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How to stay positive in the face of adversity


How many times have we been through bad times? Definitely more than one, but surely we have rarely been able to use these experiences to our advantage.

Below you will find a series of basic tools to know how we can stay positive in times of adversity, and emerge stronger after that.

We all go through difficult times, we cannot avoid that; However, we must always have mental tools at hand that allow us to cope with those moments in the best possible way, since otherwise we could end up falling into despair and, in extreme cases, our despair could lead to fatal consequences. Just as one needs certain tools to fix a broken machine, we also need certain tools to "compose ourselves". Below I will share with you some basic tools so that we can learn to stay positive even in the moments of greatest adversity. Try to internalize them in the best possible way, then you will see that it was well worth a little effort.

Staying positive is really a kind of art that we have to learn to handle. It may be a bit complicated at first, but with a little discipline, practice and perseverance, we will be really optimistic people, and, therefore, we will be able to stay positive even in the most difficult moments of adversity.

Who has not happened that suddenly it seems that there has been a strange conspiracy to make everything go wrong? We lose our jobs, financial problems ensue, we suffer a love break, the betrayal of someone we cherished, we get sick or even suffer the irreparable loss of a loved one. We are not free from this kind of thing happening to us; they are part of life and at some point, sooner or later, we will have to live them; However, we cannot let them defeat us, since our mission in this life is to be happy and, of course, we can suffer “dips” at certain times, but we must always get up and look forward. Although it sounds redundant or contradictory, the only battle we can lose is the one we are not willing to win. Everything depends on us.

Well, with that said I give you the promised tools. Remember that it is important that you learn to use them with discipline, practice and, above all, FAITH.

You have to believe that you are capable of achieving what you set out to do. The actions you take will be useless if you are not absolutely convinced that you are capable of achieving them.

1. Acceptance. This is the first step, and the most important, to start the path of improvement. You need to ACCEPT what happened to you or is happening to you; Rejecting or denying it will not do any good, it will only delay your healing process. Change the Why to me? for a "Well, it happened to me, now I must see what I do".

2. Duel. Although it seems ironic, it is necessary to go through a stage of mourning, and for this someone does not necessarily have to have died. When we go through a breakup, the loss of a job, a difficult moment in general, it is necessary that we take a little time to assimilate it well. Let's give ourselves a space, a break, a moment to think, so then we will return "to the load" with more force.

3. Give us strength. It is always good to listen to the advice of people we trust, but nobody better than us to know what is what drives us to fight day by day. Think of all the reasons you have to get ahead, you can even make a list. They can be people, dreams, places… nobody better than you to know it.

4. See the other side. Ask us why me? it is absolutely useless, but just asking why? it can be beneficial in a way. All things go through something, so let's try to find the positive side of the matter. If a cycle is closed, something better will start, if we lost something, we will gain much more, it is a matter of trying to see the other side of the matter to stay positive.

5. New projects. After we have mourned and have identified the reasons why we want to move forward, the time for action comes. We are ready to “go out on the field” again, let's get excited about new projects, it is time to take a risk again and to trust again, it is something that we should never lose, it is what will boost our ability to stay positive.

6. Meditate. Let's make meditation a daily practice in our life, it is absolutely healthy for our mind. Setting aside 15 to 30 minutes of our day to blank our minds and then start visualizing positive things will do us a tremendous good. Meditation is an essential tool for us to maintain our balance. If it becomes part of our routine, we will find many of the answers we were looking for in those few minutes.

I invite you to put into practice these basic tools to stay positive; They are quite simple, and well worth it.

How to stay positive in the face of adversity