional and physical responses. When the stress response is prolonged or intensified over time, our health, our academic and professional performance, and even our personal or couple relationships can be affected.

Symptoms of stress

  • Emotions - Fear, anxiety, changes in mood, irritability Thoughts - Difficulty concentrating and making decisions, worry about the future, repetitive thoughts, excessive fear of failure, self-criticism Behaviors - impulsive reactions, nervous laughter, increased or decreased appetite, speech difficulties, crying, clenched jaws, increased drug use Physical changes - Headache, back and neck problems, sleep disturbances, gastritis, flu and infections, palpitations, tremors, fatigue, breathing agitated, contracted muscles, cold or sweaty hands.

What to do to reduce your stress level

  • Maintain a good organization and a good focus, so you don't be in a hurry afterwards Be realistic with the time that each task will take, so as not to underestimate Stop procrastinating, postponing things you will only get them to accumulate Relativizes the importance of things. Few of them deserve to get into stress. Being positive / or helps you carry everything better Learn to accept things as they come, and do everything possible so that they do not harm you Have good sleep hygiene, quality rest is essential Eat properly, balancing carbohydrates, proteins and fats Use the herbalism. Lime, valerian, passionflower, hawthorn, they will help you Do every day 30 minutes of exercise.A simple walk is enough Practice relaxation exercises and guided meditation (you have videos on YouTube) Save a little time for yourself every day, and use it in something that makes you enjoy Understand that calm comes from inside you. Don't wait for something to happen 'outside'.

By maintaining focus and improving your organization, you will not only increase your performance and be a good leader, but you will also avoid stress. You will also have to learn relaxation exercises and guided meditation, eat well, get enough rest, and above all, you will have to stop fighting, for which you need to learn to accept what you have to live. It is not about what you live, but how you live it.

"The best weapon against stress is our ability to choose between one thought and another." William James.

How to reduce your stress level