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How to handle impatience when not seeing personal results


Surely you have ever found yourself at a point in your career where you work long hours, have already invested time and money, and yet you do not see results or, rather, you do not see the results you want. Especially when you have a business. And although you already know that to collect first you have to sow and that it takes a while, you get impatient. But not the healthy impatience that makes you more efficient and that makes you try harder, but the insane, the one that comes from comparing yourself with others. And you start to think that maybe you are not worth it, that so-and-so looks at what he has already achieved, etc.

I already commented in another article that when you compare yourself to someone you always lose, because you choose people who are ahead of you. If we used a scale from 1 to 10 and you were, say, a 6, you would choose a 9 or a 10 to compare yourself, that's for sure. It is when you think that so-and-so is doing very well and not so much and you get desperate, you get impatient and you enter a circle of self-destructive thought of the type I am a denial for this. Either you make little thoughtful decisions, skipping steps or directly imitating so-and-so to see if copying you achieve the same (and you do not).

What you do not stop to think is that those people who do well and are known and recognized, the "stars" of your field are, in general:

  • Professionals with extensive experience, with extensive experience. People who may have spent eight years dedicating themselves to the same as you, who have been for two and, therefore, it is an unreal and unfair comparison, you have a long way to go until you reach their height. Right opportunity at the right time, regardless of experience (and that they have worked hard, beware!) but that soon after starting they have already made the leap.

You look at them, you compare yourself and you get discouraged. In those moments, which we have all had, stop to think of your own path, of everything you have achieved. Yes, you are a six and not a nine, but neither is a one, nor a two, it is a great advance. Remember your situation when you started and compare it with the current one, although you are not yet where you want to be, you have come a long way, for sure. In addition, you are the role model of those who have not yet gone as far as you (and if you have just started and identify with one or two, think of all those who have not yet dared to take the step and in the merit you have, that's what costs the most, take the first step!).

Remember that many of those who shine now have worked hard for many years (and started just like you), it will come to you if you continue on the right path. And also remember that there are few people who succeed overnight, and it does not benefit you to compare yourself with them. Rejoice in their success, learn what you can and go your way. If you are clear about what you want and you focus and strive, step by step you will reach your top. Another thing you may ask yourself is what exactly do you like or envy about that person, her life or her success. That will tell you a lot about what you really want to achieve and so you can get down to it.

I don't know where I read that at the top there is room for everyone, to which I add that, in addition, there are surplus peaks for everyone. Each with its shape and size, we do not have to all get to it. So now you know, don't let a star blind you, use its brightness to light your way. Or what is the same, learn from it what you want to achieve and how to do it, and on the go. Impatience is only good when it serves as an engine to give more of you.

How about? Has it ever happened to you?

How to handle impatience when not seeing personal results