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How to improve decision making in your personal life

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Decision making in your personal life

There is not much difference between how to make decisions when it comes to your personal or professional life. What does change is the emotion it produces. Decision-making in professional life is generally associated with fear of failure, success, regret, loss of the job or fear of the loss of the 'supposed' security of a fixed salary when undertaking.

In personal life fear is different. The fear of repentance is repeated, and the fear of not being loved (much stronger in women), of not belonging, of loneliness, of being judged… Beware! Many of these fears are unconscious, so we may end up believing that we decide with reason when in reality we are allowing fear to decide instead of us.

Beat the brakes in decision making

When we ask ourselves something, in this case what decision should I make, I usually recommend to my Coaching clients that they feel the answers 'from the gut' instead of 'from the head', that is, from within and not thinking about what is happening outside. The mind is naturally fearful and does not like to get out of the known - the so-called 'comfort zone' - so its response will always be conservative and controlling.

We need to learn to let ourselves be carried away by intuition, and take advantage of how developed the feminine intuition is. How is it done? See how that decision makes you feel. The decisions that come from intuition make us feel good, they leave us in 'peace'. Those that come from the mind are accompanied by a thousand explanations of why to do this and not the other, since the mind seeks to justify itself to be right.

For our decision making to be good we must listen to our intuition instead of letting ourselves be overcome by the fear that conditions the decisions of our mind. In personal life, decision-making is done in the same way as in professional life, although the fear that arises in each case is different.

"The essential first step to get the things you want in life is this: decide what you want" Ben Stein.

How to improve decision making in your personal life